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Memorial for Schala (Sever 9)

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  • #16
    Lol. Sorry, didn't know the person, never will. But to say EVERYONE should respect them REGARDLESS of if she's from my server or not.. No thanks. For all we know they were a kiddy fiddler. Perhaps they were a serial killer, maybe even a rapist... You don't know, I don't know. That's all.

    Because "She" is dead, does that change anything? Nope. She's dead. She could still have been the above. I'll respect those I know who are worthy of it.

    I'm not a total a**hole. I was going to ignore this thread but you posted something so stupid I had to comment on it. Good riddance, another worthless human being dead and buried. Big deal.


    • #17
      i will miss u schala/mary.. may u rest in peace..


      • #18
        Originally posted by ElusionM View Post
        Lol. Sorry, didn't know the person, never will. But to say EVERYONE should respect them REGARDLESS of if she's from my server or not.. No thanks. For all we know they were a kiddy fiddler. Perhaps they were a serial killer, maybe even a rapist... You don't know, I don't know. That's all.

        Because "She" is dead, does that change anything? Nope. She's dead. She could still have been the above. I'll respect those I know who are worthy of it.

        I'm not a total a**hole. I was going to ignore this thread but you posted something so stupid I had to comment on it. Good riddance, another worthless human being dead and buried. Big deal.
        OR the opposite of what you think of her. She could have been a charity helper, She could have worked in food drives, donate to children in need.
        This thread doesn't need people saying mean, unwanted things so that is why she posted you should respect when you reply or not reply at all. And are you saying you have no respect for people you don't know? And so does that mean they don't deserve any cause YOU don't know them? and you little comment about "might be a 45 year old guy", did you even see the picture? or did you just wanted to ruin something? You had no right in this thread from your first post. She isn't worthless cause people love her, she helped out a lot with players. Your acting like the worthless person here.
        P.S May you rest in peace...Schala♥
        Last edited by BlessedLordess; 07-14-2013, 10:54 AM.
        Being brave doesn't mean never being afraid, you know.
        It means going for it anyway
        because it's the right thing to do...

        Game: Eternal Saga

        IGN: Auria

        Class: Mage

        Server: Hallowed City

        Guild: WarGods


        • #19
          Originally posted by ElusionM View Post
          Lol. Sorry, didn't know the person, never will. But to say EVERYONE should respect them REGARDLESS of if she's from my server or not.. No thanks. For all we know they were a kiddy fiddler. Perhaps they were a serial killer, maybe even a rapist... You don't know, I don't know. That's all.

          Because "She" is dead, does that change anything? Nope. She's dead. She could still have been the above. I'll respect those I know who are worthy of it.

          I'm not a total a**hole. I was going to ignore this thread but you posted something so stupid I had to comment on it. Good riddance, another worthless human being dead and buried. Big deal.
          You are total *** hole. and what thing that I posted stupid on the forum really and she wasn't a man. She was a real women. Her name was Mary Ann Cree, She was 32yr women. She has a FB account she has family and friends. I had to find out about her death from her family member. Why you have to say good riddance to another worthless human being dead and buried.

          What if someone said that exact same thing to you like if it was you saying good riddance to you. No one cares for you cause your a worthless waste of a human being cause really thats what you are acting like and when your talking like this after someone death. You don't have to give anyone respect or anything just please shut up. bad enough I have to ask a mod to delete this tread cause you ruined it. A memorial supposed to be peaceful and nice. Not like this. Even I ruined it. Thanks alot.
          ImmortalSoul: S9
          Mage: Lvl 76


          • #20
            actually i agree with ElusionM for some point

            and honestly it bit weird to see people with stage 4 brain cancer still play this kind of game n have time to logging into game just to say she gonna pass away

            stage 4 cancer will get lot Chemotheraphy and she problably bald bacause of that theraphy

            it will bit logical if 1 of u know her personaly, i mean in real world(neighbour/family/real friend)

            IMO, creating thread is a wrong step to show ur feeling
            Nubito the Super Noob Mage in The Badlands


            • #21
              ignore elusionM and nubito they don't have a brain,,all cancer sufferers and deaths should be given our deepest respect to hope we don't get it and very very much hope a cure for this in near future
              EARWAX .. . .... .. ... ...


