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Archer Passives that don't work and have never worked.

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  • Archer Passives that don't work and have never worked.

    Support Expert has NEVER WORKED for KH archers.

    It's been what? 3 years. can we get this addressed please.

    we also have a 5th skill that 0% uses it is completely useless it costs more rage and has a slower recharge rate and does less damage than our main delphi. can we get a replacement?

    server s319

    Not all Evil is my fault

  • #2
    Knighthood is a bit more recent than 3 years (closer to 1), but it should be embarrassing to the devs when any skill doesn't work more than a few weeks after it's introduced. Note the "should", they have demonstrated a profound lack of shame in this department.

    But you can look on the bright side of having a useless skill as the 5th one: you don't have to spend any skill points on it, and you can put more into the useful skills and passives. The least useful skill for knights is the 3rd, so we're forced to put all 5 points into it. To be fair, it's a lot more useful than the archer skill, but when comparing anything to a completely useless skill, it's hard not to look good by comparison.

    The developers have shown a consistent inability to do simple math when creating skills, so it's hardly surprising they keep coming up with useless things. Still disappointing, though.


    • #3
      Wow, for knights that sucks indeed.

      The 5th skill for KH mages is rubbish too but then again, it isn't needed to put skillpoints on so you get to make the other skills better. I only carry 4 skills (didn't even bother to activate the last one). :P

      On the other hand, the developers create skills wich are useless during battles (and i mean the KH skills ofc). I love being a mage with all of it's AoE-power (except TT, that is horrible) but when hitting KH the skill-setup is boring.


      • #4
        Well, archers can't get EVERYTHING. They are massively overpowered with KH. Mages are so pathetic now. Either heal, or deal some damage (not as much as the others). Pathetic.


        • #5
          I had thought nothing could be worse than a regular knight's skill tree, which was already more-than-half useless, uses crazy rage and got long CDs for not much good.
          Now after kh...rage cost is even crazier, beyond senseless and totally insane. And skill CD is not better than before.
          For me, there's only one useful skill from top tree and two from bottom tree. The rest are just a bleak.
          Even the second basic skill is so badly nerfed comparing to the old skill, and my rage regain is worse than everyone else.
          Fair enough, knights are supposedly tanks, so all we do is just to stand there and not use skills at all. Maybe that's what they want us to do.

