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[Announcement] 11/14/2012 Wartune Server Maintenance @ 9:00 PM EST

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  • 20 MINS on the go
    Server 14 :Serenity Lake
    Level 64
    Guild: Envy


    • Yes we can


      • please all of the servers to meet the player pack ... create an arena for all servers meet ... with one character alone ..


        • lol 244 :O

          Always some 1 needing there *** kicked!


          • S65 and S66 are the servers with red code


            • Originally posted by suhailkhatri View Post
              where is color????????????????????????????
              The color is yellow as your teeth.. peace!!
              Mesh With The Best, Die Like The Rest.
              Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility

              Server: S62
              Class: Archer



              • that so long long time...


                • Hola buenas, soy español y querria saber a que hora aproximadamente estará disponible el juego, por que llevo horas y horas intentandolo pero no funciona, gracias.


                  • omg -.- this way way long
                    The world is more Evil than Good these days..


                    • 18 mins left. . faster faster
                      Name : Inuyasha

                      Class : Archer

                      Guild : Rogues

                      Server : S59[Easkerton Camp]


                      • Originally posted by AlmonZanos View Post
                        please all of the servers to meet the player pack ... create an arena for all servers meet ... with one character alone ..
                        dude that would suck cause the guys on new servers will be getting their *** kicked by those on the first servers


                        • I vote to close this thread, to many trolls.
                          Mesh With The Best, Die Like The Rest.
                          Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility

                          Server: S62
                          Class: Archer



                          • Originally posted by Violet_Vixen View Post
                            A few things make me lol:

                            1. Can we have compensation for missing out on the world boss/Arena/BattleGrounds?

                            Sure we can. In fact, we've already been compensated. The GM is going to give us an awesome present in return for making us miss those DAILY activities. And I know what it is. I`m not gonna tell you though, it's a secret ;P

                            Oh wait, no it isn't. Okay I`ll tell you then. We're being compensated WITH A 2 CHAINZZZZZZ, GAME-CHANGING PATCH THAT MORE THAN LIKELY TOOK HOURS TO MAKE!

                            We're getting guild territories. We're getting mounts. We're getting blitzing. We're getting MORE arena parties. We're getting MORE VIP ****. Basically, you are going to have to change how you play the game to counter the strategies being formed by those who are NOT wasting their time 2 CHAINZZZZZZ about not being able to harvest the crops they were dumb enough to plant without reading the announcement. Put on your big boy/girl panties and go find something to do while you wait you babies.

                            2. Paying players are stronger than non-payers!

                            Not really. They have good equipment and everything but they didn't BUY their stats. The paying players put in a lot of work on their characters too. Those characters didn't reach high levels because their owners put in a buck or two. You are just butthurt that you don't have a dime to put into the game and are sad enough that you'd rather bich and moan about the donators instead of actually putting in work. I`m not a donating player, but I can hold my own against them just fine with my mage because I WORKED. FOR. IT. I have put a lot of time into my character and I don't complain when I get my *** kicked. Because of that I have EARNED my server's respect. You can too if you actually apply yourself.

                            3. We can't get into the catacombs for free anymore?!?!?!

                            Learn to read buttmunch. Your keys can be used to double rewards. You still get your free attempt into the catacombs. The Catacombs a Daily Devotion task, that's why you get the free attempts! Stop jumping the gun and read what is written carefully.

                            4. Whine whine, 2 CHAINZZZZZZ, moan, cry, baaaaaaaawwwwwllllll!!!!! I CAN'T SURVIVE WITHOUT HARVESTING MAH TWEE!

                            How sad and pathetic are you? It's a game. That you play for free. There are many like WarTune, it is not unique. Heck the guys and gals who own it own another game too! If you HONESTLY can't go a few measly hours without playing it, then you need to get out more. If nothing else, the fact that you play WarTune means that you have internet, so go read fanfiction or watch anime or something. All you are doing is making the Game Master feel like their hard work is going unnoticed because you are too blind and stupid to appreciate the hard work going into this huge update. What, would you rather they install it while you play? Would THAT make you happy?

                            Well I`ve got news for you, if you think WarTune is laggy now, imagine what it would be like if the Game Masters started screwing with the hard/software while millions of players are logged in and working the servers. I`ve got a good computer. I do pretty good on WarTune. Even I notice the lag. I failed my first BG on my other server so miserably because of it. So we have two options with this patch install:

                            A. Install the new patch slowly over the course of a week or a month, making the game a hundred times slower than normal while all the players do their thing


                            B. Shut everyone out and get the ENTIRE patch installed in just 12 hours.

                            BECAUSE THEY CARE the GM opted for the second option. All they ask in return is for us to be PATIENT while they get the patch in. Despite the name, this patch install isn't just a bandaid you put on a cut. They are literally rewriting the ENTIRE CODE OF THE GAME to include all the nice things they wanna give us.

                            I hope this gives you a little more appreciation for what the GM is actually doing for us, at least enough for you guys to stop bullying the poor thing while they just try to make the game more fun for you. I mean really, how ungrateful ARE you?

                            /endrant, really looking forward to this.
                            is not a copy-paste thing



                              479 beat that xD


                              • it's so long long long tmie....

