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Socket Rods

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  • horneys
    started a topic Socket Rods

    Socket Rods

    All of you missed the point. The point is, they have not always been free. I am sick of getting called a no skill casher because i support the game with some money, now all these people who look down on "Cashers" and talk **** about us get for free what we already paid for.

    I spend money because i like the game and are willing to support it, non cashers who say we are stupid for spending money on a video game, now get them free. That was the point.

    I guess we are stupid for spending money on a game.
    Last edited by horneys; 11-16-2012, 02:58 PM.

  • ProNab
    Originally posted by horneys View Post
    Which is **, i work 9 hours a day and miss 2/3 of everything in this game. The socketrods kept me able to compete. Now i see all the people that sit all day on this game 24/7 who are lvl 58+ getting socketrods for free after i have paid for them. I sure as hell wont spend another dime on this game.
    Hmmm you know you can blitz campaigns and catacombs with 100% success rate ya know? so you can just afk and blitzing can be done even i believe the balance is still there

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  • kattuktk
    Originally posted by horneys View Post
    I can't even read this ****, go back to school and get an education. Then get a job, work 6 days a week from 9-6. I have played since server 2 opened and i am level 47 BECAUSE i never get time to play. Furthermore the extra sockets in my equipment let me compete with people 10-15 levels higher who don't work, Who also have all the insignia's they need for 55 pvp armor as well. So casher's, as ignorant people call them don't have that big of an advantage and other's should have to pay just like i did on my level 35 gear and 45.
    If u dont want, then dont pay, if u had ANY skills in this game then u would have realised that while GM's have made one thing available for non cashers, they have SEVERELY handicapped them too with the mounts, only cashers have a a real chance of getting their mounts to a decent level, non cashers will have to be content with about 2-3 whips per day(provided they are lucky), so it would have been TOTALLY unfair to take away the option of having socket rods too.
    So Mr Genius i hope u have understood what i wanna say, a totally new dimension has been opened for cashers( the mounts) so they had to provide a "rare chance" for non cashers to make use of socket rods. If u cant understand this then ur probably a kid whining and wanna just pay his way to the top. U suck.
    And again u saying that cashers dont have that big of an advantage is just laughable, if socket rods werent free then cashers would have had 15 more gems, which at a high level means about 7k BR, tell me thats fair.
    And btw ru on server 2?? whats ur IGN?? i would love to have a duel with you
    Last edited by kattuktk; 11-17-2012, 07:39 AM.

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  • CondorHero
    No, the OP is not asking for compensation.
    I agree with him. Not everyone has time to drill (go to 3v3 Arena, Battlegrounds, World Boss) everyday. It is through these thatyou get insignia to get good gears.

    Actually, cashers do not have that BIG an advantage if they're small cashers. Unless cashers are willing to blow 10k on the game..

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  • Strong17
    for short u want a compensation for the socketing rods u bought earlier, because theyre free now? im a casher too. if u get compensation, might as well free players get compensation too. because they work the **** out of getting "*** kicked" through out the game. and now they have the chance to atlst "touch" you and your whining? how selfsh.

    you work, they also work thr *** leveling and making thr char strong.
    u have money, they got time.
    then odds are balanced.

    -1 on this thread.

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  • slash2n
    I think OP is asking for a pay 2 win game

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  • horneys
    All of you missed the point. The point is, they have not always been free. I am sick of getting called a no skill casher because i support the game with some money, now all these people who look down on "Cashers" and talk **** about us get for free what we already paid for.

    I spend money because i like the game and are willing to support it, non cashers who say we are stupid for spending money on a video game, now get them free. That was the point.

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  • darkroronoa
    Originally posted by horneys View Post
    I can't even read this ****, go back to school and get an education. Then get a job, work 6 days a week from 9-6. I have played since server 2 opened and i am level 47 BECAUSE i never get time to play. Furthermore the extra sockets in my equipment let me compete with people 10-15 levels higher who don't work, Who also have all the insignia's they need for 55 pvp armor as well. So casher's, as ignorant people call them don't have that big of an advantage and other's should have to pay just like i did on my level 35 gear and 45.
    What about those that play 24/7 AND are cashers?How will people that cant pay alot compete with them(i aint even saying about those that dont pay at all)?Please think before write about how you cannot win over others with your moneyz skills,its insulting to those that play the game.

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  • Oxykotton
    Wow everyone has to whine and cry about everything. First you all complain that non-cashers can't get anything and are left in the dust. Now that the game is more balance you complain bc that non-cashers can get rods just like you. Seriously, stop being a Republican and think of others for once. Who cares if non-cashers can get what you get? Really now it isn't taking anything away from you. This is why I can not stand Republicans as they are all greedy people that only care for themselves. You still get what you pay for and can get it much faster than a non-casher. I am a casher as well in this game but I support this as this makes the game more balance for everyone. I still get my things much faster and still end up being stronger than non-cashers due to the fact I get things much much faster.

    I have vip so i can get all my upgrades done in a few seconds while non-cashers have to wait hours till cd ends. I am able to make tons of lvl 3 and 4 gems and get all my gear socketed in a few mins being a casher. While the non-cashers have to rely on luck to and get the rods and gems much slower. Stop being greedy and think of others for once. Big deal you work a 9 hr job. That doesn't make you anything special or supurior than others that play this game. Deal with it or quit the freaking game. We don't need or want you here.

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  • Cyber_x_Bare
    omg i cant belive now he angy on R2 for a chance to get socketing rod on GA or BG box??? im a vip user, and i buy rods but fully support this move on R2! Dude if there is no free players you would quit this game!! who wonts to play a game with 30ppl on server?!?

    btw with this patch you can now do all tasks in 2h so you cant say you have no time, you still can buy gems, free player cant, you still can use vip wheel free plyer cant...

    like "echscire" say - just being selfish.

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  • ehscire
    Originally posted by horneys View Post
    Socketrods in guild blessing....... This is **. So unfair to people that pay real money for them.
    you are just being selfish. dont you want every one to be happy?

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  • DeathRiver
    I feel sorry for a man who works 6 days a week, 15 hours a day, and still don't know the value of saving money. If you like to squeeze your gears with full slots, be my guest, buy every one of them if you have too. I don't buy anything other than VIP, so I wouldn't care less.

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  • akirayama0ka
    Originally posted by horneys View Post
    Which is **, i work 9 hours a day and miss 2/3 of everything in this game. The socketrods kept me able to compete. Now i see all the people that sit all day on this game 24/7 who are lvl 58+ getting socketrods for free after i have paid for them. I sure as hell wont spend another dime on this game.
    u dont have time for spining wheel in Altar? why u liing? seems u kid who whine that non cashers have way to opp with cashers, u wanna pay to win? yes u do, so dont wrote anything else

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  • plancha
    turkey box gives too. i was fully sloted and i think this is very good we will need to reslot every time we change equips so can save alot of money.

    btw the new free balen feature pretty good too non cashers can get 1-2 sokets per day only watching videos

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  • McNeriez13
    u cant buy socket rod if you dont want try your 1% luck on guild blessing hopping to get 1 of it rod eventhough your a casher r2games earn money trough the player keep online 24/7 so dont get your *** jelouse in 1 socket rod in 1 day or even without luck to get them lol ...

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