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1. What is the maximum level and 2. Will it be raised?

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  • 1. What is the maximum level and 2. Will it be raised?

    I am under the impression that the level cap is 80 and when enough people hit it they may raise it, but no definite plans for now.

    However, I've been told level cap is actually 120 by some people.

    Could someone settle this question for me? I couldn't find the answer in FAQs or searches, so please answer and **link** your verifiable source stating the level cap. Orrrr if you're a mod or dev I guess I'll just believe ya .


  • Daehawk
    Originally posted by Ratty_Da_Nom View Post
    even if I had the screenshots in my possession, I would not post them, its a breach of R2 rules.... and as for links, it was a few weeks ago and I was doing a search ffor some mount screenshots, as there were some mounts that I was curious about.. and that is when I stumbled across the pics.....
    You can always PM it to me. But atm on all 7Road servers max level is still 80.

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  • Ratty_Da_Nom
    even if I had the screenshots in my possession, I would not post them, its a breach of R2 rules.... and as for links, it was a few weeks ago and I was doing a search ffor some mount screenshots, as there were some mounts that I was curious about.. and that is when I stumbled across the pics.....

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  • Daehawk
    Originally posted by Ratty_Da_Nom View Post
    the max level for r2 Wartune is 80, the max level for 7road wartune is higher and I have seen screenshots that hint at 120

    This is my personal account, not my grumpy old fart forum mod account
    Got a link to said SS? I play on 7road wartune and highest we have there are 80's.

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  • Ratty_Da_Nom
    the max level for r2 Wartune is 80, the max level for 7road wartune is higher and I have seen screenshots that hint at 120

    This is my personal account, not my grumpy old fart forum mod account

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  • brightstar2100
    no one have the answer?

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  • R23441517
    Hmm you're right posting this from a phone sorry. Mod please move to game discussion.

    Still would like an answer though! Thanks.

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  • KnowingEyes7
    Wrong subforum.

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  • janodan

    How are you people?

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