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Can we get an ETA on the ranking, ect. fixes already (TW, ect. issues)

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  • Can we get an ETA on the ranking, ect. fixes already (TW, ect. issues)

    I don't care if you've "reported" it. I want to know what, if anything, is currently happening. Whatever happened during the 4/7 maintenance - which shouldn't of happened since we had it again the night after but whatever - needs to be reversed before CW. I'm sure this affects most, if not ALL, West Coast servers.

    Noone from our cluster - which mine is S304, ect. - are in the cross server rankings, so while our ToK, BG, Mon arena, group arena, ect. are harder than usual we're unable to participate in the big weekly events. Which are, you know, kind of important.

    I'm sure what happened in TW Finals will happen for CW too:
    Instead of being able to take part in battles we were stuck in the lobby with a timer that hit 0. No matter what you did the result was always the same and I know for a fact it wasn't just me but everyone on the S304 cluster.

    I don't ever play the "quit card" but are you seriously trying to **** off your players and make them quit? Not being able to participate in one of the more important parts of the game and being told NOTHING is really pissing me off to the point I don't even want to play anymore. If this ruins CW as well I'll have no choice but to go elsewhere.


  • #2
    Originally posted by Phaenix View Post
    Can we get an ETA on the ranking, ect. fixes already (TW, ect. issues)
    How about...... never? The argument could easily be made that they won't fix it, or even attempt to fix it. Perhaps you prefer a more pragmatic answer, maybe six months or a year.

    I would be extremely surprised if they fixed the problem in less than two to four weeks.


    • #3
      It's just damn ridiculous! Not a peep at all for our server cluster or anyone else for that matter. Leads me to believe that this was done on purpose. People are quitting. Have already left. R2 players first? It's money first.
      S385 CrimsonLair


      • #4
        It's kind of sad. I'm only asking for information.. surely R2 folk know SOMETHING by now, right? If not, that's some bad developer support right there.

        So far I've cancelled both VIPs I was paying for. I used to lightly cash here and there but that stopped in the Summer. If CW is as bad as I think it'll be (read: we won't get it) then I feel I won't have any choice but to spend my time where the game operators ain't actively screwing the player base.


        • #5
          There are things still not fixed since the west coast roll back MONTHS ago. Arena League Ranking comes to mind.