              • #22
                Originally posted by Missmagic-s119 View Post
                ignore elusionM and nubito they don't have a brain,,all cancer sufferers and deaths should be given our deepest respect to hope we don't get it and very very much hope a cure for this in near future
                i didnt mean to disrespect her
                if u have that big concern bout cancer sufferer
                do oustside activity to help them, n give more chairity to them
                talk less do more
                Nubito the Super Noob Mage in The Badlands


                • #23
                  ElusionM is a sad kid who only knows how to praise R2 and spend tons of money on the game, ignore him.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Nubito View Post
                    i didnt mean to disrespect her
                    if u have that big concern bout cancer sufferer
                    do oustside activity to help them, n give more chairity to them
                    talk less do more
                    so if you get kicked out of bg for not fighting 'give more and fight don't whine on here. Really nubito ,cancer is a big topic in the whole world
                    EARWAX .. . .... .. ... ...


                    • #25
                      Each server is pretty much a closed little world.

                      The only peeks people get of the other servers is through the few cross server daily activities.

                      While I understand the grief and loss some of you may be feeling, to most people here, the person you are grieving for is a stranger, or no know quantity or quality.

                      Sure this thread is a nice idea for the few people that may have gotten to know them through the cross server channels & haven't heard the sad news.

                      However the wording in some posts in this thread (Those specifically in support of the threads good intentions) could be revised.

                      My condolences for your loss, but that's as far as it goes for me.
                      Originally posted by CreamySaucepan
                      You are just a freakozoid... Monster of Frankenstein meets Jabba the Hutt... Frabba the Huttstein... :P
                      Originally posted by CreamySaucepan
                      Behind every fat Space Slug is a blood thirsty sociopath urging it on.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by ElusionM View Post
                        Lol. Sorry, didn't know the person, never will. But to say EVERYONE should respect them REGARDLESS of if she's from my server or not.. No thanks. For all we know they were a kiddy fiddler. Perhaps they were a serial killer, maybe even a rapist... You don't know, I don't know. That's all.

                        Because "She" is dead, does that change anything? Nope. She's dead. She could still have been the above. I'll respect those I know who are worthy of it.

                        I'm not a total a**hole. I was going to ignore this thread but you posted something so stupid I had to comment on it. Good riddance, another worthless human being dead and buried. Big deal.
                        Are you freaking serious? Saying good riddance when someone dies? YOu are no better than a murder by wishing death upon someone or saying that's a good thing. Wow dude seriously I hope you get banned off forums and in the game. You don't deserve to be around here anymore.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by 0xykotton View Post
                          Are you freaking serious? Saying good riddance when someone dies? YOu are no better than a murder by wishing death upon someone or saying that's a good thing. Wow dude seriously I hope you get banned off forums and in the game. You don't deserve to be around here anymore.
                          Agreed, lowest form of garbage on this forum.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by 0xykotton View Post
                            Are you freaking serious? Saying good riddance when someone dies? YOu are no better than a murder by wishing death upon someone or saying that's a good thing. Wow dude seriously I hope you get banned off forums and in the game. You don't deserve to be around here anymore.
                            Actually, by normal standards I'm better than a murderer because wishing death on someone is perfectly fine in comparison to actually killing someone, and it was clearly a good thing she died. Any normal or sane person would agree. She had cancer, she was suffering, best she's dead and put out of misery.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Missmagic-s119 View Post
                              so if you get kicked out of bg for not fighting 'give more and fight don't whine on here. Really nubito ,cancer is a big topic in the whole world
                              wow, nice stalk
                              btw, its diffrent bettween whine n concering bout bug
                              i know bout cancer, n i have my own exprience bout it
                              if u want debating other, dont talk out of topic
                              Nubito the Super Noob Mage in The Badlands


                              • #30
                                i think moderator should close this thread before it getting worst
                                Nubito the Super Noob Mage in The Badlands

