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Skill tree of Characters, is it really balanced?

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  • Skill tree of Characters, is it really balanced?

    Are Archers at a disavantage in the skill tree?
    Are Archers concern about this?
    If three players are at the same strenght, power, health who would win more battles?
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    I've only been playing for about 2 weeks. really like the game and incourage others to play. Its nice to know that you can play for free and move up quickly or pay for services, like VIP, and balens. My post is to see if Achers are at a disavantage when it comes to defensive skill for the skill tree. I have found it very difficult to move pass players in Arena Solos and battlegrounds. Now if two groups can have shields and healing why should a third group get nothing? The regeneration is good if your opponents are in the front row, but its limited, unlike shields or healing. I believe the Archer needs something to equal the skill of sheilds or heal. It take the average Archer 3 shots to start using multi, by that time swordsperson or mage has a Archer half dead, before they get to use multi (unless using rage runes, or gear that increase your rage). Archers should not have to pay more, drink gallons of potions, use pages of runes, or "tank" themselves out to compensate what two groups get from leveling up. I'm 97 in overall rating in the game, level 38, 4th in my guild, i'm not the strongest (yet) but i'm not a slouch. Please post so we can do a poll to see if others had notice this in the skill tree, many may not care, but in the "fairness" of battles it may help to "balance" out the skills of all Characters .Please reply for or against. Or make suggestions that myself or others can use to help counterbalance this over sight in the skill tree. Good game I will keep playing!! May your arrow be sure and true.
    Sorry for the poll questions it should read: A.) Yes changes are needed. B.) No its good. C.) Not concern. First time doing poll, when I find the edit button I will change it. Again sorry for the questions in poll.
    Last edited by loricbrouss; 09-25-2012, 01:13 PM.

  • Zorks2
    Necrothread ... WHOOPS !

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  • CreamySaucepan
    Did you just really necro your own thread? -_-

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  • Zorks2
    Oh god no please dont give a bad Idea for R2

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  • loricbrouss
    Such a noob when i did this hahahahahahaha

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  • Hyorinmaru6
    Originally posted by loricbrouss View Post
    I've only been playing for about 2 weeks. really like the game and incourage others to play. Its nice to know that you can play for free and move up quickly or pay for services, like VIP, and balens. My post is to see if Achers are at a disavantage when it comes to defensive skill for the skill tree. I have found it very difficult to move pass players in Arena Solos and battlegrounds. Now if two groups can have shields and healing why should a third group get nothing? The regeneration is good if your opponents are in the front row, but its limited, unlike shields or healing. I believe the Archer needs something to equal the skill of sheilds or heal. It take the average Archer 3 shots to start using multi, by that time swordsperson or mage has a Archer half dead, before they get to use multi (unless using rage runes, or gear that increase your rage). Archers should not have to pay more, drink gallons of potions, use pages of runes, or "tank" themselves out to compensate what two groups get from leveling up. I'm 97 in overall rating in the game, level 38, 4th in my guild, i'm not the strongest (yet) but i'm not a slouch. Please post so we can do a poll to see if others had notice this in the skill tree, many may not care, but in the "fairness" of battles it may help to "balance" out the skills of all Characters .Please reply for or against. Or make suggestions that myself or others can use to help counterbalance this over sight in the skill tree. Good game I will keep playing!! May your arrow be sure and true.
    Sorry for the poll questions it should read: A.) Yes changes are needed. B.) No its good. C.) Not concern. First time doing poll, when I find the edit button I will change it. Again sorry for the questions in poll.
    Archers are good as they are there is no need for any change and whats with the poll there is no option of choosing NO
    unless u didn't see the other posts on archers being OP let me tell you
    a class with massive crit and massive DPS capacity should not have Tanking ability
    Yes knight got agoran's shield which is always broken in 1 or 2 hits from archers since each attack is way above 20% of a knights HP unless ur fighting someone 5 levels below u

    Yes mages got heal but heal is not going to save them when they are being massacred by critical strikes so as R22036928 said No changes are required let archers be archers (DPS)

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  • Cyrale
    If your asking for more defensive skills in the archer tree, then their damage output should/would be nerfed in order to keep the archer a balanced class. I still don't see why they get a 20% hp buff with their 20% crit buff.

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  • R22036928
    No changes are needed, people just need to learn how to properly play Archer. Yes knights have shield and mages have healing, but archers have Scatter Shot. It can debuff both (disclaimer: Scatter Shot debuffs in the order that buffs were apply, so this not a 100% of the time fix). I do not believe a lot of archers are aware of the usefulness of this skill, since I do not see a lot of them using it in Arena or 1v1 pvp.

    Also about the taking 3 turns to use Multi, this changes once you have Moirai x4 (lvl 20 set), Phoenix x4 (lvl 30 set), Night Hunter x3 (lvl 35 arena set), etc. Yes building rage is slow at first, but it does get easier as you lvl, though it's still rather slow compared to other classes.

    My advice is to party with a knight and mage near your Battle Rating so that you will not die as quickly, lvl your guild skills and astrals as fast as you can, and stay at lvl 39 for a while to farm honor in the lvl 30-39 Battlegrounds. Once you reach lvl 40, BG will become a slaughter.

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