y is everbody tell me that i cant play this char on the other server i seen alot of s41 on s37
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[Annoucement] Server Merge Scheduled for Tuesday, June 19th
Oh look! There's my name!!!Hmmm... grind grind grind... level level level.... Stop with the fussing people I heard a lot of S37 people say they were joining guilds in S41 don't see what the fuss is about. I mean jeez Afrodite stood up and defended S41 Torrent to day while they did their nimbus.
P.S: About the GR thing.. I saw S41 killing S41s as well so don't make it seem like only CheurnaG was killing Amethyst :O I was even killed by someone in Amethyst (Hi GreatCreator dude/lady).Last edited by TheGenie; 06-19-2012, 12:24 PM."Laugh as much as you breathe. Love as long as you Live"
Name: Kasumi`
Guild: Defiance
Servers: Elemental Temple/Forgotten City"It's Just a game so enjoy it, and when it's no longer fun.... then log off"
they joining torrent .... so they want nimbus in there (thats obvious). they wont protect all (old)amethyst server from they own.
S41 killing S41 or S37 > S37.... ok bout same time to play, lvl, farm, arm.
Great killed you? I dont have as many $ to spend on a game, tho i doubt ill spend anymore on it (surely i wont, just look what they did, merged us with waaay older server, announcing it day before o.O)
P.s. english is my third language, dont judge me xD
Couple days after.
Still no one (S41) can do GD, delivery or any other events. everyone get killed at entrance,by (S37) before can even pick up anything.
Wtahs the point to play here anymore ?!?!
Some top players leaved allready, if that was point of this merge ..... you should just reset our server !d!ots
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Once they have that you wont see any (S41) on this server!
Give us immunity or something in GR and delivery so we also can do it, extra xp (torches or 2x coupons, idk whatever)something to catch up to them.
Otherwise you'll have to merge this server again in month or 2 couse there will be on it only (S37).
Think people think,or is the thinking end on money only?!
(Half of (S41) quit allready).
congratulations on the merger. you just lost a lot of good players, specially those who you earn from, R2. they are not just changing servers, they are quitting for good.
for the record, the massive quitting is not because they can't accept the fact that their previous ranking was lost. not at all. the ranking can always be changed. to think amethyst is a month younger than cheurna and still got 3 scions who are part of the top 20. that only means we can change the rankings if we really want to. but the merger was really bad. we don't mind not being in top if that is how things are, what we mind is the bad attitude these people currently on the top has. amethyst was really a great server with great and decent people in it.
and you destroyed that. and if all you care about is your earnings, well, you lost an awful chunk of paying clients.
and yeah, btw, for those haters who hate cashers, please bear in mind, you won't be able to play for free at all if not for their money. R2 won't really just let you play for free if they don't get any back. cashers provide that. and yeah, this is just a game, please lessen the arrogance. =)