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[Activity] Rewards for Suggestions

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  • Tsenn
    1. 2nd time for BG one in the daytime set it up similar to Avernal Realm from Crystal Saga IE choose one get full rewards can't participate in other one. I'm suggesting it as the current one many people can't always attend due to their schedules etc. and this makes it more obtainable for everyone to participate. If not do alternative ways to earn honor for the players that are forced to limited or can't participate at all.

    2. Medallions- private is 30 days anything past warrior is 7 days, anyone else see the mistake here? After people reach Crusader they lose honor upon being killed, which is rather easy to pull off. So my suggestion is make the last few medallions especially the Lord Divine one permanent vs 7 days as it will be very very hard to earn and maintain that rank as is. For those that say VIP 9 is the solution that would take about 8 months to earn from just time allotted alone with 10 growth per day. And to expedite the process frankly most people don't have that kind of money, so it being permanent is a feasible and good call as it will still be a lot of effort to get to the rank.

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  • R24736963
    make a sort system in the shops for class.

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  • R22964123
    We need a bank

    I'm not sure if this has been suggested already, as I don't want to read through 56 pages :P

    We really need a bank, to store gold which we can withdraw at a later date, for a small fee. Otherwise the gold either sits vulnerable in the open, or we have to put it into the guild.
    By having a bank, we can keep the gold safe until we need it, for upgrades, enchanting & astrals etc.

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  • R23644991
    Here's my 2nd suggestion in this thread. This one is far simpler than the earlier one.

    Have a real message system. We need a mail component for use with offline players. The PM system isn't enough to help plan MP Arena and MP dungeons.

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  • bigguy31
    make a system that when other players are offline there city cannot be plunder only when there online then they can get plundered because getting city plundered by sevaral players while ur offline can be annoying as hell. and also make a random event which is -permanent and something that gives largest amount of exp to lvl up very fast.hope u like my suggestion and other please do not say anything rude about this suggestion or i will blacklist you

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  • R24035729
    Yes GM trading Item's and have market place for those character that want to sell the item that they have ^^ it would be great and have a guild vs guild defending their castle is more good ^^

    IGN: Zack23
    Server: [22] Desert of Despair

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  • R22775930
    I also have to agree on Dy0nhie post and i think it will be a great help to other players

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  • Hyorinmaru6
    Originally posted by gozaru84 View Post
    Character Name: leony
    Server: S54

    I think the market needs to be upgraded so user can sell arena set or weapon they don't need with gold.
    The seller will put amount bid to his weapon.
    The highest one will be accepted by seller and the weapon would be given to the one.
    So it is necessary to be added a new button on Inventory at the bottom after "Sell", it is "Auction".
    Sell, Auction, Sort, Search
    Oh yeah I suggest Split menu is removed as I found no use of that one.

    Here is the procedures:
    1. Click Auction.
    2. Click which equipment to sell on market. Note: Items can not be sold. Only equipment.
    3. Set amount of first bid.
    4. The item will show in Market as Auction Items.
    5. Only the highest Equipment Rating will be shown first.
    6. The player who interest with Auction Items will place bid.
    7. All bids will be sent to seller every 12 hours or every newest bid is sent directly.
    8. The Auction menu in Inventory will show info about latest bid. The seller can approve or continue to raise bid. So there will be two option then: "Approve" and "Raise Bid".
    9. If seller click Approve, the Auction is done and seller received gold/voucher/kyanite.

    Maybe another option is that the seller can decide which item will he receives whether it is gold, voucher, kyanite, daru or insignia.
    If that is the case, then in Auction menu right after procedure number 2, show options like this:
    a. Trade with Gold
    b. Trade with Voucher
    c. Trade with Kyanite
    d. Trade with Daru
    e. Trade with Insignia
    Then procedure continue to number 3 so the seller can set the amount of first bid.
    Right after that if the seller choose d, then the system will announce that:
    "leony has sold his/her weapon for Daru in Market."
    Then the procedure will continue to number 4 and so on.

    That's it.
    I hope my idea works for this game.
    I really love this game and I have become VIP member to win.
    Thank you so much for creating this game.
    I love it. This is my first time playing MMORPG.
    So please keep improving this game to make it fun and only fun...
    the market is for balens
    so u can sell items for balens
    gold and daru and other currency cannot be traded cause they are bound and yes market does have auction function

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  • morph2012
    Character customization, as we all look the same, would be good to be able to change the appearance and armor colour. Also a stat counter which accumulates all your kills, damage dealt/taken, combo counter.

