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Level up to level 70+. Good or Bad?

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  • JohnNguyen
    started a topic Level up to level 70+. Good or Bad?

    Level up to level 70+. Good or Bad?

    Hey. I was in the middle or decision between level up or not. What you guys think?

    Found any good and/or bad points? And right now I am still Elite Crusader. Would that been much more harder for me in BG when I lvl 70+?

  • Billy_McF
    Originally posted by ElusionM View Post
    I wouldn't hit Lv 70 until..

    Imperial Commander/Lord Divine
    Completed Lv 60 PVE Set

    and as xehoo said, you'll be put into 70+ Group Arena, so if you aren't strong enough, you're gonna win very little Arenas, and earn a lot less insignias towards PVE sets... So complete set, then do it.
    That is not strictly true as the matching system sucks at times.

    Also if everyone holds at 69 until they achieve your recommendations, then the hardest bracket to win insignia in will be that one.

    If you are intent on making 400+ insignia per arena then you are going to need a decent team at any level, but making 300-350 should not be a problem at all.

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  • Billy_McF
    Originally posted by Emilyfairyss View Post
    U are right, but I asked your guess. What would be Br and holy seal estimate to sustain Lord Divine rank at 65-74 bg? Given that the player is at least vip 5 (-40% honour loss)?
    I would recommend at least a BR of 60k but in all honesty would say get more

    As for Holy Seal, lv40+ would be a decent enough start. You are still going to get stunned at times, but not too often by lower honor ranked players, unless they are hard core cashers or have built their toon properly.

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  • ElusionM
    I wouldn't hit Lv 70 until..

    Imperial Commander/Lord Divine
    Completed Lv 60 PVE Set

    and as xehoo said, you'll be put into 70+ Group Arena, so if you aren't strong enough, you're gonna win very little Arenas, and earn a lot less insignias towards PVE sets... So complete set, then do it.

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  • Emilyfairyss

    Those exp values you name are with vip9 and normal xp scrolll?

    Because Dt without penalty and lvl5 vip, no scroll is 900k. With Scroll is 1,05kk. So With lvl9 vip and scroll I can believe you are right about 1.6kk Dt

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  • xehoo
    Would Group Arena get significantly harder at 70+ as well (Compared to 64-69 Group arena)? Or only BG changes?

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  • xEvilMunkyx
    Originally posted by Billy_McF View Post
    As for staying at 69 to gain lord divine, that's just plain daft. By all means stay to make your character strong enough, but not for a honor ranking.
    I have seen many 69's with Lord Divine cry like little babies in the new BG. They don't have the BR to protect their LD honor, so lose a lot with every fight, and gain very little when they win.
    Good point. I suppose I'll change that to: I'll be camping 69 until I hit VIP9. <400 Growth to go......

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  • Ban-kai
    Originally posted by Emilyfairyss View Post
    U are right, but I asked your guess. What would be Br and holy seal estimate to sustain Lord Divine rank at 65-74 bg? Given that the player is at least vip 5 (-40% honour loss)?

    In my guild i had few knights with LD, 70-73k br and they didn't lose their LD either in 65-74 or 70+ bgs. They were vip 5 and vip 6. But 72k br is like top 85 cross-server! it would be logical that the required Br and HS would be a bit lower.

    There is no reduction in Dt, because Dt is 65-70 dungeon. Moon NM, yes, that' s a ton of exp lost.
    when u hit 70. u gain 1.4kk from moon. 1.6kk from dt i belive. 1.9kk almost from mp 70. and campaign 70 is 700k+ per campaign. all exp penalty will be removed at 70. so staying under that is just pointless. (but what if i wanna catch up in seals) u will never do this. due to the fact older server was released in august last year or something. so 1 year ahead of u in exp. and if u wanna catch up in seal with those semi retired none active "high" players. i see no point.

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  • Emilyfairyss
    U are right, but I asked your guess. What would be Br and holy seal estimate to sustain Lord Divine rank at 65-74 bg? Given that the player is at least vip 5 (-40% honour loss)?

    In my guild i had few knights with LD, 70-73k br and they didn't lose their LD either in 65-74 or 70+ bgs. They were vip 5 and vip 6. But 72k br is like top 85 cross-server! it would be logical that the required Br and HS would be a bit lower.

