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Fun Coin: Use Bulk Item

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  • Xharry005x
    just send r2 recipt for new mouse cuz of the clicking action of mouse they soon add a bulk use when all players ask for cash for new mouse hahahaha

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  • R262181389
    Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
    Most suggestions don't get any feedback from the devs at all, so we really never know whether they are considering them or not. Think of a forwarded suggestion as an automatic maybe, just because something isn't implemented right away doesn't mean we won't see some iteration of it in a patch down the road, unless the suggestion just isn't feasible. It's really going to be rare to see a total no. This one probably got a hard no because it's one of a few suggestions that's been pushed so hard, to be honest, and I asked nicely for a response to it. I was hoping they'd get sick of seeing it come up and just do it. Best I got was a no for this and receptive interest for another long shot suggestion instead (the one about the inventory everyone let die on me). Maybe we need to find the next long shot suggestion to pair up with this one, and another 6 months of pushing it to make it happen, but it's unfortunately not going to be on anyone's short list.
    Wait what? This got a hard no because it got pushed so hard? So the more players suggest something, the less likely chance of it happening? Isn't that contradicting what you said about the more players that speak up about something, the better?

    What is so bad about adding a use in bulk option? I guess it's they don't want the players saving so many coins, they want us to use them up as soon as we get them because they don't want us getting the top tier rewards in rave. And I am guessing that this one of the reasons why they don't give us more inventory space, they don't want us saving stuff, especially for events. Maybe that is why they stopped doing the polishing orb and cast stove event.

    This has been said before and will say it again. Communication is one of the biggest issues with this game. Why can't the devs give you an answer as to why they will not do this?
    Last edited by R262181389; 01-15-2019, 10:04 AM.

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  • MemoryLane
    Most suggestions don't get any feedback from the devs at all, so we really never know whether they are considering them or not. Think of a forwarded suggestion as an automatic maybe, just because something isn't implemented right away doesn't mean we won't see some iteration of it in a patch down the road, unless the suggestion just isn't feasible. It's really going to be rare to see a total no. This one probably got a hard no because it's one of a few suggestions that's been pushed so hard, to be honest, and I asked nicely for a response to it. I was hoping they'd get sick of seeing it come up and just do it. Best I got was a no for this and receptive interest for another long shot suggestion instead (the one about the inventory everyone let die on me). Maybe we need to find the next long shot suggestion to pair up with this one, and another 6 months of pushing it to make it happen, but it's unfortunately not going to be on anyone's short list.

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  • Centaur0001

    You're right, I don't like the answer.
    But, I don't like the devs' answer...and prefer your honest communication regarding the issue.

    With all the many issues you've handled just in Wartune (and I think I understand you handle more than just Wartune for moderation), I'm totally floored to hear this is the only one ever where you've gotten a hard "no"...and then, since there must be reason to make this such an exceptional example, you're given none of that reasoning.

    As a player, I can only hope you caught someone on a bad day. I won't presume you misunderstood, because I'm guessing you understood perfectly.
    Maybe they meant to add an "at this time," and it was simple omission.
    Maybe, if the request reaches the same someone on a better day, or another someone, it might get a fairer hearing another time...even though I understand you also have to pick your battles, and there are usually real and pressing issues that come before this.

    The top tier of Mount Whips now in Hot Events rewards seems to be 1500.
    So, telling us for a far greater number (when you're double-clicking for literally hours, 500 more is FAR greater, and mount whips get used singly with single-clicks in the event room) in this event to max rewards returns, we're not going to be able to get a simple feature like this on an item is hogwash.
    At that point, why have this item at all? (And how much "Fun" is it?)
    And, to that, I'll also say there are spenders...spenders on the Kabam S14 cluster whom I've seen, where they have a discussion among 3-5 players and get the whole server to max out Server rewards using spend on a given day. People who DO spend hundreds a week much of the time. And making it annoying and inconvenient for them to get these rewards has tempered Server use of this event...just look at stats and you'll see we don't max out Rave anymore, nothing near it, and used to do every time based on spend.

    If your devs really need proof, go to game history, those stats should be very clear and speak eloquently to how this simple item is costing them a ton.
    But, hey, it's their game. Literally. If they don't want that abundant amount of money, that's their choice...people make choices.

    Again, if any of this bears a tart stench in reply, it's certainly not directed to the Forum or its staff for giving us the respect we deserve in getting an honest answer.
    (Not to mention a place to air our views forcefully at times, whether they agree or disagree personally.)
    We don't all always get the answers we want to hear, but best to get the ones we need to hear.

    And, I personally appreciate your support on this and so many issues, as the game and the players are all better off for how you do what you do.

    Perhaps, on some "better day," you might still present this one again...or, even if they've said no, make mention again the issue continues to arise on the forums...or whatever might make sense to achieve what should really be a trivial programming adjustment on their end. With this already in many items, and being added to new items all the time, perhaps they'll see fit to cut-and-paste what is probably not ridiculous amounts of code to fix this.

    The only logical reason I can see for a firm "no" is that if we're asking for this one, there will be a next, and a next, and they want to stop that somewhere. To that, I think as a player there *should* always be the ability to discuss the "next time," and, if nothing else, that's what a forum allows as a first filter, without which (the forum) we're all lesser for its loss.

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  • MemoryLane
    Originally posted by Centaur0001 View Post

    Can we, perhaps, keep pressing the devs on this one?

    This seems intensely basic, and with Rave plateaus that require TWO THOUSAND double-clicks, which correspond to an amount of Fun Coins I presently DO have in inventory (see screen cap below as proof!), why they would even bother to have that incentive in EVERY RAVE INDIVIDUAL POINTS tab if they're going to discourage it so badly is beyond me.
    Note: The following will be an honest answer. Do not get mad at me for it. Everyone wants open communication, and I am trying to help make that happen, but that will include answers no one likes.

