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astral collection, step vs ladder

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  • Nekrobutcher
    started a topic astral collection, step vs ladder

    astral collection, step vs ladder

    i didn't know about the ladder system of collecting astrals until several months after i started; i'm feeling i get more star points and more blues/purples for feed xp using the ladder system, but have not been impressed with oranges (some), or reds (none) pulls

    Haven't had much luck finding clear discussion on this, thoughts? links?

    Also, any tips on timing, i have tried a lot of diff ways and ultimately everything pretty much sucks, heh.

    timing* in terms of the actual clicking, slow, fast, short clicks, held clicks, i've not noticed anything i could work with yet

  • Zaaqen
    Originally posted by buuromania View Post
    If it would be as you say, then why when you receive a Missfortune and start clicking right away like a psycho gives you 7+ misfortunes ?
    If this were true, you wouldn't still get multiple misfortunes in a row, which you certainly will still using this method... I have numbers to back up what Im saying.. You have complete speculation from what your mind is TRYING to see... You are conditioned to see patterns and correlation, or try to find it. It's human nature.

    When there isn't one there, people still try to do that. That's why I recorded millions in astral spending to prove it. My averages did NOT change, no matter how I clicked.

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  • Linazz
    I've captured 4 reds since they came out....
    In my opinion it's based on luck. I don't think there's any trick to it.
    Prove otherwise and I might change my opinion =^.^=

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  • Telstar
    I came to the same conclusion: astrals are pure random.
    All theories and methods are interesting and funny to read though

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  • buuromania
    Originally posted by Zaaqen View Post
    To put an end to this absolutely stupid speculation about timing and anything else, I've been keep a log of absolutely all of my astral spending. Click rates and timing changing all the time... And what shocking results did I come up with?

    It averaged out exactly the same as when I didn't do any of that. There is nothing but luck involved here. It's a random number generator that pulls randomly every single time you click... regardless of when or how you click it. Why on earth would they take the time to code something so complex that involves anything other than an extremely basic random number generator anyway? There's no money in that, and it would actually cost them money to do what could just as easily be covered with ... the current system.

    I understand that as human beings we are conditioned to look for patterns or correlations between things. You need to accept that you're wasting your time on this one, however. Logic tells you that it's the most simple of answers.
    If it would be as you say, then why when you receive a Missfortune and start clicking right away like a psycho gives you 7+ misfortunes ? And if you receive a Missfortune and wait 3-4 seconds and click again i cannot receive more than 0-3 missfortunes in a row and then a green one or better. Timing is something and this is the best proof
    Last edited by buuromania; 06-13-2013, 10:41 AM.

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  • Zaaqen
    To put an end to this absolutely stupid speculation about timing and anything else, I've been keep a log of absolutely all of my astral spending. Click rates and timing changing all the time... And what shocking results did I come up with?

    It averaged out exactly the same as when I didn't do any of that. There is nothing but luck involved here. It's a random number generator that pulls randomly every single time you click... regardless of when or how you click it. Why on earth would they take the time to code something so complex that involves anything other than an extremely basic random number generator anyway? There's no money in that, and it would actually cost them money to do what could just as easily be covered with ... the current system.

    I understand that as human beings we are conditioned to look for patterns or correlations between things. You need to accept that you're wasting your time on this one, however. Logic tells you that it's the most simple of answers.

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  • ElusionM
    I think it's pure luck ^^ I can have days of nothing, then recently, I can have days of 9 oranges within a 24 hour period...

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  • B4nsh33
    Originally posted by CondorHero View Post
    What is the ladder system?

    light up the 2nd stone. then light up the 3d stone. go back to the first stone and click that until the 2nd stone lights up. then go to the 3d stone and try to move it to the 4th position. light up all the bottom rocks. u can light up more than one planet at a time ^^

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  • WickedSilk
    I think that OP is talking about getting all five astral stars (Magus Star being the first) to lighten up. You can achieve this by clicking the Magus star after you've lightened up the 5th star - then you lighten up the 4th like that, then the 3rd and the 2nd and then just click all in a row. I haven't really seen any significant improvement with this, since you need to spend quite a lot of gold to get astrals into that position, and people usually ignore the amount of gold needed just to do that - they see only the rewards from clicking planets in a row (which are often good, as you have the 4th and the 5th planets open).

    Tharlyci's post makes sense and I agree with it, but as you know, the gains from following it are small (when getting tons of misfortunes don't click like a maniac). There is no guide that will always get you great astrals, but I think that people are overthinking the whole astral thing way too much. Random systems are based on large numbers - if you spend 1M gold you could get 20% more or less xp than someone else who spent the same amount, but the more you spend the more is this difference reduced, with the limit of zero. Same goes for getting good astrals. As of this morning I've acquired 140k astral xp (14k astral score) without getting a single red. And I don't mind. I know that it'll come in time. Of course, sooner would be better, but that's what you get when you hope to get lucky - if you want it instantly you'll buy it from the shop. It's a gamble either way, but if you look at it like that, the whole game's a gamble with the floating damage and similar random stuff.

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  • anichaos
    I have no idea either...

    Is OP talking about different stars (IE: the 5 stars that goes up to Blue Star)?

    Or are you talking about the "one click capture"? (in which this doesn't give you star points for Misfortunes)

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  • CondorHero
    What is the ladder system?

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  • Nekrobutcher
    i tend to try and not rush, drag it out, between clicks; i have not noticed any major difference, but i'm not crunching numbers either; also i sell greens. ha

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  • JayBlank
    Originally posted by Nekrobutcher View Post
    i didn't know about the ladder system of collecting astrals until several months after i started; i'm feeling i get more star points and more blues/purples for feed xp using the ladder system, but have not been impressed with oranges (some), or reds (none) pulls

    Haven't had much luck finding clear discussion on this, thoughts? links?

    Also, any tips on timing, i have tried a lot of diff ways and ultimately everything pretty much sucks, heh.

    timing* in terms of the actual clicking, slow, fast, short clicks, held clicks, i've not noticed anything i could work with yet
    I have read, discussed and tried many different theories and practices. At times it feels like i'm on to something with a big influx of orange or even red.. then the next day the same method proves fruitless. Until someone can prove otherwise, I firmly beleive it's pure luck.

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  • Nekrobutcher
    charging all 5 planets/arrows before clicking the 5th one, compared to just clicking the glowing planet only

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  • Tharlyci
    The one thing I am willing to speculate on, is that it is highly plausible that C library rand is somewhere in the background. And that usually has a truly awful (read: highly correlated, often based on system clock) default choice of seeding. For UNIX systems, /dev/random is also a possibility, and isn't much less correlated between nearby uses.

    Thus: if you don't want incredibly long runs of white, don't click rapidly; try for 1-2 seconds between clicks. Force the psuedo-RNG to at least initialize with different server times, and let /dev/random get used by others between your uses.

    As long as I've obeyed the above injunction, I've gotten pretty good results selling off two green each time I'm drawing from the 3 star point or higher levels, in addition to selling off white whenever. The odds are good but not perfect that you'll get blue or better, so you're usually ahead 10xp and 3-5 star points whose cost was reduced by 7,200 gold. And if I get unlucky, I still have the green astrals for xp (unlike a sell green unconditionally strategy).

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