So..I think I heard about this a while back but initially I didn't think it was actually true, but it was brought to my attention again recently that Adobe is pulling the plug on Flash around 2020.So I just wanted to know if R2 even has a plan put in place for this or whether CS literally has 2 years left till it's over. Or do we know if the company possibly plans to convert the game to HTML5? (I heard this could be possible). I'd really appreciate an official R2 response on this. Thanks
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What's happening to CS2/1 when Adobe ends Flash in 2020
already answered here, basically r2 will 'address it' when it happens, i doubt r2 even know what html 5 is so i think it's safe to say game is dead by 2020 i mean it's already dead how it is, why even bother converting? it'll require actual work'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'
game wont be around in 2020, R2 ruined this great game long ago, they suck, they know they suck, they dont care, and they would never spend a signifigant amount of money to reformat this game or do anything to modify to keep it going post adobe flash if it is true. But like i said i dont see how this game will be alive still then unless R2 does some insane stuffDefending the Undefendable is a form of insanity. This world has gone crazy.
Originally posted by briansid1981 View Postgame wont be around in 2020, R2 ruined this great game long ago, they suck, they know they suck, they dont care, and they would never spend a signifigant amount of money to reformat this game or do anything to modify to keep it going post adobe flash if it is true. But like i said i dont see how this game will be alive still then unless R2 does some insane stuff
Well, CS actually started dying back in 2015/2016 due to the P2W ** they initiated later on.Thus why the game was pulled from Kongregate and ****** everyone off that spent cash on their game... Reminds me of Kixeye, takes money and then shuts down the game and you lose all the money and progress over the years you spent perfecting your character(s).
I mean look at the ones that played on Legend Knight servers, they spent money on that for over a year and then gets shut down and nobody(from what i can tell) was compensated for that shut down, even though they were told they'd be compensated.... IMO, why spend money on their games when they just end up shutting down and you end up wasting money.
Does is look like i give a f... Oooo, a twinkie!!
Originally posted by DeltaSigma View Post
The future of this game is uncertain, to be honest I used to believe Crystal Saga to last until 2014, however the game is still active. Best advice about knowing the future of this game is just wait, I doubt R2 will address the issue 2 years before it occurs, I'm sure they are aware of it and they will be monitoring anything relevant to the game business, of course if there's something that we need to know it will be announced accordingly.'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'
Originally posted by xPrototypeT View Post
if they were aware of it/cared, they'd say it's shutting down or converting to w/e the other thing is i forget so players dont worry and STILL SPEND and not worry about losing everything when the time comes which will what happen lets be honest (although most on cs2 mall so not like they earn much money why it was considered a 'flop' but on cs1 ik a number of people who spend 100+ legit monthly)
Originally posted by Yamgi View Post
What are the people on CS2 malling? There is nothing there to mall. If anything CS1 is doing all the malling.'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'
Originally posted by xPrototypeT View Post
use mall for a certain method to abuse funds for pixie, wings, everything since everything is cashable?
Originally posted by Yamgi View Post
people in cs2 just make alts to lvl 80 then fund it. no one uses the mall, but on cs1 i saw like 15 or more mallbots running into SR. That is why I quit cs1. It is nothing but mall. That is also why I am glad r2 made everything bound in cs2.
Originally posted by Kalaripayattu View Post
Now that I have played both cs2 and cs1, I have to say both games have mall bots, it's a prevalent problem that r2 can't seem to fully address. Now as for players using mall, both game versions have it as well (there's are some mallers in the s1-s6 group of cs2). Big difference is when you report people for suspicious activity/malling, cheaters are actually banned/punished accordingly in cs1, not clearly the case with cs2 , and that is why I finally quit cs2 after 2 years there. Tbh, I think people have heavier inclination to mall on cs2 with it being more pay to win than cs1. Regardless, I think cs1 is always the better choice of the two in all aspects.
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They are both pay to win games. The reason cs2 has so many bound items, no free roses, no torches in dragon wheel, no dragon coins in dragon wheel and no daily log in dragon coins gem coupons ect is because mall abused those things so bad in cs1 with all the bots. They made cs2 less bot friendly and taking out or making some of those items bound would be an attempt to reduce the malling people constantly complain about. There really isn't a reason to mall on cs2 the way things are.
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I knew of some people in CS2 malling for prom wings, dc, puc, and apuc, reported with evidence (some even openly admitting) and after several months, they are still playing lol. I'm not even gonna include here players who were heavily involved in past bugs (duping, glitch abuse etc) most of whom went unpunished. Honestly, got tired reporting and caring for CS2 since the devs or whatever don't seem to care. Granted that cs1 has it's fair share of rule breakers in the past, it seems to me the devs are more attentive here. Been only 4 months since I began playing cs1 and to date, everyone I reported from advertising mall to suspicious activity seemed to have been dealt with (I can't view their profile anymore). I'm more than happy with that. Plus cs1 has a bigger playerbase, I see activity everywhere (at least in my server cluster) compared to my old dead server group in CS2.