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Experience as a newbie

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  • TripleCKen
    started a topic Experience as a newbie

    Experience as a newbie

    Well , I feel like sharing out so yeah

    After few months of playing , started this archer toon on ( I don't remember but it should be around 3-4 month old. )

    I'm currently sitting at 85k BR Level 63 , using 50 jewelry and 55 arena set. Didn't bother to do Lv 60 MPD because I still feel pretty weak to solo it . My server don't always have people online to help me out when I'm on. So I just literally give up on that. Finally after few months I got Hercules! 1-star purple around 21k BR. Yeah I did cash a little , like 3k balens for the Star Tears. Thanks to the event. I'm happy with this hercules so far. Made me won against a Mage 110k BR + . He has like 120k HP and I just crit-ed him with Hercules Delphic for 117k damage. I'm kinda surprised that it's damage is so high.

    I have another knight toon level 57 with 50 set. Sitting at 70k BR . 2-3 month old. Have a 5-star blue Hades and 1-star blue Apollo . I didn't want to try out the same sylph , hercules again . So I actually decided to focus on Apollo right now and evolved it into Athena in the future. Currently the Apollo's damage doesn't really surprise me so far. Because no sepulcrum or mahra invested yet. And my Apollo is like level 50. And yeah I do like Apollo more than Hades I wouldn't want to follow everyone to have a Hercules and 1 shotting everyone. (Altho it's really OP and fun). I just watched a movie few days ago. Kung Fu Jungle. Cantonese/chinese movie by Donnie Yen (Ip Man) . Pretty sure many of you guys know who is him! Moral of that story is like , if you want to be the first , you will abandoned many people especially the loved ones around you.

    So I have actually gonna try out Apollo/Athena and see how it goes and be different !

    And yeah kung fu jungle a great movie

    Edit : Just cleared Sky Trail I ! Thanks to hercules It's awesome
    Last edited by TripleCKen; 11-17-2014, 06:36 AM.

  • NecroDeath4
    ah the life of a noobie...I remembered when I first started playing the game, it was fun, but now...

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  • R252856585
    try link invite click button says invite all to world it works sometimes not. if no later they invite click button you click same thing.

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  • TripleCKen
    Originally posted by Hawklaser View Post
    Best advice I can give you if having problems doing MPDs daily, is try and find people near your level that play around the same time as you do, and consistently do your multiplayer stuff with them daily.
    I tried , maybe not enough I guess.. My server have extremely tiny amount of active players

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  • Hawklaser
    Best advice I can give you if having problems doing MPDs daily, is try and find people near your level that play around the same time as you do, and consistently do your multiplayer stuff with them daily.

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  • TripleCKen
    Thanks for your comment.. I guess I think I will make a new thread and put on my progress so I can get track on how much I improved every month or something :P and I hope I don't offend anyone because I'm still a noob

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  • Xander.
    Originally posted by TripleCKen View Post
    Well , I feel like sharing out so yeah

    After few months of playing , started this archer toon on ( I don't remember but it should be around 3-4 month old. )

    I'm currently sitting at 85k BR Level 63 , using 50 jewelry and 55 arena set. Didn't bother to do Lv 60 MPD because I still feel pretty weak to solo it . My server don't always have people online to help me out when I'm on. So I just literally give up on that. Finally after few months I got Hercules! 1-star purple around 21k BR. Yeah I did cash a little , like 3k balens for the Star Tears. Thanks to the event. I'm happy with this hercules so far. Made me won against a Mage 110k BR + . He has like 120k HP and I just crit-ed him with Hercules Delphic for 117k damage. I'm kinda surprised that it's damage is so high.

    I have another knight toon level 57 with 50 set. Sitting at 70k BR . 2-3 month old. Have a 5-star blue Hades and 1-star blue Apollo . I didn't want to try out the same sylph , hercules again . So I actually decided to focus on Apollo right now and evolved it into Athena in the future. Currently the Apollo's damage doesn't really surprise me so far. Because no sepulcrum or mahra invested yet. And my Apollo is like level 50. And yeah I do like Apollo more than Hades I wouldn't want to follow everyone to have a Hercules and 1 shotting everyone. (Altho it's really OP and fun). I just watched a movie few days ago. Kung Fu Jungle. Cantonese/chinese movie by Donnie Yen (Ip Man) . Pretty sure many of you guys know who is him! Moral of that story is like , if you want to be the first , you will abandoned many people especially the loved ones around you.

    So I have actually gonna try out Apollo/Athena and see how it goes and be different !

    And yeah kung fu jungle a great movie

    Edit : Just cleared Sky Trail I ! Thanks to hercules It's awesome
    From what I can tell you have an overall positive experience with Wartune,I am happy to see that.
    If you are on a relatively new server,it might be tricky to find a party for MPDs,if you leveled up fast,but in time it's going to be alright,everyone will climb up eventually.
    Regarding the Sky Trail clear...Screenshot or it didn't happen :P
    Anyway,hope to see you here in 1 year let's say and tell us how your char has evolved during that time
    Have a nice day!

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