    No, we cannot keep pressing the devs on this one. The devs have received the feedback and the supporting arguments for the suggestion of adding in a bulk use option for fun coins, a hard push (hard push is when a single suggestion is forwarded on an almost weekly basis) which started in August. The answer that we were finally able to get in November was: bulk use fun coin will never happen.

    What they would not provide is clarification on why they chose that answer. My R2 contact said they wished the devs would listen to us on this one, and it is frustrating that they didn't.

    Of course, there's always a chance the devs will have a change of heart down the road, which is why I try to always include 'at this time' or 'for now' when I am relaying the responses back to the forum, but the devs never actually said 'at this time' when they responded to this one.

    From what I can tell, as a player who's been in the middle since this game launched, the intention behind not having bulk use is to discourage storing them and using them in bulk on their own, since personal points are also earned by recharging and spending, and so fun coins can be used to help achieve the next tier of rewards. For those of us who can't or choose to not spend or recharge during Rave, if we want to claim the highest tier of rewards with just fun coins, we will have to do it the hard way.

    I fully supported this suggestion, and if I thought continuing to push would produce a different response, I never would have stopped. This is, however, the first time we've ever received a hard no in response to a suggestion, so I don't even think they will change their mind later.

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  • Centaur0001
    Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
    Because the topic of bulk use on Fun Coins has come up many times, both on the forum and via visiting mentors, I asked for an update for this.

    Unfortunately, the devs have denied this suggestion at this time. They have not given an official reason.
    Can we, perhaps, keep pressing the devs on this one?

    This seems intensely basic, and with Rave plateaus that require TWO THOUSAND double-clicks, which correspond to an amount of Fun Coins I presently DO have in inventory (see screen cap below as proof!), why they would even bother to have that incentive in EVERY RAVE INDIVIDUAL POINTS tab if they're going to discourage it so badly is beyond me.

    I'm not using my Fun Coins when it's like this. Especially right now, with lag killing my mouse clicks, it would take HOURS for me to use 2000 or more Fun Coins in the course of a Rave. It makes no sense.

    Please speak again to the devs and mention the simple common sense involved with how painful and really unfair their choice is not to give such a simple fix. It's not like they don't want us to be able to claim Rave rewards and use that as an incentive to keep playing the game. Or...well, what are we supposed to think on this? Can the devs think it's Fun to have to spend hours double-clicking on an item instead of playing other events?...hence the name of Fun Coins?...I can't really believe they're that dense, not even the devs.

    Put this as one of the Patch Surveys as a question...Do you want a Use In Bulk option for Fun Coins. With three options ([a] Yes [b] No [c] Don't Care), I'll bet anything there are 0% "No" and have to be nearly 100% "Yes" (exceptions perhaps allowed for odd people who choose to be contrary...there's always someone out there)...for anyone using Rave rewards, there's no other way to see this issue, we need this BADLY AND NOW.

    This still comes up in guild chat every time Rave is run. Random players, random times of day, same issue. They fixed it on so many other items, what's their problem with fixing it on Fun Coins? Please raise the issue again and let us know if there might be an actual reason for snubbing us on so reasonable and helpful a request.
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    Last edited by Centaur0001; 01-14-2019, 09:39 PM.

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  • Meikura001
    Or use a macro/mouse recorder software. If I had to play this game once again, this would be the best option to go with as those doctor visits are costly; not because of the visit itself (as I am covered through insurance) but of the fuel costs getting there.

    But, I will let them humor us with the excuse they planned on giving out. This should be good.

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  • Xharry005x
    Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
    Because the topic of bulk use on Fun Coins has come up many times, both on the forum and via visiting mentors, I asked for an update for this.

    Unfortunately, the devs have denied this suggestion at this time. They have not given an official reason.
    the official word is buy a new mouse every few mnths hahahaha and goto doctors to fix the carptunnel

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  • MemoryLane
    Because the topic of bulk use on Fun Coins has come up many times, both on the forum and via visiting mentors, I asked for an update for this.

    Unfortunately, the devs have denied this suggestion at this time. They have not given an official reason.

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  • theghosthimself
    the thought is ...They do not want you to save the smiley's up .... So only the people who are willing to risk the Carpal tunnel will probably save them up till they have 2k to gain all rewards.
    That will be why they will not put a bulk use option in.... think from the eye's of a money hungry conglomerate and you will understand

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    Dear R2 Team,

    Instead of "use in bulk" option we need to click every time using fun coins, this is very boring & time wasting, please make it use in bulk so time dont waste & my fingers get tired clicking so many times

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  • Meikura001
    Since my hiatus, I hardly am in the game. Before that, I stopped doing rave events (the 200 one) because of not being able to bulk obtain from clicking. I am getting to be an old man and carpal tunnel is something I do not want or desire.

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  • Centaur0001
    I'm saving my Fun Coins until I can use them with a bulk spend.
    It's now in the thousands.
    Nice that I'll collect rewards for bulk use at that point...if it ever comes...but, meantime, it's another simple implementation we're not seeing, and another annoyance that people use as their excuse to jump from the game and play something else.

    C'mon, devs, read this one and take an easy slam dunk! Help the game, please!

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  • Luussje
    Well since it has been 2 years since suggested in this forum post (not counting tickets) I am guessing they won't (can't, since always fix for recharge within secs)

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  • MemoryLane
    Originally posted by Luussje View Post
    Was there ever a reply from the devs on this suggestion?
    All suggestions are forwarded along. We don't know which suggestions the devs plan to incorporate into the game until we get a patch.

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