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Lag explained in one screenshot

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  • Lag explained in one screenshot

    Seriously, can anyone tell me what is going on under all this? It's been mentioned numerous times but can we kill the crit cloud and lose the hide object button? It must be funny to someone having a box that checks itself. We turn it off and it turns itself back on....each new "feature" is throwing gas on a fire......Click image for larger version

Name:	Wartune Lag.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	625.5 KB
ID:	1778450

  • #2
    Ummm...cleaner than most arena windows I see these days, if I last longer than getting one-shotted.

    The mods seem to get that it's bad.

    The devs are clueless.

    Still, the best thing you could do was report it here. Hopefully, enough of these and the devs will have to move on it. All their "pretty" graphics are worthless if they're getting no revenue from players anymore, since we can't even play this game like this.


    • #3
      And I thought my view was bad enough. I hardly do skills any more since the delay on them is bad enough. Tons of screen shots (like the one shown) have been submitted, and yet no response about the situation.
      Vicious! Approach with Caution!
      Because some noob has called me such and had said it so
      Mobile Strike Player: Base 1102 / Com 550 / 672* Power / VIP 1300
      Dissidia Final Fantasy - Opera Omnia: Rank 60


      • #4
        Im wondering how long we all put up with this? Not just the pathetic excuse for Titan war battle, but the 'hide' function is a complete and utter joke, and the joke is on us. Its like putting a band aid on a hatchet wound. You cannot enjoy ANY pvp anymore so what is the sense? they have removed all enjoyment from this part of
        the game and added only frustration. The silence from The devs is even more frustrating. The voice of the player is not heard and that is a shame. The latest
        merges tell the story. 31 servers put together to try and give the remaining players on those servers, the illusion that the game is alive and well. In reality, more leave everyday as inaction and overpricing for a broken game push more away. Im sure those that are left await as the devs hurry to get the next patch out
        and introduce more issues to stack on top of the bugs galore already here. I've never seen so much disdain for a company than what i have read here on these
        very forums for the past few months. They obviously could care less about their players. I know one thing for sure and they should too. Im betting none of us
        EVER play a game from R2/7road again. i will run the other way from any i see... njoy


        • #5
          Call it theory, but I did studied the "Lag Announcement" and might have overlooked one thing that proves most of our statements to be true. For their "Hide Other Objects" button, they had programmed some set conditions where it supposed to automatically detect our connected system properties in order for it to turn on by itself. It's almost like that optional thing that comes with most Microsoft products where it asks you if you want to be part of something (can't really put it into words, but it's like an optional "guinea pig" testing to automatically give feedback to MS about their products --- which I never opted in for such). Anyways, for them to program that HOO button, they also are trying to access our systems and getting our information, something we don't like sharing sometimes.... all across the internet. Imagine 20k computers giving out their system information to the servers all at the same time. It would be simple as just placing the button on there and allowing us to check it on our own without all the "automatic" detecting. However, I don't know what other sinister things R2 is doing with their double standards.

          I just recently released the cookies block within SpyBot S&D related to my Win Login profile when it comes to the Internet Explorer settings (going to run a system scan on Weds to see if more than one file in the cache turned up). My system somehow goes a bit faster, but not as fast as I had when I played WT 2 years ago, and not as fast when I had played WT when 586 first came out. R2 says that we must accept those cookies so we can somewhat play the game. I am going to see if it is the reason why cache is "blocked" on my system, but I won't hold my breath on it. I still hold R2 for those underlying Easter eggs that we've experienced since 5.0/5.1.

          Now, they don't want us to slander them or say false things, well, I call them out for the false piece of information in the form of their banner and pics. They don't put players first (else, we would have gotten answers in a timely fashion and things done the way they are meant to be); they put their egos first above all else.

          Myself, once I have enough of WT, I am going to bounce. There will be no more R2 based games that I will be playing. Thankfully, I didn't spend, but I do feel the pain from those that spent on something that could have brought joy and pleasure for their buck, but were disappointed with <expletive> work.
          Vicious! Approach with Caution!
          Because some noob has called me such and had said it so
          Mobile Strike Player: Base 1102 / Com 550 / 672* Power / VIP 1300
          Dissidia Final Fantasy - Opera Omnia: Rank 60

