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[Announcement] Bugged Evil Unicorn Issue compensation

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  • metal3me
    Originally posted by daunapu View Post
    they give those players the spirits back, meaning they lose nothing and actualy there is nothing to compensate them for....and please explain me how giving someone 300 whips for having and enjoying stats they shouldn't fair to others? I am not jealous or anything, and sick of such like you who just trashtalk without a single thought.
    You both are stupid read well the sentences emma posted ,it says" all players will get 25 MS and 300 whips" duuuhhhh reading bellow the lines-.-.stupid ppl

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  • R2sucksbad
    represented nthhPa

    Originally posted by R2_Emma View Post
    A compensation pack will be offered to all players once the maintenance is finished.
    What, you skipped to the last page to reply without reading the OP?

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  • wilson1187
    i hope this compensation apply to all player and servers

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  • wilson1187
    has anyone redeemed the compensation? if not.. when can we claim?

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  • joerdel05
    when this compensation will be claim?...

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  • BadKitty2
    R2 has really lost there minds on this I can see why they change the stats from +100 to +20 for the evil unicorn since you can get it with 25 spirits, and don't see them ever giving a +100 mount for that, but to make it a 7 day MOUNT have they done lost there minds. Who in the world would waste there hard earn spirits that take forever to even get 25 at gaining 1 to 2 if your lucky a week. The have really started to become to money hungry, I do and have spent quite a bit in this game, but as of now no more. As I see they are turning into like most use to be good games only thinking of there pockets. Maybe they need to go talk to the game makers of Backyard Monsters, they use to have a great game with tons of players I played my self for 2 years tell they went the way R2 is heading now to money hungry, and all there players quit along with there HEAVY CASHIERS! So R2 needs to wake up before there game goes right down the toilet to!!!
    Last edited by BadKitty2; 04-14-2014, 06:26 PM.

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  • noval40
    Originally posted by Billy_McF View Post
    They can't tell who did it deliberately or those who were genuine.

    The outcome of that should be the return of the mount spirit cards but not a reward of Training whips.

    As has been said previously, nobody actually lost anything!

    In fact by returning these cards, everyone who synthesized the mount got something FREE for however long they have had it. So compensation of mount training whips is unjust and undeserved.
    unjust to give compensation... right u must be those guys crying they didnt got the buged skin and now only way is too get in cw top3 to ride it . poor u

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  • WillpowerS3
    Get Your **** Together

    First you replace the nether lycan mount with the evil unicorn and also change the stats gained from +100 to +20, sure I can deal with that mistake even though the nether lycan was great to have. Now you also want to take away the evil unicorn mount? sure you'll give our mount spirits back and 300 additional whips, but really, 300 whips is not even enough to get me +10 str. As a free player, it's frustrating to see how quick you'll fix things that affect cashers but not fix other bugs. Close your eyes and point to a section of your code, I bet there's a bug in there.
    These are your mistakes, how about you fix them before you roll out your update?
    Thank goodness I never spent any money on this game and now I definitely never will.

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  • TWall
    Originally posted by Billy_McF View Post
    They can't tell who did it deliberately or those who were genuine.

    The outcome of that should be the return of the mount spirit cards but not a reward of Training whips.

    As has been said previously, nobody actually lost anything!

    In fact by returning these cards, everyone who synthesized the mount got something FREE for however long they have had it. So compensation of mount training whips is unjust and undeserved.
    in terms of pure fairness not taking into account customers feelings, then i agree with you. but doing this, they'd still end up with a fair number of genuine people upset that they bought something and had it taken back. the whips are their attempt to cut back on that.

    problem with all this as i said earlier in thread is nothing they do will make everyone happy. only possibility is making evil unicorn a +100 permanent mount, but thats not happening. theyre left with some form of comp. just giving mount spirits will work for some but still leave them with upset genuine users. giving out whips makes those people happier and leaves those who dont get them upset. and giving out comp to all tries to mollify those new upset folks, but bothers some of those who did participate who then see non-participators as getting 25 extra spirit cards.

    all in all, its a no win situation at this point for them.

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  • Billy_McF
    Originally posted by TWall View Post
    and how will r2 know who knew and abused the bug? and who actually thought it was a real new feature and unwittingly bought something that turned out to be something other than what they expected? they're not mindreaders.

    They can't tell who did it deliberately or those who were genuine.

    The outcome of that should be the return of the mount spirit cards but not a reward of Training whips.

    As has been said previously, nobody actually lost anything!

    In fact by returning these cards, everyone who synthesized the mount got something FREE for however long they have had it. So compensation of mount training whips is unjust and undeserved.

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  • TWall
    Originally posted by Billy_McF View Post
    I think that the people who didn't try to take advantage of this bug should be rewarded, not the people who abused this bug.

    Is this the 1st time that R2 have rewarded players for abusing a bug??

    Just two threads that discuss the possibility of the mount bug

    I guess there are a lot of players who read these forums, who had an idea about this problem, and still went ahead and synthesized this mount.
    I am in no way saying that ALL players did this to abuse the bug, but there will be those who did and rewarding them is totally unjust.
    and how will r2 know who knew and abused the bug? and who actually thought it was a real new feature and unwittingly bought something that turned out to be something other than what they expected? they're not mindreaders.

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  • Billy_McF
    I think that the people who didn't try to take advantage of this bug should be rewarded, not the people who abused this bug.

    Is this the 1st time that R2 have rewarded players for abusing a bug??

    Just two threads that discuss the possibility of the mount bug

    I guess there are a lot of players who read these forums, who had an idea about this problem, and still went ahead and synthesized this mount.
    I am in no way saying that ALL players did this to abuse the bug, but there will be those who did and rewarding them is totally unjust.

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  • Niasaj
    Thanks.. nice to know I wont lose my spirits after all

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  • isnantk11
    Evil unicorn

    I just want my mount spirit 25 back, but when it comes to compensation that is up to your GM

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  • littlea1

    Originally posted by TeRiMoNeRi View Post
    It's still better then not being able to do anything with your mount spirits. There won't be anything else to do with them so might as well get a few extra stats for classwars.

    Same thing will happen with shadow souls from tok, we will also get a timed mount for that eventualy, also 7 days most likely.

    wy do we need that 7 days is a waste 25 weeks to get a mount !!! thats stupidity without a doubth

    yes am angry and am not happy about playing this game anymore am done with beeing hopefull r2 **** you over dont you all see this they want money and ignore us low cashers for Zebq and other well and rich players on this game

    thats wy we should stop spending and make them realize that they need to either hire a real programmer team or really start to care for customers, support, and also show us respect and , show that they care for us!
    Last edited by Greenfireflygirl; 04-14-2014, 04:44 PM. Reason: profanity

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