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Server Maintenance

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  • Server Maintenance

    Over the past few days many people have had log-in issues with the servers, server lag, 1% load sticks etc evidenced in the support thread and Wartune FB maintenance was canceled to introduce the new patch.

    My suggestion is instead of taking hours once a week, why not find a way to shut the game down for 15 min a day as other browser games have done (note: "Evony" oddly enough on the chat ban list) and run clean up?

    Instead of canceling the much needed weekly maintenance(s) to introduce more things into a game already suffering problems.

  • #2
    cos its not going to happen......and most of the issues are player related NOT R2's end
    Dragon Pals and Shadowbound Mod and Basic tech support

    R2 Serrin, My partner and fiancee, RIP 1971-2015
    Cha bhi fios aire math an tobair gus an trÃ*igh e.


    • #3
      Is it the MOD's job to attack every post made by players? Just curious. Or is it like a free balen program to blame players for obvious R2 problems? Either way, it was a suggestion, that ultimately would improve the gaming experience and increase the amount of money people are willing to pay to play.


      • #4
        its R2s response... its not going to happen, it is not possible to do every day maintenance for 15 minutes....I asked them
        Dragon Pals and Shadowbound Mod and Basic tech support

        R2 Serrin, My partner and fiancee, RIP 1971-2015
        Cha bhi fios aire math an tobair gus an trÃ*igh e.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Why_Me View Post
          Is it the MOD's job to attack every post made by players? Just curious.
          That's not the MOD's job - that's me and Creamy's job.
          Finagle's Law - Anything that can go wrong will normally go wrong in the worst possible way.

          Kabam Server 1 - US West
          Guild: MntyPython

          General Zod
          S5 - Roaring Wetlands
          Guild: Saga


          • #6
            Originally posted by Why_Me View Post
            Is it the MOD's job to attack every post made by players? Just curious. Or is it like a free balen program to blame players for obvious R2 problems? Either way, it was a suggestion, that ultimately would improve the gaming experience and increase the amount of money people are willing to pay to play.
            Ratty said it for a reason. In the beginning of every staff member's tenure, they follow through on quite a few player-reported incidents. You wouldn't believe the rate of failure client-side versus, well, anything else.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rex_Typhoon View Post
              That's not the MOD's job - that's me and Creamy's job.
              *smug look*


              • #8
                i just want to play the game, dont want to fight about who didnt do this, not are fault,every one get together and just fix it, or "at least tell me" how i can fix it! if it is my computer.I just want to play

