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  • Ares

    Ares is just joke now unless you'r 35 mill or in expert and being matched with Legend. How the heck can i move forward. R2 should be prund for thereself for ruin a fun game

  • #2
    you're right!! there's no explanation on the matching the top guys are all fighting people in lower ranks instead of fighting each other, same goes for venus and probably athena too but there we can't see rankings when doing it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by R28303633 View Post
      you're right!! there's no explanation on the matching the top guys are all fighting people in lower ranks instead of fighting each other, same goes for venus and probably athena too but there we can't see rankings when doing it.
      you're right but im sure R2 dont even care about this.....


      • #4
        You will find that many bigger players deliberately hold themselves back... i.e. they do not do all the battles each week in order to STAY in a lower rank group. In this way they get more wins because they dont have to face players their size.
        This also happens in Venus Wars. If you are smart you can work it so that you progress from one level to the next each week, then drop back down again for the following week, because of the stupid way the game reduces your points at the end of the contest each week. In this way you can get the reward every week for leveling up AND only have to fight a few battles each week saving yourself valuable time.
        The game is highly flawed and always has been when it comes to matching and I doubt it shall ever be rectified. If this is a game breaker for you my advice is to stop playing, because nothing will ever change.


        • #5
          Its one more thing they cant seem to get right, the matching system in nearly all these events are that ridiculous i do not bother my arse doing.


          • #6
            Originally posted by R263360269 View Post
            You will find that many bigger players deliberately hold themselves back... i.e. they do not do all the battles each week in order to STAY in a lower rank group. In this way they get more wins because they dont have to face players their size.
            This also happens in Venus Wars. If you are smart you can work it so that you progress from one level to the next each week, then drop back down again for the following week, because of the stupid way the game reduces your points at the end of the contest each week. In this way you can get the reward every week for leveling up AND only have to fight a few battles each week saving yourself valuable time.
            The game is highly flawed and always has been when it comes to matching and I doubt it shall ever be rectified. If this is a game breaker for you my advice is to stop playing, because nothing will ever change.
            we're not talking about people holding on their points taking a "break" from the fights to get easier opponents we're talking about: venus people in top 10 silver getting matched against n1 in diamond, or about in ares war n1 in legend fighting 3 times in a row against one in top 20 expert.
            We're talking about this kind of ********. People at the top of the rankings in ares are fighting people in lower ranks of ares (not talking about br) those guys will keep increasing their points cause are not fighting each other like 1st in ares vs 2nd in ares.
            This thing happens in imperial war, why not in all other events? that's my question


            • #7
              Originally posted by QueenMita View Post
              Ares is just joke now unless you'r 35 mill or in expert and being matched with Legend. How the heck can i move forward. R2 should be prund for thereself for ruin a fun game
              thats right ^^


              • #8
                Originally posted by R286639085 View Post

                thats right ^^
                34m here <-- and im just a joke i'd say that depends on your cross server but in my area you need no less than 38 (40+ i'd say)
                East coast archer.


                • #9
                  I stopped playing Ares because of the crazy mqtchings. I dont mind playing a top tier occasionally, but when you get the highest ranked player three times on the same day ???
                  Matching and the crazy timer out scoring system make no sense to me. If both players survive,, call it a draw and split the points. Who knows, maybe someone who can do something about it , will see many are not happy. Fortunately they have put more features in the patches, so ares is no longer that important .


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by R28303633 View Post

                    we're not talking about people holding on their points taking a "break" from the fights to get easier opponents we're talking about: venus people in top 10 silver getting matched against n1 in diamond, or about in ares war n1 in legend fighting 3 times in a row against one in top 20 expert.
                    We're talking about this kind of ********. People at the top of the rankings in ares are fighting people in lower ranks of ares (not talking about br) those guys will keep increasing their points cause are not fighting each other like 1st in ares vs 2nd in ares.
                    This thing happens in imperial war, why not in all other events? that's my question
                    I dont know about your Legend rank, but in mine we have 2, yep just two players..... so what you are proposing is that the 1st place (51m br) fight ONLY the 2nd place (41m BR) for the full 15 battles of Ares? And how exactly is that fair to the 41m player? Guaranteed no wins? You are complaining about having to fight the same huge player 3 times, but you want the 2nd in my Legend rank to fight a player 10m stronger for 15 battles? The rankings are such that those in the top 20 of a league are expected to face the bottom 10-20 of the league above, so naturally if there are only 2 in the league above you will face them more often.
                    "This thing happens in imperial war, why not all other events?" Well thats probably because there is only one league in imperial, whereas in all other events there are several leagues

