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Dont like class wars

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  • Dont like class wars

    I dont know how many of you actually like the class wars but the way they do it only the top cashers will be able to get in the top 100. The matching system isnt fair at all. All its doing in all honesty is making it where more will spend the cash to get in the top and its not fair to us everyday players. My mage is 61 and she was going up aganist level 70+s where I had no chance for a win its just not fair. Sorry but its my opinon (its not fair)

  • #2
    Not to mention most Cashers that makes Top 100 don't even need anything that's sold in Glory Shop (maybe Runestones) because most Cashers already have complete sets of mounts.


    • #3
      Well, the point of class wars is to get the top 100 players of the whole bunch of severs. Of course, they are cashers.
      It's not a problem of fairness, it's a feature. And it's doing approximatively what it's supposed to, which is quite rare...
      Now, why compare 5 month old servers with 12 month olds? That's what's not fair. Removing stun is a good thing, i think it's the most they can do to balance it a bit (but why not remove it for all cross server events, then? Or better, remove it. Done. Never existed. Was an long term april's fool.).

      I think this event is almost the best they can do (beside the preliminaries point system which is just a nonsense actually). Just, those events don't give a really good gaming experience. It's like BG fights, either too easy or too hard, only average 3 fights are balanced over 15. There's no reason to have such a cross-server competition. (And separating classes... why? ok, archers > mage > knight > archer with standard builds, but there's many ways to get around...)

      This is the best they could have done, and they did it well. They just should have done something else.
      Armor Games - S2
      Lv 65


      • #4
        I would be fine with this event if non-cashers could participate. However, I just discovered that even the wagers, which I had taken as a way for non-cashers to still participate - requires balens. So... nevermind. Class wars = lame.
        Server 58


        • #5
          Class Wars should be set up like BG...By lvls..Or by server...Lower lvls do not stand a chance in this ...Another thing for cashers to win,,,R2 games are known for this,,,Out to make big bucks,,And not make the game better for everyone....That is why alot of people who cannot afford to be a casher leaves the game at around lvl 55 or so,,,Do not stand a chance in this game...


          • #6
            Originally posted by R25900959 View Post
            Class Wars should be set up like BG...By lvls..Or by server...Lower lvls do not stand a chance in this ...Another thing for cashers to win,,,R2 games are known for this,,,Out to make big bucks,,And not make the game better for everyone....That is why alot of people who cannot afford to be a casher leaves the game at around lvl 55 or so,,,Do not stand a chance in this game...
            Ok, let's not kid ourselves. Cashers are going to win whether it's level based or not. A level 49 with a full legend 40 set and level 6 gems, level 6 red astrals, level 5 wings/clothes, and 4500 mount strength will ALWAYS beat any non-casher, and honestly any non casher under 65 would struggle in the extreme to try and beat somebody like that.

