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Mislead Info

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  • Mislead Info

    just remove things like get 'FREE' balens and stuff from the game cause it will cause some misleading information in the game. yeah, nothing is free in this world, even if the free balens seems free, it will cost us our credits and that credit was gotten from our money too. also some other stuffs that you guys know. just make the game more straight-forward but fun, trust-able, honest to all the players......

  • #2
    so how is getting balens from watching a video NOT free?


    • #3
      requires time and effort.

      something free is something given to you without any time and effort needed.

      that's probably what OP is referring to.

      Plus... he most likely tried the "paid" offers in the free offers, like that dude 4 month's ago who got scamed out of 50 USD and never got it refunded cause he wanted big balen and used his personal info including credit cards and got auto charged without his consent. (the dude got 1350 balens for his 50 USD, LOL, I laughed hard back then)


      • #4
        if that is the case (time and effort for reward) then no game is free to play! u need time and effort to play it after all!

