Everything was fine. Suddenly kicked out and cannot get back on. This always happens just before sieges - wonderful. See screenshot

I don't give a flying fig why this keeps happening but it does and so far R2 have done nothing to fix it - which is SOP for them. Do they want people to play this game or not? Then it would be wise for them to let people PLAY THE FARTING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!
After the first screenshot, this pops up

S24 Roland Town - Merlin, etc
I don't give a flying fig why this keeps happening but it does and so far R2 have done nothing to fix it - which is SOP for them. Do they want people to play this game or not? Then it would be wise for them to let people PLAY THE FARTING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!
After the first screenshot, this pops up
S24 Roland Town - Merlin, etc