Wartune Reborn S25
BGs 2x attack honor resets
no screenshot video avail
Explanation -
BKMomon S25
While in BGs if you attack (1) character 2x times and then attack a different character atleast once, the 2x attack on previous character resets honor collection. The system was made to prevent (1) attacker from keep attacking the same character, there appears to be a flaw if they interrupt the programming by attacking a different person.
Due to the fast pace of BGs no video/screenshot is available
BGs 2x attack honor resets
no screenshot video avail
Explanation -
BKMomon S25
While in BGs if you attack (1) character 2x times and then attack a different character atleast once, the 2x attack on previous character resets honor collection. The system was made to prevent (1) attacker from keep attacking the same character, there appears to be a flaw if they interrupt the programming by attacking a different person.
Due to the fast pace of BGs no video/screenshot is available