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sc exchange event

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  • muzza40
    started a topic sc exchange event

    sc exchange event

    Players that maxed out there soul engraving early in the game are totally shafted with the new Soul Engraving event giving out massive amounts of gems. Last event I got over 4k gem packs giving me, ultimately, 8 lvl 7 gems and a lvl 8. I wasn't even able to use all my soul crystals for engraving. Surely sc exchange should come with gems as well.

  • dwmedia
    I get arount 15-20k Whisp a month but lets count.

    20k give 4000+800+160+32+6+1 = 4999 lvl 1-3 gem pack

    But for people some not max out Soul Engraze, say them has 25.000 SC a month mabye more.

    Get tons of lvl 1-5 gem pack even if them get 1 x lvl 5 is pay alot of the lvl 3 packs
    And people some not max out it get gem frome both SC + Whisp events with pay out alot more that we get some only have Whisp to spend.

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  • Valest
    maybe not as many but I do agree some would be good, considering that you're cashing in loads of sc for whips which ultimately give you gems in the first place.

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