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why do i get screwed in every bg??

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  • why do i get screwed in every bg??

    so i was levelling up nicely and then when i get to lvl 38 you go and screw me by changing the bg's to 35-44 groups, or whatever it is.
    so when i get to 44 i think yeah ill be stronger and i shuldnt lose as much, but low and behold EVERY group i join is 40-49 group, *** is going on, have 1 set of groups and leave it and stop screwing me

  • #2
    Get stronger and stop crying.


    • #3
      Considering that both Tharlyci and Xaichazarai are normally among the weakest participants in their battlegrounds, and *still* gain 100-200 honor/session from 2-6 kills as long as they don't do anything clueless: I'm more than a little curious as to what you're doing wrong. (Xaichazarai hit Crusader at L52, Tharlyci at L58.) Sometimes they get stomped on 10+ times, but that doesn't stop them getting their honor.

      I've noticed that battlegrounds actually start in 5-range brackets (e.g., 40-44) and only decide late in filling out whether they're really 35-44 or 40-49.


      • #4
        You joIn wrong bg barket - leave it and reJoin after 5 many times more i must say that? Crying ignorants...


        Crit Mage 80v
        ~135k Br



        • #5
          That doesn't help if he rejoins a battleground in the "wrong" bracket, which appears to be what usually happens.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tharlyci View Post
            That doesn't help if he rejoins a battleground in the "wrong" bracket, which appears to be what usually happens.
            Then you change again. We all have to deal with this. Every bracket will have some sort of disadvantage, BGs will never be truly fair, as you will always have a handful of people who can just nom people.

            Gotta do what you have to, either change BG, til you find one you can deal with, or just attempt to cart, or hit someone you know you can win against :/
            Wartune's Cookie is retired. In game drama and Cashing is outrageous. Enjoy peeps!

            Server: [S242] Whitecrown- IGN: Cookie - Guild: DevilsGate - Class: Sorcerer - VIP: level 7 - Set: Heroic/Imperial - level: 71 - BR: 2.06 mil - Angel: lvl 80 Eostre


            • #7
              Alternatively, join ur guild's GB and gain that winner/loser honor x 3 per week i don't think there is honor loss in GB fights...
              Guild: 'Nightmare
              Level 80 Archer


              • #8
                Originally posted by DeathTh3Kid View Post
                ..., or just attempt to cart, or hit someone you know you can win against :/
                Tharlyci and Xaichazarai do the last two: maintain a "target list" of victims with 1k less *ATK than them, and track whether they're going dryad as usually losing to someone on the target list is -400 honor. Cart while waiting for targets to show up -- and attack regardless of whether lugging a cart at the time. If there are no targets, cart and dryadize.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tharlyci View Post
                  Tharlyci and Xaichazarai do the last two: maintain a "target list" of victims with 1k less *ATK than them, and track whether they're going dryad as usually losing to someone on the target list is -400 honor. Cart while waiting for targets to show up -- and attack regardless of whether lugging a cart at the time. If there are no targets, cart and dryadize.
                  Dont teach ppl dryad Bombing xD
                  Im 59 and sometime i joIn 55-64 barket,what bad for me. So i rejoIn, usualy 50-59 but not allways so stop crying aBout bg becouse every1 have same problems, someone are 54 and want 45-54 but joIn 50-59,other 64 but joIn 60-69...this is part of the game and you must live with it or change game becouse that barkets are on 2.1v 7road you dont se changes before 2.2v or later... And i dont think so in future someone change barkets for 54-59,60-64 etc... Becouse this ruin bg,nothing more


                  Crit Mage 80v
                  ~135k Br



                  • #10
                    I'm still capping my hnr daily, BG is fine

                    ~ Atoll is Purgatory for Wartuners ~


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by PunkPetal View Post
                      I'm still capping my hnr daily, BG is fine
                      Agreed :P how much longer til you hit LD?
                      Wartune's Cookie is retired. In game drama and Cashing is outrageous. Enjoy peeps!

                      Server: [S242] Whitecrown- IGN: Cookie - Guild: DevilsGate - Class: Sorcerer - VIP: level 7 - Set: Heroic/Imperial - level: 71 - BR: 2.06 mil - Angel: lvl 80 Eostre


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DeathTh3Kid View Post
                        Agreed :P how much longer til you hit LD?
                        2nd July ^^

                        ~ Atoll is Purgatory for Wartuners ~


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by PunkPetal View Post
                          2nd July ^^
                          Zomg!! i should get it then or day after xD

                          Damn you being 1k ahead of me lmao
                          Wartune's Cookie is retired. In game drama and Cashing is outrageous. Enjoy peeps!

                          Server: [S242] Whitecrown- IGN: Cookie - Guild: DevilsGate - Class: Sorcerer - VIP: level 7 - Set: Heroic/Imperial - level: 71 - BR: 2.06 mil - Angel: lvl 80 Eostre


                          • #14
                            Hehe grats !

                            ~ Atoll is Purgatory for Wartuners ~


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by PunkPetal View Post
                              Hehe grats !
                              Same to you! .. Remember, Pics or it didn't happen! :P
                              Wartune's Cookie is retired. In game drama and Cashing is outrageous. Enjoy peeps!

                              Server: [S242] Whitecrown- IGN: Cookie - Guild: DevilsGate - Class: Sorcerer - VIP: level 7 - Set: Heroic/Imperial - level: 71 - BR: 2.06 mil - Angel: lvl 80 Eostre

