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I don't get it. Why does Yitien have a real money trade post but wartune doesn't?

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  • #16
    u cant trade bound gem from cata LoL think before talk


    • #17
      Originally posted by Halifax View Post
      "trading system" is quite easily exploited, let me give a example, as you know, wartune has "first time to charge" bonus. If "trading" is available, I will create a large amount alt accounts, and recharge a small piece of balens for each of accounts, then "trade" the bonus to my main character. another good example is running catacomb for each of accounts everyday, then "trade" the crypt tokens to my main character. just imagine what will happens: every server might only have few "real" people and lots of "robots", the result is this game will die quickly.
      Not quite. That stuff is bound to the character who does the purchase if I'm not mistaken. If its not a simple solution would be to make all purchases bound to the character. Problem solved.

      Class: Assassin lvl 78
      BR: 67K
      Server: Qianfo Hall


      • #18
        LOL @ wanting RMAH in a P2W game... it won't go well...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Halifax View Post
          "trading system" is quite easily exploited, let me give a example, as you know, wartune has "first time to charge" bonus. If "trading" is available, I will create a large amount alt accounts, and recharge a small piece of balens for each of accounts, then "trade" the bonus to my main character. another good example is running catacomb for each of accounts everyday, then "trade" the crypt tokens to my main character. just imagine what will happens: every server might only have few "real" people and lots of "robots", the result is this game will die quickly.

          THATS why they have BOUND and UNBOUND. Makes some things Untradeable / Unsellable.

          BUt if my mage gets an epic bow / sword .... what the heck is she gonna do with it? I'd rather trade / sell it to somebody who can use it. And yes, it will be for balens, many many balens. THis is good for r2, as to give me balens, the player has to buy balens from r2 to give to me

          I also have extra materials for making 60 stuff.

          I also have extra legend stones.

          I wanna get rid of this ****, but not for the cheap amount of gold they offer.

          I'd rather sell it for balens.

          R2 gets cash, I get balens, the other users get useable items for their char.

          Sounds good to me
          Death comes when you hear the Banshee.....


          • #20
            In witch version the Chinese got the ah system all we can do is hope in latter state we get it in future patch.


            • #21
              R2 removed it, because players could earn balens, thus they wouldn't need to recharge. And R2 loves money. This is the bug, it keeps the sellers money safe in their accounts, they don't need to give it to R2. Or am I mistaken? Chinese version had trading option almost from the start, they never removed it just like R2 did.


              • #22
                Chinese server got auction house in patch 1.42 I think, maybe even older version.


                • #23
                  you forgot about taxes. in market even if you sell an item for 100 balens. there is a tax per day changes like if 10% tax. you only get 90 balens instead of 100 balens..


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mathyr View Post
                    you forgot about taxes. in market even if you sell an item for 100 balens. there is a tax per day changes like if 10% tax. you only get 90 balens instead of 100 balens..
                    You get taxed with gold fee. I don't think there isa balen tax. However, I don't play the chinese version so I really don't know how it works exaclty. Besides that's 90 balens we don't have right now so any kind of real money would make things more balanced.


                    • #25
                      You only have to pay golds to put stuff on auction...

