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The Wartune 1.5 Friday Herald: Cross-Server Battlegrounds

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  • The Wartune 1.5 Friday Herald: Cross-Server Battlegrounds

    Here at R2Games, as we start the process of converting over 1.5 for Wartune, we'll be releasing little hints and previews of what's to come on Fridays. This week we'll be looking at changes to one of the bigger daily PvP events: Cross-Server Battlegrounds

    Cross-Server Battlegrounds

    We've got lots of changes coming to the Battlegrounds, many requested by the players. However, to bring those requests to life, a larger pool of players was needed. As such, Battlegrounds will now be held across all servers. With having a larger group of players to pull from, we'll be able to implement one of the most requested items from players for the Battlegrounds. Battlegrounds will be divided by level, with players of level 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and level 70-80 fighting separately. In addition, we'll be adding more opportunities to allow players to access the Battlegrounds. Battlegrounds will run ten times a day, once an hour starting at 1:00 PM server time. Players are welcome to attend as many Battlegrounds as they wish, but will only be able to receive rewards for the first two attempts. After that, players will only receive Honor and Cross Server Points.

    What are Cross Server Points you ask? Those will be needed in the Cross Server Battleground Rankings, where the best of the best will be able to win.... stuff. What kind of.... stuff? Wait and see!
    This Forum Admin is no more. He has ceased to be. He's expired and gone on to other work. He's a stiff. If R2 hadn't ignored him he'd still be employed. Bereft of work he lives in peace. His forum duties are now history. He's off the twig, he's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off these forums, run down the thread count, and joined the ex-R2Games Employees Club. This is an ex-Forum Admin.

  • #2
    You don't actually say - but I assume that this will be timezone specific? like the 3v3 arena is currently?
    Originally posted by CreamySaucepan
    You are just a freakozoid... Monster of Frankenstein meets Jabba the Hutt... Frabba the Huttstein... :P
    Originally posted by CreamySaucepan
    Behind every fat Space Slug is a blood thirsty sociopath urging it on.


    • #3
      Omg yay! Omg yay! Omg yay! Omg yay! Omg yay! Omg yay! *\^_^/*


      • #4
        Cool update again! Thanks R2 staffs!
        IGN: Rain
        Server: [S59] Easkerton Camp
        Guild: FateZero

        Proud non-casher

        My Guide/s:


        • #5
          Very nice update. Finally I might meet more people with higher honor than me.


          • #6

            Might as well stay lvl 59 and keep working on my 50 legends now
            S166. lvl: 78(soon/is)
            Mage: Existence (G.M)
            BR: 113k-ish 70 set's done!!


            • #7
              Should answer a lot of complaints but then again we are awesome at finding new things to complain about..........

              Yeah, he's SOOOOOOO romantic

              Personal: Married to the most wonderful man in the world. Love you, Kit. Cara 'ch, 'm blaidd.

              Honesty is an expensive gift, don't expect it from cheap people.

              Demented children don't impress me.


              • #8
                yes yes yes....!!!!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GingerTheHutt View Post
                  You don't actually say - but I assume that this will be timezone specific? like the 3v3 arena is currently?
                  ACK! I meant to put that in there. Really I did. Yes, it will be timezone specific. East Coast servers will only duke it out with other East Coast servers.
                  This Forum Admin is no more. He has ceased to be. He's expired and gone on to other work. He's a stiff. If R2 hadn't ignored him he'd still be employed. Bereft of work he lives in peace. His forum duties are now history. He's off the twig, he's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off these forums, run down the thread count, and joined the ex-R2Games Employees Club. This is an ex-Forum Admin.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Serrin View Post
                    Should answer a lot of complaints but then again we are awesome at finding new things to complain about..........
                    ^_^ My guess: the extreme slow levelers with very high BRs... because "zomgwtfbbq it's just not possible for a level xx to have a BR of XXK! He beat me and now I'm still being farmed like the lvl 50+ meanies used to do! Whaaaa whaaaa whaaa!"
                    I so hope people will send me hatemail...

                    Originally posted by R2CS_Stormaggedon View Post
                    ACK! I meant to put that in there. Really I did. Yes, it will be timezone specific. East Coast servers will only duke it out with other East Coast servers.
                    *thumbs up*


                    • #11
                      Son of a....... I finally make it to the point where i can get some kills and now, lvl 50, bottom of the totem pole again!!!!!!


                      • #12
                        lol then level up and toughen up lol
                        Dragon Pals and Shadowbound Mod and Basic tech support

                        R2 Serrin, My partner and fiancee, RIP 1971-2015
                        Cha bhi fios aire math an tobair gus an trÃ*igh e.


                        • #13
                          would it not be a problem to full 70 + BG 10 times a day? and what do the people who chose to play with the start of the server GvG and BG while being used now?


                          • #14
                            it may be a problem but as players level, you will have more players that are level 70+ so you may notice that there are not the numbers to fight, so there would not be so many of your 20+ kills per bg that you used to getting....... and that would also mean that arya would not be able to sit in the entrance of the other teams spawning area.... so the benefits overall to all the players, outweigh your lack of targets
                            Dragon Pals and Shadowbound Mod and Basic tech support

                            R2 Serrin, My partner and fiancee, RIP 1971-2015
                            Cha bhi fios aire math an tobair gus an trÃ*igh e.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by R2CS_Stormaggedon View Post
                              ACK! I meant to put that in there. Really I did. Yes, it will be timezone specific. East Coast servers will only duke it out with other East Coast servers.
                              Yay! The same guys who shout 'Haxx' and 'Cheat' etc at me in 3v3, now get to see me in battlegrounds too... *giggles insanely*
                              Originally posted by CreamySaucepan
                              You are just a freakozoid... Monster of Frankenstein meets Jabba the Hutt... Frabba the Huttstein... :P
                              Originally posted by CreamySaucepan
                              Behind every fat Space Slug is a blood thirsty sociopath urging it on.

