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SC's event ?

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  • #46
    dont think there is cookie's enof in the world to get all the crying ppl here 1 ea. and i see alot of ppl cry over not gotten anything free. but back in the days we had limmed events and gemes event diden give a gemes back.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Krishna6488 View Post
      Aeria Games "had" it confirmed. Not a gossip.
      Aeria also says that events can be changed or tweeked at any given moment, and they only post what they first get told. Devs change their minds without telling forums mods... No one should believe anything until the event is actually active.
      Wartune's Cookie is retired. In game drama and Cashing is outrageous. Enjoy peeps!

      Server: [S242] Whitecrown- IGN: Cookie - Guild: DevilsGate - Class: Sorcerer - VIP: level 7 - Set: Heroic/Imperial - level: 71 - BR: 2.06 mil - Angel: lvl 80 Eostre


      • #48
        Originally posted by Silentx3Step View Post
        I'm not trying to be mean or anything but next time you should read a coment more carefully( or perhaps i was not clear in my words ) because i'm not talking for myself but there might be someone having this "idea of quitting", because i have no intentions of quitting so far because i'm a free player and i'm proud of the almost 14k SC i've gathered which is a new record to me considering i'm a free player . Oh and by the way i hate to burst your bubble but Kitty online is not my type of games i wouldn't even try to play it
        I guess im just gonna wait just in case it comes out, which means i'll be able to gather more SC XD
        14k is not a record for a non casher....I have 355k still stocked up for the SC event...I've only been playing on my current server for 5-6 months ...just saying lol
        Wartune can't hear your SCREAMS...they just look at the cross server rankings and laugh"look at all the money we earnt”
        Server: s481
        IGN:❣·Prστεςτσr ~ Legendary Archer
        Lvl80: Class Adv
        BR: 691k w/Eudaemon
        Eudaemon: trashy 301k BR archer (i got by accident :()
        Sylph: 65.5k BR Herc - R34P3R***
        58k BR Aegis (yes i call it aegis :p) - xxAURORAxx***

        Previously Played server; s55 Tortmain Abbey as xW4RR10Rx (beast knight)…possibly guildless now


        • #49
          Originally posted by Brutal_Hobo View Post
          menotr hobor: plz check news section for events and forum click this link

          ty mentor hobo very useful
          having lag? in-game problems? JUST BUY MORE BALENS


          • #50
            Santa oh Santa where is my SC event for Christmas.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Mentor_Magik View Post
              Hobo has it correct.

              Please watch the news and events forum for a future announcement on this event.

              If it is not on our forums then it is just gossip. I know many people are eagerly awaiting this event, but until R2 says something.. I am just really sorry guys, we wall want a Sc event.. I just wish I could wave a wand and provide it

              do they still do SC event on china servers? i guess we just want to know if there ever will be another one... with the new advanced soulcrystals... im going to assume they'll replace SC event for the Soul Seal event..

              and.. oceanic servers get the new events, before they are even posted to forums for us (later timed servers) to even know whats going on.... its actually more resourceful to see complaints in forums from oceanic servers about the events coming up, before there is even anything posted in the ''news n events'' area of forums... whats wrong with this picture?


              • #52
                Originally posted by KillaCujo View Post
                do they still do SC event on china servers? i guess we just want to know if there ever will be another one... with the new advanced soulcrystals... im going to assume they'll replace SC event for the Soul Seal event..

                and.. oceanic servers get the new events, before they are even posted to forums for us (later timed servers) to even know whats going on.... its actually more resourceful to see complaints in forums from oceanic servers about the events coming up, before there is even anything posted in the ''news n events'' area of forums... whats wrong with this picture?
                As far as I am concerned my inventory is full I have about 900k of these s/c - Surely someone at R2 realises that most don't any space in their inventory! Why can't they let us know what is happening? If there will be no more sc events, at least tell us so we can dump them all and free up space!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Howie1 View Post
                  As far as I am concerned my inventory is full I have about 900k of these s/c - Surely someone at R2 realises that most don't any space in their inventory! Why can't they let us know what is happening? If there will be no more sc events, at least tell us so we can dump them all and free up space!
                  exactly, we NEED to know whether we are wasting our time or not... im at 103% been waiting to use my sc to go 200% and all we keep getting in responce is ''idk when keep checking forums''... they keep this up n ill post a thread every day regarding their lack in communication with their customers... (btw wartune G M's, i had intended on cashing my toon soon enough, get your **** straight or lose out on more moolah.)


                  • #54
                    I have full inventory open...3 pages and only 2 lines free, 1 page full of sc + whats in vault.... things are getting tight and to add salt to injury...Im getting 800 sc from the turkeys event items but no damn mount to be seen -_-.


                    • #55
                      What I think is going to happen is they will have another gem event before the sc event. That way they try to get us to spend on gold for converting all those gems.


                      • #56
                        There seems to be a severe lack of communication with this event, if in fact they will add it again, at the very least we should expect some for of statement regarding the soul crystals. Personally I think that R2 sux at furnishing us with info, its either too late or it doesnt happen untill we all send tickets, not the mods fault though, they can only afford us with what they are told.
                        For me after spending in excess of $20k on this game, I think its about time to quit and cut my losses