    There is no reduction in Dt, because Dt is 65-70 dungeon. Moon NM, yes, that' s a ton of exp lost.

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  • Billy_McF
    Originally posted by Emilyfairyss View Post
    And what would be enough Br to protect LD in 65-74 Bg now? For every death you need 3 kills if you are vip 5 or higher. (I'm speaking about Europe timezone here. Top 100 Br are 70k+ Br here)

    Staying at 69 is discutable, because at 70 u get one more astral slot and stronger troops. And those two things can be a deciding factor in Class wars, which is the most important event in game now.

    @Bankai. Where do you get 5kk? Dt normal is 800k-1mil per run without xp scroll(lvl5 - lvl8 vip). How much is samsara/lych?

    lvl68 solo dungeon is 330k without scroll and lvl5 vip. how much are lvl70 ones?
    Exactly my point, players now see the Lord Divine honor rank as a "must" have before levelling to 70. In fact for the majority of players, not being Lord Divine is more beneficial as you will gain honor at a better rate. Also now that 69's can face 70+ in the BG, it is much easier to gain honor at 70+ than ever before. Just take it off those who have camped at 69 JUST to gain LD and forgot to keep up with their BR.

    The exp difference is due to the reduction for MP dungeons when camping at 69. When I camped at 69 I was only gaining 260k exp for MD and about 320k for DT. Once I leveled to 70 I was gaining nearly 1mil for MD and DT.
    This is an actual feature of the game, not a bug and is designed to penalize those that camp at 69 (according to customer service anyway).
    Last edited by Billy_McF; 07-08-2013, 04:53 PM.

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  • Emilyfairyss
    And what would be enough Br to protect LD in 65-74 Bg now? For every death you need 3 kills if you are vip 5 or higher. (I'm speaking about Europe timezone here. Top 100 Br are 70k+ Br here)

    Staying at 69 is discutable, because at 70 u get one more astral slot and stronger troops. And those two things can be a deciding factor in Class wars, which is the most important event in game now.

    @Bankai. Where do you get 5kk? Dt normal is 800k-1mil per run without xp scroll(lvl5 - lvl8 vip). How much is samsara/lych?

    lvl68 solo dungeon is 330k without scroll and lvl5 vip. how much are lvl70 ones?
    Last edited by Emilyfairyss; 07-08-2013, 04:41 PM.

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  • Ban-kai
    i will make it simple for u. u lose 5kk exp + per day by staying 69 and not going 70 =)

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  • Billy_McF
    Originally posted by xEvilMunkyx View Post
    You'll definitely have a harder time in BG since you'll always be in a 70+ bracket no matter what you do. However, if you're strong enough to move up then by all means, do so.
    Nope you can get into the mixed bracket also, with 65 and above.

    As for having a hard time as a 70+, it all depends on your BR. However you should have no problem gaining honor due to your low ranking.

    As for staying at 69 to gain lord divine, that's just plain daft. By all means stay to make your character strong enough, but not for a honor ranking.
    I have seen many 69's with Lord Divine cry like little babies in the new BG. They don't have the BR to protect their LD honor, so lose a lot with every fight, and gain very little when they win.

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  • xEvilMunkyx
    Originally posted by JohnNguyen View Post
    Hey. I was in the middle or decision between level up or not. What you guys think?

    Found any good and/or bad points? And right now I am still Elite Crusader. Would that been much more harder for me in BG when I lvl 70+?
    You'll definitely have a harder time in BG since you'll always be in a 70+ bracket no matter what you do. However, if you're strong enough to move up then by all means, do so.

    Personally, I'll be sitting at 69 until I'm satisfied with my Holy Seal (40+ current goal, at 32) and I reach Lord Divine.

    As an after-thought, if you're VIP9 you should be able to move up without too much fear, since you won't be losing honor no matter how much you die.

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  • tebosio
    jejejjejeje es todo un problema para las batleground , lo ideal seria subir de nivel siendo lord divine , pero es algo muy complejo de lograr . el punto a favor de subir a 70 es que todas las aventuras grupales te dejan experiencia , en realidad solo es malo subir para jugar batleground y arena . el resto no se nota mucho el cambio . saludos desde chile jejjejeje

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