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i'm stand against the wagers feature.

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  • i'm stand against the wagers feature.

    i'm luke and i'm stand against the wagers feature of class war, simply because I see it as a form of gambling, oh wait.. it's officially wagering. so if it is done without taking Balens (which of course we had to buy it with money) i would not mind at all. i don't really care how rich or how useless your money are, i just don't see it as a good thing from the game in order to reap the benefits from you all, they've got more than enough money.

    thanks in advance.


  • #2
    it's basically buying Glory Points, if you pick the right winners, you get more bang for your buck.


    • #3
      it's a system that lets the Cashers win even if they never participate in the war. LOL...

      As long as you have money, you don't even need to spend your time and "work hard" to get best results... yay for massively P2W game...

      Cashers basically already won before Class War even started. (not to mention around 80% of all Top 100 are all Cashers in the first place)

      I looked through the Archer list, 9 out of 100 ppls don't have VIP, everyone else are Cashers (and I bet those 9 ppls are just Cashers without VIP)
      Last edited by anichaos; 06-21-2013, 03:53 PM.


      • #4
        Then, try it next moon.
        You had free balen things to collect 50 balen (if you live on country that only give video as it's only offer -headdesk-)
        so, you didn;t wager with your real money


        • #5
          As mentioned before in other threads, I don't do "free offers" anymore (due to being hacked in the past from doing "free offers" on other games)

          And you technically still "wager with real money" being the phrase "time is money" LOL, no really tho... all Tops are Cashers, rarely non-cashers.

          Not to mention 50 balen is nothing in Wager, 50 crystals if you lose, what you gonna buy with that? a runestone? LOL... quite stupid if you don't spend up to 5000 balen to get the mounts. (or 1250)


          • #6
            Originally posted by anichaos View Post
            it's a system that lets the Cashers win even if they never participate in the war. LOL...

            As long as you have money, you don't even need to spend your time and "work hard" to get best results... yay for massively P2W game...

            Cashers basically already won before Class War even started. (not to mention around 80% of all Top 100 are all Cashers in the first place)

            I looked through the Archer list, 9 out of 100 ppls don't have VIP, everyone else are Cashers (and I bet those 9 ppls are just Cashers without VIP)
            Cashers worked hard to earn their money of course when they spend it they will have an advantage over those who dont.


            • #7
              Originally posted by anichaos View Post
              As mentioned before in other threads, I don't do "free offers" anymore (due to being hacked in the past from doing "free offers" on other games)

              And you technically still "wager with real money" being the phrase "time is money" LOL, no really tho... all Tops are Cashers, rarely non-cashers.

              Not to mention 50 balen is nothing in Wager, 50 crystals if you lose, what you gonna buy with that? a runestone? LOL... quite stupid if you don't spend up to 5000 balen to get the mounts. (or 1250)
              YOU only mentioned if you lose but if you win for a 50 balen bet you get 1k glory crystals which aint bad. Legal ro have an archer in top 100 and he doesnt even have wings... so it shows hard work CAN get you into the top 100. He works hard and got there. He has a lower br than me but I struggle against him.


              People are too busy moaning about cashers rather than working on character to improve them! anddd these @Bets are pretty easy to determine top 3, its just who finishes second or 3rd.
              SERVER 82
              GUILD LEGAL-RO
              VIP LVL 8 - CHECK
              WINGS - CHECK
              RHINO - CHECK


              • #8
                really .... why does every post on this boil down to a rant against cashers? cant you understand that in order for developers to develop, code and host games on servers they have to pay real life ppl. This all costs money which someone has to supply to the company. Im fairly sure that there are no government run game development companies churning out quality games for free where governments dump all the billions of spare dollars they have just sitting around. Maybe next time before you rant on cashers you should take a moment to consider you would be playing if it wasnt for them!.
                Apologizes to anyone so wholly awesome that R2 contacted them directly by email stating they were such an outstanding player that wartune couldnt function as a viable game without them playing it .... didnt mean you
                Last edited by Balbagg; 06-23-2013, 05:41 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Balbagg View Post
                  really .... why does every post on this boil down to about against cashers? cant you understand that in order for developers to develop, code and host games on servers they have to pay real life ppl. This all costs money which someone has to supply to the company. Im fairly sure that there are no government run game development companies churning out quality games for free where governments dump all the billions of spare dollars they have just sitting around. Maybe next time before you rant on cashers you should take a moment to consider you would be playing if it wasnt for them!.
                  Apologizes to anyone so wholly awesome that R2 contacted them directly by email stating they were such an outstanding player that wartune couldnt function as a viable game without them playing it .... didnt mean you
                  Because every event that's made, are all aimed at Cashers.

                  There is no Event that benefits non-cashers or even light-cashers.
                  (You might think, o Tanks, but no.... Runes are still Casher only, non-cash can only get the first 3)

                  YOU only mentioned if you lose but if you win for a 50 balen bet you get 1k glory crystals which aint bad.
                  Depends tho, the winning (if you actually win) is x1.5 to x20

                  so if your winning amount with 50 balen is somewhere between, 75 to 1000

                  And judging by how the game works and "wheels", you'll most likely not get x20 but somewhere like x5 or x10, and if unlucky x1.5


                  • #10
                    [QUOTE=anichaos;578486]Because every event that's made, are all aimed at Cashers.[\QUOTE]

                    and why shouldnt it be aimed at cashers without them theres no game, there would still be a game without non cashers, you may not like it but its the truth.... most games eventually go ftp as the cashers move on to the next big game, but thats also when the events dry up casue the dev team also move on, shame but fact

                    There is no Event that benefits non-cashers or even light-cashers.

                    Totally agree with no events for light cashers and it would be nice to see something aimed at alittle lower spends it shouldnt always all be about $100+ spends....
                    Last edited by Balbagg; 06-23-2013, 05:42 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Superiorman View Post
                      People are too busy moaning about cashers rather than working on character to improve them!
                      These kind of people are the ones that don't want to spend but also want an easy and fast way to compete with cashers. I don't know, there are a lot of players in our server timezone, who are non-cashers but can still compete with some light and mid-cashers (don't mention about competing with heavy cashers come on, don't be too stubborn, they are of different dimension lol). They want the game to sympathize with them so even if they don't want to pay, they will still be spoonfed.

                      Ok, the next event should be a mount with stats similar to the Evil Unicorn, and should be for free and should not be difficult to get, give them their lollipop already, so they stop crying, lmao.

                      If you complain about the balen mount, look at the Blacksmith, there are already 5 free mounts there, just collect all of them. Balen items? Just be contented with in-game gears that you can get for free. Instead of complaining about pay to win games, why not try to create a game of your own then see if you can also offer every players everything for free.
                      Last edited by rheasteer; 06-23-2013, 04:42 AM.

