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  • Echo3
    started a topic Ruthlessness


    Floating damage increased by %

    What does this do exactly? I don't understand how floating damage works?

  • Pickapath
    Originally posted by Mitashki View Post
    Uselessness more like
    lol at this

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  • Stormsiren
    Originally posted by CondorHero View Post
    No, this calculation is incorrect.
    There are multiple formulas floating around for that astral and no one knows which is correct because nobody has access to the game code.

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  • Atombender
    Originally posted by ball0n View Post
    What if the calculation like:
    Min. Damage = 900
    Max Damage = 1100
    with ruthlesness astral, for let say 10%, then the damage become:
    Min. Damage -> 900 * 90% = 810
    Max Damage -> 1100 * 110% = 1210
    so there is increase of 10% of rutlesnes astral percentage to the average damage, in this example 1%.
    still useles though :P
    The percentage increase/decrease is an absolute value. Also +10% from an Astral is not possible since Ruthlessness goes up in 7% increments. At Lv 2 you would have +- 14%, meaning 760-1240 on 1000 average damage.

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  • Mitashki
    yea well i kinda hoped you would tell me something else. Its true what you say, having a 50% dmg boost and the right trigger on this can make you win very easily. BUt i find it way too much gamble for my taste.

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  • CondorHero
    This is always going to be a luck-based astral. I found one instance, but it is also dependent on luck.

    Scenario: If you're close in BR to another person, but he/she beats you 100% of the time. This astral gives you a chance to beat him. So it gives you a chance to win an otherwise 100% losing battle.

    The converse is also true. If you're beating someone 100% of the time, never use this astral. It changes a 100% winning battle into a less-than-100% chance of winning.

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  • Mitashki
    Condor and you could maybe share where you find it usefull? I have leveled that astral myself several times. (last time i got it to level 7) and always ended up exping another astral with it. I honestly wanted to make it work i found it interesting and etc but...

    So if you found at least 1 instance and explain why?

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  • CondorHero
    Originally posted by ball0n View Post
    What if the calculation like:
    Min. Damage = 900
    Max Damage = 1100
    with ruthlesness astral, for let say 10%, then the damage become:
    Min. Damage -> 900 * 90% = 810
    Max Damage -> 1100 * 110% = 1210
    so there is increase of 10% of rutlesnes astral percentage to the average damage, in this example 1%.
    still useles though :P
    No, this calculation is incorrect.

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  • ball0n
    What if the calculation like:
    Min. Damage = 900
    Max Damage = 1100
    with ruthlesness astral, for let say 10%, then the damage become:
    Min. Damage -> 900 * 90% = 810
    Max Damage -> 1100 * 110% = 1210
    so there is increase of 10% of rutlesnes astral percentage to the average damage, in this example 1%.
    still useles though :P
    Last edited by ball0n; 12-03-2013, 12:43 AM.

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  • CondorHero
    It's almost useless, but there is one instance for which it is useful (not World Boss).

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  • Mitashki
    Originally posted by Quickpick View Post
    This astral should be renamed "toothless".
    Uselessness more like

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  • Atombender
    Base floating damage is 10%. So for example if you deal 1000 damage with an auto attack on the same target, your extreme spread will be 200 (your minimum damage will be 900, your maximum damage 1100). The Ruthlessness astral increases this spread by (Astral Lv x 7% x 2). So if your Ruthlessness astral is Lv 5 (=35%), those 35% are added to your maximum damage and substracted from your minimum damage to calculate a new damage range, in this case 55%-145% (550-1450 damage).

    As you can see, the average damage (1000) will still be the same. In short, Ruthlessness should be called Uselessness.

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  • Quickpick
    This astral should be renamed "toothless".

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  • Dazzlingbeauty
    Originally posted by Anarchist View Post
    Plus/minus x% of your typical damage values. Dazzlingbeauty gave a perfect example.

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  • Anarchist
    Plus/minus x% of your typical damage values. Dazzlingbeauty gave a perfect example.

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