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Pet sacrifice bug update (S1)

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  • Pet sacrifice bug update (S1)

    I'm just hoping that an update/official word from R2 will be released at the conclusion of this bug. No need for the names of players to be listed here, just an announcement in forums that this bug has been handled and those responsible are serving their sentence would do. That's all.

  • #2
    The bug has been fixed, as have all sorting issues I believe, but we don't have an update on if/how the people who abused it will be handled yet.
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    • #3
      Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
      The bug has been fixed, as have all sorting issues I believe, but we don't have an update on if/how the people who abused it will be handled yet.
      That's good that the bug was fixed but continuing to see people who abused the bug just enjoy the game while getting an unfair advantage over others just kills the entire game for me and my friends. No sense topping up here then, no sense working your butt hard to get stronger when people like this are getting away without any repercussions (reported people already and the ban hammer is taking too long to be enforced). Feel bad for this game that it will continuously lose players.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Kalaripayattu View Post
        Feel bad for this game that it will continuously lose players.
        The devs don't care as long as people are still cashing. They just don't. Bernie Madoff probably has more integrity than these guys.


        • #5
          Originally posted by wtfssmtwtfssmt View Post
          The devs don't care as long as people are still cashing. They just don't. Bernie Madoff probably has more integrity than these guys.
          Well, they have already lost loads of high-tiered VIPs in our server alone due to very poor management of in-game bugs. Most of my friends who are VIP 4 and some who are VIP 6 already stopped logging in/cashing because of this. In fact, since the first duping bug, which was handled very unsatisfactorily by R2, people stopped playing this game already. I mean who would, in his right mind, cash for a game managed by idiots who patronize cheaters/abusers. Good luck here!


          • #6
            Since the devs aren't going to punish the people who cheated, they need to undo the bug and let everyone take advantage. this is a clear violation of r2's terms of service. you're opening yourselves up to lawsuits by people that played (and paid) legitimately and now have to compete with vip0s with stage 7 angels and demons.


            • #7
              Originally posted by wtfssmtwtfssmt View Post
              Since the devs aren't going to punish the people who cheated, they need to undo the bug and let everyone take advantage. this is a clear violation of r2's terms of service. you're opening yourselves up to lawsuits by people that played (and paid) legitimately and now have to compete with vip0s with stage 7 angels and demons.
              Yeah, its absolutely ridiculous how things are being managed here. Cheaters are still running rampant with no signs of being punished despite the reports R2 gets from players. And even if they get punished, I highly doubt it will be a permanent ban, it will just likely be a temporary ban (like in the first duping incident and gold duping) with no item wipe. Its like R2 is openly encouraging people to cheat 'coz you don't get punished anyway, more often than not, you get away with it or if you are banned, it will just be temporary. Our biggest duper in S1 got away with the offense with a mere temporary ban and still got back with all the duped items. Abusers of the gold duping bug got away with it. Similary, abusers of the pet sacrifice bug will go unpunished. I pity those cashing here moving forward. You are cashing in a game full of cheaters. Hope you realize that very soon before wasting any more money here.

              So, any news here? As usual NO one is still getting banned in S1 for the pet sacrifice bug.
              Last edited by Reverie; 12-28-2016, 05:10 PM. Reason: Posts merged.


              • #8
                I think is better if there´s a wall of shame for those abusers, just saying...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by scratch_Design View Post
                  I think is better if there´s a wall of shame for those abusers, just saying...
                  I agree to shame those abusers to leave the server and stop ruining everyone's experience of the game. Sadly, R2 along with the mods just would not allow it, whenever a thread of that sort comes up, they just close it and encourage us to redirect our concerns to support (yeah, right, like that would work!). Now, problem is R2 support/management absolutely sucks. They handle cases like these very poorly and very slowly, if they really do. So, in the end, the legit players loses and R2 loses even more credibility. Look at S1, no one is cashing anymore. Majority of the hardcore VIP players left due to R2 not punishing offenders. You try to do service to the community in an attempt to make this game clean and bug free and this is what we get from R2. See, even the mods are mum about the issue. You guys just can't imagine how I am so disgusted with the way things are handled here.
                  Last edited by Reverie; 01-02-2017, 12:13 PM. Reason: Do not encourage cheating.


                  • #10
                    Not really "mum" about this. I've been posting exactly what I know, which is nothing, though not for a lack of trying.
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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
                      Not really "mum" about this. I've been posting exactly what I know, which is nothing, though not for a lack of trying.
                      Yes, that is definitely appreciated. While we are at this, if you have spare time, could you please forward this issue again to support to expedite processing/investigation of the list of possible offenders players have been reporting to them. It's absolutely stupid seeing no one is getting punished on S1 (VIP 0s with stage 7 angel/demon - isn't that too obvious?).


                      • #12
                        I've asked people through facebook to send me pictures of their pet window for comparison purposes, for some reason they denied.
                        Even if it is obvious there's nothing they will do against them. I'm certain there are a lot of bugs out there and people are abusing them instead of properly reporting the bug to R2 Support.

                        I find disappointing that a ticket submitted on November 3th 2016 was answered until December 27th 2016, seriously 39 business days to reply a ticket... and there's no possible way for me to track what's going on with it, if it was even opened or reviewed. So kindly forward this to the admins/GM

                        Last edited by scratch_Design; 12-30-2016, 03:09 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by scratch_Design View Post
                          I find disappointing that a ticket submitted on November 3th 2016 was answered until December 27th 2016, seriously 39 business days to reply a ticket... and there's no possible way for me to track what's going on with it, if it was even opened or reviewed. So kindly forward this to the admins/GM

                          Tickets have the potential to be addressed sooner if a forward is requested. In such instances, we will need the e-mail used to submit your case sent to us via PM.

                          Are you needing a forward for the costume case? If so, the team has already said their dues, and it will not be swapped.


                          • #14
                            quit a month or so ago, come back and see ppl with stage 7 pets from this bug, jus wow, either delete their chars for cheating or open the bug back up for us all, time to quit again, games dying on its own and the devs still cudnt give a poop about helping it on its current course of death. Ever wonder why so many ppl quit cs1, cos there no repercussion of cheating, suppose this is jus R2 tho, money is better than players


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by R225092062 View Post
                              quit a month or so ago, come back and see ppl with stage 7 pets from this bug, jus wow, either delete their chars for cheating or open the bug back up for us all, time to quit again, games dying on its own and the devs still cudnt give a poop about helping it on its current course of death. Ever wonder why so many ppl quit cs1, cos there no repercussion of cheating, suppose this is jus R2 tho, money is better than players
                              this! the devs really need to do something about this. delete the pets and temp ban the players if you want the game to continue.

                              the sooner people realize that the devs don't care about us, the better it will be. people need to stop cashing until they start treating us better. all they care about right now is money. they don't care if people quit. they don't have the foresight to understand that without a player base, the game will end.

                              if people stop cashing, maybe the devs will take the hint.
                              Last edited by wtfssmtwtfssmt; 12-31-2016, 03:03 PM.

