So I thought I'd get a list together of things that are currently ruining the game, or have done so already. I'm doing this to help R2 because I like the game, not just for the sake of being negative or to bash anyone.
1: During the game's early months lots of severe bugs were wrongly made live, and for a while many players got to dupe various items such as gems and PUC, to name a couple. Many of the culprits merely got a slap on the wrist and have gotten away with it to this day. Next time R2 need's to do a proper rollback such as the one that occurred recently.
2. Glitches such as the signpost that often stops players when auto running in SG. Dungeons such as Krait Grotto, taking you back to Tree of Life every time you leave party when you're finished the run, or to Starglade if you leave via the NPC, Evil Beast Sanctuary and Underdark have similar issues too. Even just the little things like having to press a button twice before it open's (Frageron forge), these aren't game breaking thing's necessarily, but ruin the fluidity of the game while you play. It's all just very lazy especially when you consider most of these small problems have been around since game release.
3. To many things are bound, equipment shards, void materials, corruption stuff - cashers strong enough to farm things that free players need desperately, are mostly bound which is really frustrating, because it means we can't even help free 2 play people as much as on CS1, with many of these items. Most of these players, unless they have a casher friend helping them with cash only stuff, end up quitting because they reach a point where progress is extremely minimal. Without this free player base servers will continue to look dead, those players took up a large proportion of servers. Wheres events like wrangle or the magic mine from CS1, these were events that allowed free players to get good items for themselves.
4. Poor Weekly Events barely ever change, new events never get implemented. The kitten event is really weak, nobody wants HW's for gold and the only one's which are good are the fate roulette and Real and Sham to be honest. Maybe make Real and Sham spawn more throughout the day, or bring back the classic invaders from cs1. Quartermaster tokens should be focused on more for these events as these allow free players as well as cashers to benefit and upgrade their toons.
5. CP/Point Shop's barely ever updated or if it is, with stuff that are not worth buying. Wheres the PUC? or the DC? I'm not sure the Developer's play their game much, or even listen to what the Mod's forward to them from the community, to know what need's doing.
6. How thing's currently are, it will take to long to get the Elite level skill to max. It's just not realistic, maybe lower the thresholds for each level, or increase the exp gains.
7. I think the new VIP system is generally a better version here than on CS1 however, I feel having to spend $10,000 to upgrade equipment to +15 is too costly.
I have probably missed lots of stuff so if you think of any other points, please do let me know and I can add it. Feedback welcome.
If a Mod could forward this thread to R2 as well that'd be great, even if you're not sure it will do much.
1: During the game's early months lots of severe bugs were wrongly made live, and for a while many players got to dupe various items such as gems and PUC, to name a couple. Many of the culprits merely got a slap on the wrist and have gotten away with it to this day. Next time R2 need's to do a proper rollback such as the one that occurred recently.
2. Glitches such as the signpost that often stops players when auto running in SG. Dungeons such as Krait Grotto, taking you back to Tree of Life every time you leave party when you're finished the run, or to Starglade if you leave via the NPC, Evil Beast Sanctuary and Underdark have similar issues too. Even just the little things like having to press a button twice before it open's (Frageron forge), these aren't game breaking thing's necessarily, but ruin the fluidity of the game while you play. It's all just very lazy especially when you consider most of these small problems have been around since game release.
3. To many things are bound, equipment shards, void materials, corruption stuff - cashers strong enough to farm things that free players need desperately, are mostly bound which is really frustrating, because it means we can't even help free 2 play people as much as on CS1, with many of these items. Most of these players, unless they have a casher friend helping them with cash only stuff, end up quitting because they reach a point where progress is extremely minimal. Without this free player base servers will continue to look dead, those players took up a large proportion of servers. Wheres events like wrangle or the magic mine from CS1, these were events that allowed free players to get good items for themselves.
4. Poor Weekly Events barely ever change, new events never get implemented. The kitten event is really weak, nobody wants HW's for gold and the only one's which are good are the fate roulette and Real and Sham to be honest. Maybe make Real and Sham spawn more throughout the day, or bring back the classic invaders from cs1. Quartermaster tokens should be focused on more for these events as these allow free players as well as cashers to benefit and upgrade their toons.
5. CP/Point Shop's barely ever updated or if it is, with stuff that are not worth buying. Wheres the PUC? or the DC? I'm not sure the Developer's play their game much, or even listen to what the Mod's forward to them from the community, to know what need's doing.
6. How thing's currently are, it will take to long to get the Elite level skill to max. It's just not realistic, maybe lower the thresholds for each level, or increase the exp gains.
7. I think the new VIP system is generally a better version here than on CS1 however, I feel having to spend $10,000 to upgrade equipment to +15 is too costly.
I have probably missed lots of stuff so if you think of any other points, please do let me know and I can add it. Feedback welcome.
If a Mod could forward this thread to R2 as well that'd be great, even if you're not sure it will do much.