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Upgrading Wedding Rings

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  • Upgrading Wedding Rings

    First thing, I just wanted to ask is are the wedding rings only upgradeable individually? Because depending on the answer (if so) leads to my suggestion.

    The purpose of marriage is to promote togetherness, two people working with each other to attain their goals and dreams. Day in and day out two players work together to tend to their Marriage tree, run mpds together because of the benefits of doing so and finally having to be partied to actually do the marriage daily quests to increase their satisfaction. The major theme here as you can probably see is "Togetherness". Pretty much everything that has to do with the marriage system forces players together in a good way.

    But now we come to the wedding rings, with all this togetherness, the rings are only individually upgradable... Where is the sense in that?? Might be a great way to make money (besides spending roughly $46/4600 balens to purchase the engagement ring and common wedding, but I'll give you that one since both players benefit.) but it seems underhanded. Bad enough that it takes 5000 blessing points to upgrade the wedding ring from L1-L2 but for almost a week now, tending the marriage tree, getting mostly the rare marriage chests twice a day I've only gotten 4 Eternal Hearts, 40 points towards the 5000 needed for the upgrade, think 12 between me and my wife. At this rate, our Together Forever buff would be at level 3-4 maybe even 5 before one of us even upgrades our rings to level 2 without having to use outside sources.

    What my suggestion is here is to make the wedding rings interconnected (would only make sense right?) you both work hard together so both should benefit when one person upgrades their ring. It would even make the 5000 blessing points more tolerable since both people can contribute, also increase the drop rate of the Eternal Hearts.

    So all that I am asking and probably all the other couples is please, please change it that both rings are upgradable at the same time. It would seem only fitting for it to be so.

  • #2
    Oh that is news to me. I assumed that the rings upgraded together because we were doing the quests, tree etc. together. That is definitely a bad deal. The rings should upgrade as a pair, considering one player forked over the $$$ that created the marriage event. Both players got the initial ring for that, so it is fair to say that ONE ring purchase (that acquired both rings) should upgrade them both.


    • #3
      My husband of 1 month is dissatisfied with the cost of leveling up our tree. He wants to lv up his gear, so do I. The cost of lvling up the ring is prohibitive. There should be a lot more eternal heart, In a month I bought 1 x 50 eternal hearts and my ring is 760/5000. That is terrible! Our wedding satisfaction is at 11890, we are almost at lv 4.

