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  • axsela
    started a topic amethyst


    pls make double time amethyst. cant do that time and many players cant. feels unfair. pls consider it

  • EmperorWraith
    Originally posted by Oblivion5 View Post
    I doubt it will be that cheap for either of those sylphs. If they ever implement those sylphs as prizes(which I doubt will happen.) it would be like 50k for apollo and hades sylphs. it would have to be something that's going take you awhile to get. Longer than the mount since these are more rare than that mount.
    I'm aware of that. Point was, it was just a rough indication. 50k does sound around about right though for a Hades and Apollo sylph, given their rare status.

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  • Su1c1d3r
    then your probably on the wrong server join a server from your time region problem solved lol

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  • Oblivion5
    Originally posted by EmperorWraith View Post
    I also admire this idea as well as the former one requesting for more events which would mean more Double Amethyst events could be added. The event could be increased to a maximum of two times a day, maybe three if people wanted. As for the Sylph reward, I would also like to see this idea be installed into the game. An example of this could be say 20000 amethyst for a Hades sylph, or 10000 for an Apollo sylph. Something similar to that perhaps. But, yes, I am for both ideas and would be delighted if they were added into the game.
    I doubt it will be that cheap for either of those sylphs. If they ever implement those sylphs as prizes(which I doubt will happen.) it would be like 50k for apollo and hades sylphs. it would have to be something that's going take you awhile to get. Longer than the mount since these are more rare than that mount.

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  • EmperorWraith
    Originally posted by R236574242 View Post
    and also add some other reward like slyph ^^
    I also admire this idea as well as the former one requesting for more events which would mean more Double Amethyst events could be added. The event could be increased to a maximum of two times a day, maybe three if people wanted. As for the Sylph reward, I would also like to see this idea be installed into the game. An example of this could be say 20000 amethyst for a Hades sylph, or 10000 for an Apollo sylph. Something similar to that perhaps. But, yes, I am for both ideas and would be delighted if they were added into the game.

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  • R236574242
    and also add some other reward like slyph ^^

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  • Alberteiny
    I would be be happy to see this idea/suggestion happen in the game.

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  • axsela
    yes. from 14 to 16 we do nothing. pls consider and add

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  • rocky88
    Originally posted by axsela View Post
    pls make double time amethyst. cant do that time and many players cant. feels unfair. pls consider it
    i agree we could ve another time for double am bcs if i wait for that time i need 2 stay awake till 2 or more ours am and most of us work or cant be home at that time so if we can ve another time it ll help alot

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