I was posting them 1 at a time to keep this at the top minori and Hachiro. Can't you pin this so it will stay at the top until such time its fixed so we can keep adding?
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Ingame Chat Censoring Exemptions
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A year later, and still is not working.
Smart, Small, Smite, hit, line, online, offline, support, assistance, Hell Camp
Now that I know this thread is here, I might start keeping track of every time I get bleeped.
Edit: I suggest getting an English dictionary, and adding all the words starting with "sm" to the list of exceptions.
Here is an example:- smack15
- smacked18
- smacker17
- smackers18
- smacking21
- smacks16
- small10
- smallage15
- smallages16
- smallclothes23
- smaller12
- smallest13
- smallholder20
- smallholders21
- smallholding24
- smallholdings25
- smallish15
- smallmouth21
- smallmouths22
- smallness15
- smallnesses17
- smallpox23
- smallpoxes25
- smalls11
- smallsword19
- smallswords20
- smalt9
- smalti10
- smaltine13
- smaltines14
- smaltite12
- smaltites13
- smalto10
- smaltos11
- smalts10
- smaragd13
- smaragde14
- smaragdes15
- smaragdine17
- smaragdite16
- smaragdites17
- smaragds14
- smarm11
- smarmier14
- smarmiest15
- smarmily17
- smarminess17
- smarminesses19
- smarms12
- smarmy14
- smart8
- smartass11
- smartasses13
- smarted11
- smarten11
- smartened14
- smartening17
- smartens12
- smarter10
- smartest11
- smartie10
- smarties11
- smarting14
- smartly13
- smartness13
- smartnesses15
- smarts9
- smartweed16
- smartweeds17
- smarty11
- smash10
- smashed13
- smasher12
- smashers13
- smashes12
- smashing16
- smashingly21
- smashup16
- smashups17
- smatter10
- smattered13
- smatterer12
- smatterers13
- smattering16
- smatterings17
- smatters11
- smaze17
- smazes18
- smear8
- smearcase15
- smearcases16
- smeared11
- smearer10
- smearers11
- smearier11
- smeariest12
- smearing14
- smears9
- smeary11
- smectic16
- smectite14
- smectites15
- smectitic18
- smeddum16
- smeddums17
- smeek12
- smeeked15
- smeeking18
- smeeks13
- smegma14
- smegmas15
- smell10
- smelled13
- smeller12
- smellers13
- smellier13
- smelliest14
- smelling16
- smells11
- smelly13
- smelt9
- smelted12
- smelter11
- smelteries14
- smelters12
- smeltery14
- smelting15
- smelts10
- smerk12
- smerked15
- smerking18
- smerks13
- smew10
- smews11
- smidge12
- smidgen14
- smidgens15
- smidgeon15
- smidgeons16
- smidges13
- smidgin14
- smidgins15
- smiercase15
- smiercases16
- smilax17
- smilaxes19
- smile9
- smiled11
- smileless14
- smiler10
- smilers11
- smiles10
- smiley12
- smileys13
- smiling14
- smilingly19
- smirch14
- smirched17
- smirches16
- smirching20
- smirk12
- smirked15
- smirker14
- smirkers15
- smirkier15
- smirkiest16
- smirking18
- smirks13
- smirky15
- smit7
- smite8
- smiter9
- smiters10
- smites9
- smith10
- smithereens17
- smitheries15
- smithers13
- smithery15
- smithies13
- smiths11
- smithsonite17
- smithsonites18
- smithy13
- smiting13
- smitten11
- smock15
- smocked18
- smocking21
- smockings22
- smocks16
- smog9
- smoggier15
- smoggiest16
- smoggy15
- smogless14
- smogs10
- smokable19
- smoke12
- smokeable20
Last edited by JamesDragonrider; 03-02-2023, 12:46 AM.
Originally posted by JamesDragonrider View PostA year later, and still is not working.
Smart, Small, Smite, hit, line, online, offline, support, assistance, Hell Camp
Now that I know this thread is here, I might start keeping track of every time I get bleeped.
Edit: I suggest getting an English dictionary, and adding all the words starting with "sm" to the list of exceptions.
Here is an example:New R2 Community Discord Server: https://discord.gg/VFMzFDqKq5
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Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.
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R2Games Ticket System for browser games: https://www.r2games.com/support
Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
If you already know 'sm' is filtered in game, put a dot between them. Dictionary links aren't needed, but be careful with link lists, the forum's filter will start thinking it's spam.
Or eliminate it entirely, as it really doesn't do anything besides aggravate your playing customers. Anyone who wishes to swear could simply use one of the work around tactics used to write non-offensive text, to write offensive text.
EDIT: PS - I didn't mean to include links, only a list of words.
EDIT 2 - the word buy is censored, which makes it difficult to tell people to buy stuff from the guild shop, merit shop, arena shop, etc
I usually have to retype the line with the word purchase instead of buy after I forget it is a "bad" word.
Also: putting a period in a word to circumvent the censor incorrectly blocking out a word is "fine" if they are speaking the same language, but might stop the translation from working. Thus the correct solution is to allow such words to be spoken without blocking them.
The word line is not inherently a bad word, and shouldn't be censored. It often gets used in discussions to say someone is online or offline.Last edited by JamesDragonrider; 03-12-2023, 02:40 PM.
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Originally posted by JamesDragonrider View Post
Rather than putting the burden of a broken chat filter system upon the players, why not simply fix the chat filter?
R2Games isn't the developer and can't force the developer to alter the game. R2 takes player suggestions and feedback and sends them to the devs. It's entirely up to the devs to decide if they will implement the suggestions or make changes based on feedback. We can hope that one day the devs finally sit down with the filter list, but it's been a number of years and we haven't seen that happen.
I'm not discouraging posting the words that are in the game being reported when they are being filtered, and they are forwarded along every time they are posted, just saying that if you know a word is censored in the game, use a different word (little or tiny instead of small), shorten the word so the filtered combination is avoided (farm instead of farmland), or use a dot between the offending letters.New R2 Community Discord Server: https://discord.gg/VFMzFDqKq5
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Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.
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