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Cross Server Event- Titan War Skills Delay

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  • Cross Server Event- Titan War Skills Delay

    Is anyone else having issues?

    Its's been on going for the last 2 Titan War events, but casting times takes 30-40s per skill.

    We have people using wise titan rune, and by the time they go off, its almost equal to the time someone else without the rune can awaken?

    Also we're noticing that on fighting against some kabam servers or players are getting 2-3 turns before another team attacks.

    Its looking bugged or rigged.

  • #2
    same ere on kabam servers fight a team their skills seems be come out faster than ours by time we release 1st skill their on their 3rd and awaken slyph

    i noticed server went so laggy between 18.00 and 20.00 maybe r2 rigging some servers to allow some teams to win easy

