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Other server? Anyone welcome to comment

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  • Other server? Anyone welcome to comment

    Why when you all did new patch that we got connected to a different server? And why one that has way more Battle Rating than ours?

  • #2
    P.S.S and way more bully's


    • #3
      Server regrouping is a thing that is done as servers merge, new servers are released, and when there's changes to events that cross servers, not just here but between all platforms as we all cross with each other. Sometimes you'll find yourself on the strong side of a grouping, sometimes not.
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      • #4
        If servers are being merged together, then why are the older servers still accessible to start new toons on instead of the older servers being removed?


        • #5
          right now we on the unfair side as i see favoritism toward the R2 server


          • #6
            @ sstron66 who asked "If servers are being merged together, then why are the older servers still accessible to start new toons on instead of the older servers being removed?"

            Because R2/Wartune is a business, a business which wants to make money.
            Starting a new server each 3-4 weeks (and then merging them into prior servers a couple weeks later) makes them money. New servers have "specials" where you can purchase items at a reduced price and they also offer all new players the chance to get all their lvl 80 gear quickly and easily. In 4 weeks of playing on a new server it should be possible to reach lvl 80 + class adv, fully equipped. R2/Wartune believe, incorrectly, that these "specials" and the fact that you are now lvl 80 with class adv, place you in a good position to be able to be merged... umm, that and the fact that new servers do not attract many players and therefore the game will become boring and progress further will be slow.
            They will never remove older servers... to even think they would is just silly.
            There are actually people/players who will start a new toon on each and every new server (for their region) EVERY time a new server is created... why? I dont know, that is also stupid, because most of those players then stop playing when another new server opens and start all over again.
            The reason you can still create new toons on old servers is because many established players will do just that.... once they have a Knight they then create a mage and archer. Also, the reason old servers can still have new toons created on them is because they are EMPTY... hence the constant server merges. R2/Wartune create new servers to draw in new players/people and then merge them with old servers to keep up their population (because so many quit).

            65Holly who asked "Why when you all did new patch that we got connected to a different server? And why one that has way more Battle Rating than ours?"

            Ummmm that would be because you had a server merger, as someone has already stated.

            65Holly who also said "P.S.S and way more bully's" and "right now we on the unfair side as i see favoritism toward the R2 server"

            Sadly Holly, many MANY players with big wallets (and some who dont have big wallets but spend as if they do getting themselves into tremendous debt) have what I like to call "flashy new car syndrome". Like old men with small... er... appendages.... they buy big flashy cars to make themselves feel important and .... er... bigger, many people in this game (both male and FEMALE) like to think that gaining fake power in a game (through spending loads of cash) somehow makes them better than everyone else. Their heads swell (sometimes both heads) and they think that because they have spent more money than someone else and have a bigger toon that this somehow means they can push others around. It makes them feel superior in their otherwise dull and insignificant lives.

            Disclaimer... please note I used the term "many" NOT "all", so if you are a huge casher with a large ... um... appendage who can actually afford the 10-20k you have put down on this game, and you do NOT use your fake power to bully others the above comments are clearly not referring to you... are they? So relax, lol.

