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New BG setting

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  • czero01
    started a topic New BG setting

    New BG setting

    worst ever.., I like all the new stuff...
    this new BG just WTH..,
    who the **** makes the idea of this BG.
    im lvl58 with 40k BR battling a lvl68 48BR.. **!!!
    1.lvl GAP
    2.Skill GAP
    3.HOLY SEAL GAP----> how you battle if you cant move for 3turns?! I got max lvl10 holy seal., and she might have lvl15?maybe lvl20?

    to r2games, pls.. not like this., just not like this....

  • czero01
    tnx for the reply for this., yeah I filed a ticket now.., I just cant move on to 1700honor I lost last BG.,
    im just maybe shock.

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  • kateng9105
    please don't make things up just because you CANT farm people anymore with your non-leveling technique. you have 50% chance to be within the bottom 5 levels of a group, the other being the top 50%.. bottom line, you don't like the bg you are in, leave and re-enter after 5 minutes hoping for a better.

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  • D.Sniper
    58 vs 68 in bg? how if is 55-64? e.e

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  • DeathTh3Kid
    Originally posted by czero01 View Post
    worst ever.., I like all the new stuff...
    this new BG just WTH..,
    who the **** makes the idea of this BG.
    im lvl58 with 40k BR battling a lvl68 48BR.. **!!!
    1.lvl GAP
    2.Skill GAP
    3.HOLY SEAL GAP----> how you battle if you cant move for 3turns?! I got max lvl10 holy seal., and she might have lvl15?maybe lvl20?

    to r2games, pls.. not like this., just not like this....
    level 68? that's impossible, the brackets are 50-59, 55-64, 68 wouldn't be allowed to happen, if it does, screenshot it, and put a ticket in.

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