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Sylph nightmares

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  • argon009
    started a topic Sylph nightmares

    Sylph nightmares

    hello, the sylph system is a nice add to the game however the way to get the good ones is either boring or very expensive,, we understand apollo is for BIG spenders ,,not talking about the 20-30 dollars guys ,, the issue is with the green and above,,they are rare and i dont understand why they have to be that rare,,my suggestion is to add more "options" of getting one,,example exchange 5 seals for green 10 for blue ,, to base such an improvement to a someone game by "luck" ONLY sucks really,,

  • Draggyy
    the apollo for which people paid money is a blue version, so yes the chances to get green and blue are not that great lol

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  • R235681934
    thats true,,u can also buy 1200 boxes of sylph upgrade box and get an apollo,,u missed the point there,,if they have a green,blue ,, why do they have to be THAT rare,, ????? upgrading using mahara (which u can get only in couple events that will end in a week or 2 and/or buying some event boxes which involves spending more money ) and all that to get a green..????!!!!! ,,,i already spent 20-30 dollars to get i dont know 50 mahara and all i got my white is 2 star green !!!!!! ... really dumb ..

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  • R29296591
    you can upgrade using mahara

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