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  • gozaru84
    Character Name: leony
    Server: S54

    I think the market needs to be upgraded so user can sell arena set or weapon they don't need with gold.
    The seller will put amount bid to his weapon.
    The highest one will be accepted by seller and the weapon would be given to the one.
    So it is necessary to be added a new button on Inventory at the bottom after "Sell", it is "Auction".
    Sell, Auction, Sort, Search
    Oh yeah I suggest Split menu is removed as I found no use of that one.

    Here is the procedures:
    1. Click Auction.
    2. Click which equipment to sell on market. Note: Items can not be sold. Only equipment.
    3. Set amount of first bid.
    4. The item will show in Market as Auction Items.
    5. Only the highest Equipment Rating will be shown first.
    6. The player who interest with Auction Items will place bid.
    7. All bids will be sent to seller every 12 hours or every newest bid is sent directly.
    8. The Auction menu in Inventory will show info about latest bid. The seller can approve or continue to raise bid. So there will be two option then: "Approve" and "Raise Bid".
    9. If seller click Approve, the Auction is done and seller received gold/voucher/kyanite.

    Maybe another option is that the seller can decide which item will he receives whether it is gold, voucher, kyanite, daru or insignia.
    If that is the case, then in Auction menu right after procedure number 2, show options like this:
    a. Trade with Gold
    b. Trade with Voucher
    c. Trade with Kyanite
    d. Trade with Daru
    e. Trade with Insignia
    Then procedure continue to number 3 so the seller can set the amount of first bid.
    Right after that if the seller choose d, then the system will announce that:
    "leony has sold his/her weapon for Daru in Market."
    Then the procedure will continue to number 4 and so on.

    That's it.
    I hope my idea works for this game.
    I really love this game and I have become VIP member to win.
    Thank you so much for creating this game.
    I love it. This is my first time playing MMORPG.
    So please keep improving this game to make it fun and only fun...

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  • R23424857
    This game has gone mage dependent after lvl 45 and knights not needed. World bosses always have archers at the top, sometimes mages but never a knight. Giving an advantage to archers for gold and daru. Now Badlands the mages get the advantage for exp and other items given. If the knights and archers can't get a mage they can't do it, atleast til they get alot higher in lvl. The lvl 50 dungeon you need more mages to do it. Where is the advantage a knight gets, a lvl 50 knight now and I haven't seen anything yet. Knights skills are weak compared to mages and archers. I suggest evening things out before you lose all the knight players. Is there 1 server that a knight is the top player.

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  • LeKurt
    i dont think a trade system would be a good idea. the game is very effective w/o trade, thats what makes wartune unique, grinding hard for ur gears and items on your own. plus, it would not be fair for those who used to be lowbies who worked hard for good gears if we can now give/sell the gears we no longer use. you can be very strong overnight if that would've happened.
    i would suggest a PK map, where in u could farm exp and some amount of daru or gold with the risk of being killed by other players. we still need to separate lowbies and ranked players by battle rating or simply by level. i'd suggest by battle rating. in addition, it might be more interesting if u can only fight 1v1, w/o troops. that way, players would also focus on refining their gears, soul engraving and astrals more and not only rely on troops and daru farming. but that is just a thought implenting this, a lot of players would be online and still be playing even if there is no available event at the moment.

    IGN: weed
    Class: archer
    Server: 4 bretheran abyss
    Last edited by LeKurt; 11-11-2012, 09:16 AM.

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  • AnarchyPSG
    duel system not just arena duel ye can click players and see a duel icon.
    costume mode can hide stats of the avatar.

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  • Apocalypss
    I don;t know if this was said before buy i suggest that all players can downlevel troops to get daru back,not at all,but atleast a half of the daru.I have lvl 27 paladin and i don;t use them anymore and gryphons are very expensive to upgrade.I think it's a good ideea to get 50% of the daru you have invest in your previous troops.

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  • tqcuong
    hey what about a duel with other player in the wild ?that would be awsome imagine everyone go on the wild n dual each other i think that would bring more player to the game

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