We know that now this market will be balens shop only, like npc shop where you can buy ****. But i wonder one thing... Why the hell there are unbound items if you cant trade them? And if so why i get mage/knight **** when im archer? Please R2 make some trade/auction system, cos for now its kinda great single player game (with lil add of team pvp 1h per day and MP dungs 5x per day...)


We can read here than trade can be done only with balens... BUT 20% of it will be reduce as trade fee. Are you mad? You want make game endless dolars pot? Sooner or later ppl will get bored cos how many times you can do same dungs and kill same players, with **** they can only get (cos for sure there wont be any dumb *** who will spend this dolars for items he can get on his own). Make it gold trade...

One thing is mall fulled with items that we cant get in game, but when you block us and made us use real money to move on this stinks...