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Fearless Basic Lvl 20

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  • Fearless Basic Lvl 20

    So this is an odd question but is there a trick to level 20 of fearless~? He always one-hits my team as soon as I get to that level so I rarely even get to attack him. I can only assume I need to work on a certain stat or something... if anyone has any tips please enlighten me~?

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  • #2
    you guessed it ..
    need to work on your pdef/mdef stats to lesson the dmg you take
    getting Hemidall to lvl 80 will help ya alot
    pretty much should be able to solo it around lvl 70 i think if you have him built good

    stacking charisma will give your mercs alot more hp to survive
    also the astro Eye of Death gives ya chance to immune dmg which helps alot

    21,000 def / 15,000 mdef usally does around 10k non crit hits 45k special atk dmg to my Atalanta
    shes lvl 80 +9 to give you a idea what type of dmg she is taking

    keep in mind there are 3 difficulties of Fearless and they all give exact same rewards for ranking
    so if your in the top 3 of rankings u should try to stay there


    • #3
      Thank you so much for the information Rinzlar~! Much appreciated, I will keep that in mind ~(^_^)~


      • #4
        While you can do it even at 160k Br (for mages at least), the more important is what Rinzar said last, ALL difficulties give same rewards as in Oubliete...Don't pass normal, kill fast all mobs until 20lv & abort fight after 1st round. In case you have many competitors, the one that "reach" faster the 20lv is the day winner or simply if you have lesser opponents, abort in any lv you could win.
        Many players play 1st round only anyway lol.

