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Server transfer destroyed game

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  • Server transfer destroyed game

    Thanks to the devs for destroying what was a decent game. It was bad enough allowing players to switch nations within a server but the final nail in the coffin was allowing players to switch servers altogether, resulting in mega-players coming in and destroying the balance of power which had lasted for weeks, if not months. As of this writing, the nation I serve as Vizier will lose over 30 villages in one day due to an outside player coming in as the new #1 in the rankings with 107 million warpower and 168 million kills. Nice job devs, if you were looking for a way to kill a game you found it.

  • #2
    Dear R2 shareholders, your beautiful game has been performing exceptionally well over the last quarter.
    Your faithful customers purchased truckloads of P2W heroes, at 100 bucks a pop for a 5* version.

    But a serious problem is unraveling, menacing this business of yours.
    Having leveled their heroes to 5* and castles to 20 over the last year, your oldest playerbase is increasingly transfering their account to the newest authorized servers, and bullying players whose accounts are 150 days old, the day their server become eligible to server transfer / invasion by Godzillas .

    6 monthes of extra playing time equal 4300 hours of FREE speed ups for EACH available building and reasearch queue.
    PLUS all the speed up bonuses you can get during those 6 monthes.

    You are allowing senior players whith way over 10 000 extra hours of research and building time to compete with your youngest player base, that just archieved a 150 days milestone.

    In 6 more monthes, that unfair power gap between players will have doubled.
    Senior players with over 20 000 hours of free research speed (maxed research), millions of extra mined ore (maxed 5* lvl 60 purple gear), maxed 5* +4 heroes, will be allowed to compete with players whose account are lvl 16-17 castles, two or three 5* heroes... and crush them at will.

    Those young players have their sense of archievement and 150 days of progression instantly destroyed, their hard earned rewards stolen from them.
    Be it town ownership, top 20 arena shard coins, access and reward to City of Darkness, respected Vizier position, and much more.
    Those players feel cheated, helpless, disgusted, and are starting to quit the game en masse.

    Usually, MMOs do merge servers with similar playing time, to keep some balance and fairness between players.
    Maybe players should only be allowed to transfer their account to the first two servers having opened after their own server, plus to all servers older than their own server?

    But... why should any of this matter to you....?

    Because, after 150 days of playing time, those quitting players were only half way through buying their 5* SS heroes.

    PS: thank you so much for removing the vulgar playthings from the loading screen!
    Last edited by fgambs; 08-23-2020, 05:09 PM.


    • #3
      lololol hearty chuckle on fgambs post above and 100% totally true and agree!!! there should be some sort of "power bracketing" in this game to limit this unfair transfer and keep the game on an enjoyable, fair, and level playing field. if they do it in sports and other events, why not in this game? it is just not right when a player is enjoying the game amongst players in their server and someone with war power that is 10x more than the average comes in and brutalizes everyone and turns everything upside down. hopefully there is some fair and amicable solution to this problem...


      • #4
        typical R2 bull **** . from crystal saga to this one pay to win , now all you have are mega cashers left i completely stopped paying for anything in the game and now my character cant win a single battle in arena against players 5 million str less than mine . i used this game to pass the time now it just pisses me off , so . i will not be relogging into any of your servers .
        again you can [no thanks]
        Last edited by MemoryLane; 09-19-2020, 12:43 PM.

