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Reporting Bugs - Read Before Posting

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  • Reporting Bugs - Read Before Posting

    Discord remains the best place to report game related issues. For those who choose to utilize the Bug Reports and Support section of the forum, please follow these guidelines:

    • Check to see if a thread has already been posted before creating a New Topic for the same issue.
    1. If a thread exists but it is older than the most recent game maintenance, please do create a New Topic

    • Title the New Topic with the main issue being experienced.
    1. Example, if there's a bug with attacking in arena, the title should include a few words that mention what the bug is with arena, ex 'Unable to attack in arena'.
    2. Please avoid topic titles that only say bug, help, game broken, etc.

    All reports are required to include:
    1. A description of the bug, including steps to reproduce the bug if multiple actions need to be taken to experience the bug
    2. A screenshot or video that displays the bug, or where to locate the bug
    3. Character name and Server number (this number will always be the number clicked on to enter the game, regardless of server merges)
    4. If the issue is related to a ticket that has been submitted, we require:
      • character name, server, and the UID located on the R2Games home page
      • the general topic of the ticket
      • what specific assistance is required

    • Issues that cannot receive assistance through the forum, and require a ticket be sent to include:
    1. Payment issues. This includes missing currency, failed payments, issues with payment options
    2. Account issues. This includes issues with password, email address, bans
    3. Missing items. This includes any event or action that should result in receiving something, but that something was not received
    4. Any issue that only impacts one player, and thus is not a game issue. This includes not being able to locate a server a character is on, mutes, character bans

    • Due to not being able to respond to forum private messages due to a forum bug, please do not send any staff, mod, or GM a private message. If a private conversation is required, please send in a ticket to support or ask in the game's channel on the Discord server for a mod or GM to contact you.

    Note: Please remember this forum is public and all posts can be accessed by search engines, so always censor private or personally identifying information. Never post your email address publicly, never display the full ingame URL, and never post bank account information.
    New R2 Community Discord Server:

    Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

    Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

    Rules of the Forum are found here.

    R2Games Ticket System for browser games:

  • #2
    bacilo me iz igre i poslije toga nedozvoljava da se prijavim sta se doga?a ?

