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Pls change the late BG times.. so their on :30 nto same time as WB/GB/Tanks etc..

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  • Pls change the late BG times.. so their on :30 nto same time as WB/GB/Tanks etc..

    need to change late BG timer.. so it its not on the same time as tank/WB then 1am ;9 trials pls... make it 21:30 22:30 23:30 atleast..., only way can get into late BG after work is if tank trials is done fast and i get like 10mins of BG.. otherwise have to skip tank or WB.. which is to much of a trade off..
    or put BG after the 2nd WB, so have heaps of time for BG and u can work around it with GA.
    Last edited by theHolf; 06-24-2013, 09:05 AM.

  • #2
    Do the other way, do 20mins of bg and join a random team in tanks^^. GB is the only event on at the time. As for WB, you can do it and then jump in bg. Lastly you have 1 bg... that's more then 2 full bgs.., which is more then most ppl get^^. I REALLY agree with a BG at 17.00 tho, that's a great time to put it... they put so many BGs but forget the best time of them all -_-''


    • #3
      ya WB dont die fast enough to do BG.. and i like a good team for tanks haha, the last BG is 1am which is to late on work nights, yup after 2nd WB is perfect for BG.. since GA is 2 hours logn and can do when ever you want during that time that and not all need the insigmas past 55 gear. simple fix is put at :30 or put right after 2nd BG lol till GB. which is 17 - 19 atleast


      • #4
        Good Idea! I hope someone listens

