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6 ... days i cant make 500 ... points in wartune's jewel

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  • 6 ... days i cant make 500 ... points in wartune's jewel

    now want money spend in jewels to make 500 points or what all days i make more 400 and in lucky only s.. 10 or f.. 20 points!

  • Ole.Joe
    Originally posted by Nubito View Post
    i can get 500 daily, the only issue for me is reward drop
    reward drop issue... agree

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  • Alinshinoby
    hmm i think the first few days was easy to get lots of points and we get hooked to it. now that we get points harder people uses balens

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  • Zorich
    Originally posted by R2EndlessMoneyPit View Post
    I had 3 days in a row open with 0 moves. First day even the help didn't make any moves. Second day I had 12 moves left and no moves. Third day I actually made it through, but yeah no 500 chest in abt a week.

    Its okay bc I found a less cash based game to play until April when a certain MMO releases
    FYI: You DON'T have to complete a match with every move. You can still move gems and set up your next move. I think a lot of people think this is like Candy Crush where when you can't make a move it's over since it doesn't reshuffle. That is NOT the case. You can keep moving w/o making matches.

    In fact, this is the Best way to play - by setting up higher scoring moves. If you're only getting 10 Pts a move for 30 Moves, you're looking at 300 Pts. If you can complete a combo of 50+ Pts every other move (on average), you're averaging 25 Pts a move, or 750 Pts w/o spending Balens.

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  • R2EndlessMoneyPit
    Originally posted by GirlFireRapper View Post
    now want money spend in jewels to make 500 points or what all days i make more 400 and in lucky only s.. 10 or f.. 20 points!
    I had 3 days in a row open with 0 moves. First day even the help didn't make any moves. Second day I had 12 moves left and no moves. Third day I actually made it through, but yeah no 500 chest in abt a week.

    Its okay bc I found a less cash based game to play until April when a certain MMO releases

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  • Zorich
    The key to jewels is working the combos and big joins. If you're settling for +10 pts a move, you're not doing it right. It's better to spend 2-3 moves getting nothing to set up a +80, +100 or combination of +50s & +20s.

    With 30 moves, not including the lucky spin, I can consistently get 750+ pts. 1 purchase of 10 additional moves for 150 Balens always gets me to 1000 Pts.

    Yesterday I wanted to really rack up gems for the new Event, so I went for the 6,000 Pt Mark. It only took a total of 80 extra moves (1200 Balens) - though I did get a +200 Lucky Spin. For that I got over 500 SC, over 150 Mount Whips, and over to 200 Fate Stones, not to mention hundreds of gem packs and refinement locks. Jewels are the best way to spend Balens in the game, bar none.

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  • Nubito
    i can get 500 daily, the only issue for me is reward drop

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  • Linazz
    made 920 2 days ago ... 0 balen used ofc.
    spin was 20+ so 3x gold chest.

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  • Fherlayt
    Its just luck. Sometimes when you ask a friend, you get 20 points, sometimes 200.

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  • care90
    to be honest its not all about knowing what u are doing. Some days the jewls just fall in a bad order and u cant rly do anything

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  • Wraithraiser
    You have bad luck, all it is. I get 500 points 3-4 days a week easily enough, sometimes even 1000 if really lucky w/o cash.

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  • GirlFireRapper
    Originally posted by R230531914 View Post
    It seems that you don't have any idea of what are you doing i get 5-600 points everyday (not a casher)
    sorri but i have good idea to what im doing and close u mouth

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  • R230531914
    It seems that you don't have any idea of what are you doing i get 5-600 points everyday (not a casher)

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