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recharge issues ongoing

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  • recharge issues ongoing

    As I recharge the money gets withdrawn, however I still do not receive my balens for days.. I have coupons too use however seeing as they only last for 24 hours and are going to waste at no fault of my own can I be compensated on these? Just a general enquiry. I won't hold my breath

  • #2
    That would not be something the forum team has a say in. You'd have to ask that in a ticket.

    As for the balens, if they haven't arrived after 4-8 hours, it's time to file a ticket. It's definitely not OK that they don't arrive for days.
    If you give me your platform (R2, Kabam etc), server number, character name, recharge method (Xsolla? MOL? etc) and order number, I'll ask if they can manually push through any pending recharges.
    "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
    and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

    On holiday. Please refer any issues to


    • #3
      Any word when they are going to get the Xsolla problem fixed? Been trying to recharge for 2 days now and it just declines paypal over and least it doesn't charge me I guess. But kinda wanted to recharge while there was a recharge event and free balen event going on. I'm sure they'll fix it about time those end.


      • #4
        Originally posted by R289048 View Post
        Any word when they are going to get the Xsolla problem fixed? Been trying to recharge for 2 days now and it just declines paypal over and least it doesn't charge me I guess. But kinda wanted to recharge while there was a recharge event and free balen event going on. I'm sure they'll fix it about time those end.
        That does not sound like the Xsolla issue that existed recently. That was people making successful purchases, but the purchases wasn't recorded on the site so the purchases were never received. That's not the same as not being able to recharge in the first place.

        If you're being declined, I'd suggest you try the live chat with Xsolla and ask them what's going on.
        "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
        and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

        On holiday. Please refer any issues to


        • #5
          R2 platform server number 630 Crimson Highlands, character name is Leonidas, payment method PayPal for $299.99(30k balens)
          Is there anyway I can rate you EsmeWeatherwax? You're always ridiculously helpful, it's awesome.


          • #6
            I have the solution to solve all your recharge issues its very simple DONT RECHARGE. don't recharge and you wont have any issues


            • #7
              Originally posted by TheChosen-1 View Post
              R2 platform server number 630 Crimson Highlands, character name is Leonidas, payment method PayPal for $299.99(30k balens)
              Is there anyway I can rate you EsmeWeatherwax? You're always ridiculously helpful, it's awesome.
              I'll forward it now. Bear with me please.
              "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
              and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

              On holiday. Please refer any issues to


              • #8
                Thanks once again


                • #9
                  I've been told the balens have been send to your character.
                  "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
                  and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

                  On holiday. Please refer any issues to


                  • #10
                    Well, the first time I tried to recharge it took it then refunded it a few minutes later. Maybe Jack up there has the right idea though. Maybe it's a sign to go play something else lol.

                    3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla customer support. (that's the message I get now)

                    *Just contacted Xsolla and they said because of a chargeback issue on September 1st they locked it out. If memory serves me that was back when I had cancelled my autopay for vip, and yet it autowithdrew from my bank anyways and I filed that to keep it from going through. So I guess R2 makes the mistake by autowithdrawing a payment after I request it not be, and I pay the price for it. They said I could contact the game or w/e and ask for them to send a request to xsolla and they would "consider" reinstating my payment method, but that just seems like a lot of cupcaking trouble for something that wasn't my fault to start with. I don't spend alot of cash on this game anyways..basically get vip and spirit conv each month, and spent maybe $100 on my toon early on. Managed to get up to a little over 1.5 million br so far, but really, that's nothing in this game when rich kids already have 4 or 5 million br ore more and grow that much faster.

                    It's just poor game design really, and eventually nobody will be left except the ones who have invested thousands of dollars into the game. Although I'm not sure how long even those will stick around if they keep getting stuff taken from them like gems and such. Not the ones who cheated mind you, but the ones who did nothing and still lose stuff. Maybe it's a language barrier between R2 and 7Roads, but it just seems like a case of left hand doesn't know what the cupcake right hand is doing, and when in doubt, punish the customer. Sorry for the rant, but yeah, it's getting foolish to even play this game anymore I guess.
                    Last edited by wylf6; 01-10-2016, 11:59 AM.


                    • #11
                      with all the money people recharge you would think they could fix the longest bug bugtune has had and that's LAG. that's the tip of the iceberg people who still recharge think about it find a new game to spend on its a waste to spend it here.....they steal money from your bank account then ban you for getting that money back lol.. I just hope that when the people who run this are looking for new jobs when this crashes that R2s horrible customer support and poor game programing is more well known


                      • #12
                        Apologies for the late delay. Issues with Xsolla have been fixed

                        Retired Moderator.


                        • #13
                          I thought this had been fixed, well it has not I recharged to get my VIP and a $20.00 recharge for the event. Xsolla has said it went through over 4 hours ago. I have sent a ticket over 4 hours ago. Can you please push the mods before I lose this event again please. You guys are the only ones that ever make anyone do anything. Thanks ahead of time. Product - R2 Games
                          Last edited by Whakapono; 01-20-2016, 03:43 AM. Reason: removed payment details, and chat content
                          If it doesn't make you smile, it wasn't meant for you. Find happiness. Be so happy it's contagious. Live, do not just exist. Love the life you have so much that you die smiling, No regrets.


                          MoonMuffin Level 80 Mage
                          Ghosts' Reef S578

