I'm happy to announce to all my haters, whiners and even complainers that I am resigning as a Moderator and quitting the game.
It saddens me to abandon the very people I've come to know and love throughout the time being here. However, things never remain the same - and neither have I.
As for me leaving, I dedicate this to all my haters. I just loved abusing and trolling you all. Your idiocy is the reason why I stayed for so long. However, you soon got boring, repetitive and lame.
As I leave, I'd love to give my shout outs to the people I felt I could trust the most:
MemoryLane, ShadowGammaDraco, Virtue_Sigil, VicZar, Soljah (Aquatic Crypts), Front (Aquatic Crypts), poofy (Aquatic Crypts), Sidoh (Aquatic Crypts)
To Memory, Shadow & Virtue - I know today wasn't supposed to be the day I officially leave, so I apologize for doing this during your absence. I couldn't do this any other time than now.
To All Nebulan Ridge Players - you are all a bunch of noobs. When you become as experienced as I have, you'll soon realize that with just VIP, the amount of work and havoc I've wreaked on the server will be just an average player's amount of work.
This is exactly how you players were when it came to me.

Anyways, this will be the very last thread and few posts I ever make on these Forums.
It was a good and entertaining run, especially being a Forums Moderator.
I'm sure you all ever wondered what VT meant, anyways. VT stood for Victor Tran.
Anyways, VT signing out.
Goodbye, Community of R2.
Such a waste of my resources. Oh well. ^^;
It saddens me to abandon the very people I've come to know and love throughout the time being here. However, things never remain the same - and neither have I.
As for me leaving, I dedicate this to all my haters. I just loved abusing and trolling you all. Your idiocy is the reason why I stayed for so long. However, you soon got boring, repetitive and lame.
As I leave, I'd love to give my shout outs to the people I felt I could trust the most:
MemoryLane, ShadowGammaDraco, Virtue_Sigil, VicZar, Soljah (Aquatic Crypts), Front (Aquatic Crypts), poofy (Aquatic Crypts), Sidoh (Aquatic Crypts)
To Memory, Shadow & Virtue - I know today wasn't supposed to be the day I officially leave, so I apologize for doing this during your absence. I couldn't do this any other time than now.
To All Nebulan Ridge Players - you are all a bunch of noobs. When you become as experienced as I have, you'll soon realize that with just VIP, the amount of work and havoc I've wreaked on the server will be just an average player's amount of work.
This is exactly how you players were when it came to me.
Anyways, this will be the very last thread and few posts I ever make on these Forums.
It was a good and entertaining run, especially being a Forums Moderator.
I'm sure you all ever wondered what VT meant, anyways. VT stood for Victor Tran.
Anyways, VT signing out.
Goodbye, Community of R2.
Such a waste of my resources. Oh well. ^^;