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02/15 Server Update

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  • [Patch Notes] 02/15 Server Update

    • Leveler Perks
    • Blessed Bath Booty
    • Strikin’ It Rich
    • Test of Strength
    • Let Them Eat Cake!
    • Daily First Recharge Pack
    • It Pays to Consume
    • Consumer Points
    • Accumulative Recharge Bonus
    • 100% Crystal Rebate
    Last edited by *Minori*; 02-18-2023, 02:57 PM.
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  • #2
    [Activity] Leveler Perks
    Duration: 02/15 - 02/21:59 PM (Server Time)
    Server: All Servers
    Level Requirement: 60+
    Description: Now’s the time to level up! Visit the Quartermaster during this event after reaching levels 60, 80, 100, or 120 to claim the following rewards:
    • Level 60: Quartermaster Token Pack x1
    • Level 80: Greater Mount Upgrade Token (Bound) x6
    • Level 100: Pearl of Wisdom (Bound) x10
    • Level 120: Strange Energy (Bound) x6
    Note: Players who have met the requirements prior to this event may also participate. Each reward can be claimed once per character.

    [Activity] Blessed Bath Booty
    Duration: 02/15 - 02/21:59 PM (Server Time)
    Server: All Servers
    Level Requirement: 20+
    Description: It’s that time again, when taking a bath with a bunch of your friends doesn’t seem like such a strange idea after all. For the following week, players who complete the daily quest, Blessed Bath, will be rewarded with a Quartermaster Token Pack x2.

    [Activity] Strikin’ It Rich
    Duration: 02/15 - 02/21:59 PM (Server Time)
    Server: All Servers
    Level: 20+
    Description: Huge gem deposits have been discovered in the areas surrounding Starglade! Mine the quarries in Windshear Peaks, Cragstone, Himeng Valley, The Glimmering Plains, and Kaspaya Beach once per day to collect Winter Gem x1 (per mine). Winter Gems can be exchanged at the Quartermaster for the following:
    • Winter Gem x2 = Normal Gem Coupon x1
    • Winter Gem x5 = Quartermaster Token Pack x1
    [Activity] Test of Strength
    Duration: 02/15 - 02/21:59 PM (Server Time)
    Server: All Servers
    Level Requirement: 30+
    Description: Test what you’re made of on the Battlefields of Vidalia and be rewarded. During this event, compete in the daily event Sengolia and then visit the NPC there to receive Quartermaster Token Pack x1, once per day.

    [Activity] Let Them Eat Cake!
    Duration: 02/15 - 02/21:59 PM (Server Time)
    Server: All Servers
    Level Requirement: 30+
    Description: A large and mysterious looking cake will appear at 19:00 in Starglade (L1) for three hours every day. Help yourself to some cake and receive a Mysterious Cake Pack, once per day. Each pack contains all of the following:
    • 2X EXP Token (Bound) x3
    • Quartermaster Token Pack x1
    • Greater Mount Upgrade Token (Bound) x3
    • Health Orb (Bound) x2
    • Ancient Feather (Bound) x3
    If you have a problem, need assistance and we can't help? Submit a ticket with R2 here
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    • #3
      [Promotion] Daily First Recharge Pack
      Duration: 02/15 - 02/21:59 PM (Server Time)
      Server: All Servers
      Level requirement: None
      Description: During the promotion, receive a Daily First Recharge Pack each day you purchase 500 or more Crystals.
      The pack contains: Polish Note x80 Talisman Stone x40 Imbuing Stone II x23

      [Promotion] Consumer Points
      Duration: 02/15 - 02/21:59 PM (Server Time)
      Server: All Servers
      Level Requirement: None
      Description: During the event, spend 1 Crystal = 160 Consumer Points (CP). Players can use the Consumer Points to purchase items in the Consumer Points Shop.
      Note: All Consumer Points will be cleared when the event ends.

      [Promotion] It Pays to Consume
      Duration: 02/15 - 02/21:59 PM (Server Time)
      Server: All Servers
      Level Requirement: None
      : During this promotion, use Crystals to purchase items in the Item Shop and receive a number of special rewards! Rewards are based on the total Crystals spent during the duration of this promotion – NOT in the total Crystals purchased. Once you reach the requirements below, visit the Quartermaster in Starglade to receive your extra rewards.
      Note: Each reward can only be collected once.
      Crystals Spent Rewards
      500 Polish Note x52, Lodestone x32
      2000 Transfer Note x40, Drumstick x88
      6000 Demonic Bloodstone x340, Genesis Shard x15
      10000 Dragon Essence x308, Patron Tribute x308, Morph Crystal x745
      20000 Lodestone x285, Drumstick x285, Demonic Bloodstone x285
      Issue Order (3?) x50
      30000 Strange Energy x285, Energy Crystal x285, Energy Particle x635
      Issue Order (5?) x50

      [Promotion] Accumulative Recharge Bonus
      Duration: 02/15 - 02/21:59 PM (Server Time)
      Server: All Servers
      Level Requirement: None
      Description: During this promotion, recharge certain total amounts of Crystal and be rewarded with Gift Packs!
      Note: Each reward can only be collected once.
      Recharge Total Rewards
      500 Pack A: Black Dragon Coin x28, Divine Key x25
      2000 Pack B: Soul Print x75, Cosmic Bijou x8
      6000 Pack C: Zodiac Enchantment Stone (Legendary) x80, Reiki Activator x8
      10000 Pack D: Superior Gems Coupon x20, Ancient Genie Upgrade Crystal x45
      20000 Pack E: Therion x18, Clearing Stone x7, Wallbreaker Orb x65
      30000 Pack F: Enchanted Skill Dust x19, Soul Gem x125
      60000 Pack G: Greater Pearl of Wisdom x135, 1M Living Beings x7

      [Promotion] 100% Crystal Rebate
      Duration: 2/15 – 2/17 11:59 PM (Server Time)
      Server: All Servers
      Level Requirement: None
      Description: During this promotion, per day purchase a certain amount of Crystal and get 100% Crystal rebates! Totals will be reset daily. Each level of rewards can be redeemed once per day. This promotion lasts only 3 days, so don't miss out!
      Recharge Total 500 Crystal (Per Day) = 500 Crystal Card
      Recharge Total 1000 Crystal (Per Day) = 1000 Crystal Card
      Recharge Total 2000 Crystal (Per Day) = 2000 Crystal Card
      Recharge Total 6000 Crystal (Per Day) = 6000 Crystal Card
      Recharge Total 10000 Crystal (Per Day) = 10000 Crystal Card
      Recharge Total 20000 Crystal (Per Day) = 20000 Crystal Card
      Recharge Total 30000 Crystal (Per Day) = 30000 Crystal Card
      Recharge Total 50000 Crystal (Per Day) = 50000 Crystal Card

      If you have a problem, need assistance and we can't help? Submit a ticket with R2 here
      Please, view the bug report list here - CS1
      Forum Rules are located here
      Please, view the bug report list here - CS2
      Looking for a guide? Try here.*

      CS1 - FAQ here

      Please, note my inbox is broken. Post your issue or question on the forums.

