Originally posted by Caia_R21125326
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[Patch Notes] 03/19 Server Update
Wow people R really mad, I think this game will dissapear soon, except hard cashers continue mega cashing like I seen time before I quit, cuz CS and R2 only wonder on get more money... but that arent the point of a good bussines?? Get a lot of money doing the less effort?? Yah CS team R getting worse every day but the have good stuff too like corruption but the entire game is not corruption only, I just hope they work most like old years when CS was one of the best games, maybe with more staff people the game can become funny and playable again but well its their choice only, I'm most happy person since I quit for work but I wanted to come back but its hard seeing how all is going here, I really miss that shine that CS usually had and obviously the good people that still play, just hope this game becomes better soon or just then dissapear, so good luck to CS team and players and have fun ^w^
Originally posted by LadyJo View PostReverie, You could actually read what people are saying, cause these are pretty much old players and like you tell everyone - You play the game too right?
You're not even going to reassure the players saying "I'm going to talk to the DEVs about it, See what they say. Fingers crossed things get better"
You actually ignoring what everyone is saying? Cause that's how it looks and i'm pretty sure others are thinking the same.
Let's face it, Everyones worried about the game ending because WE spent so much time, money and work into this game.
Actually listen to us because sure this game is yours but we are actually the ones that make the game.
WE are as important as you are. Without you The DEVS/GMs - We wouldn't have a game.
But damn Without us you won't have a game that you can benefit from!
Fix up and actually consider what your players want and instead of making dumb high priced pets and mounts, put more thought in your events.
Life too short to live with regrets
u can check out my post ..... http://forum.r2games.com/showthread....t=crystal+sagaLast edited by RastafariCat7; 03-20-2015, 12:21 AM.
I WIN! I get the be lucky Mod! YAY! You guys have NO idea how much I wanted to be the Mod that replied to this thread. Haha!
Alright, enough of that. So first off, just because there are not events for St. Patrick's day does NOT mean that the game is shutting down. I am going to be the most logical voice on the forums at this moment. Lets take a look at some of the things that have been released in the last couple of months shall we? That sounds like fun. Woo Hoo lets take a little trip into the not so distant past.
Last Weeks Patch notes: http://forum.r2games.com/showthread....-Server-Update
Oh look, a new system, plus various bug fixes on the Beastmaster
The Week Before: http://forum.r2games.com/showthread....-Server-Update
Bugs fixed with the Imbuing system, and new level brackets added to the Nether.
A couple weeks before that (because the crew was gone for Chinese New Year for a while, and there WAS an announcement posted here in the forums saying as much) http://forum.r2games.com/showthread....-Server-Update
Lots of events for Valentines Day, and some fixes that the players asked for.
Couple Weeks before that: http://forum.r2games.com/showthread....-Server-Update
Oh look most fixes for Beastmaster bugs.
The Week Before that: http://forum.r2games.com/showthread....-Server-Update
The New Imbuing System. Yay for new things.
The Week before that: http://forum.r2games.com/showthread....-Server-Update
That is a MIGHTY long list of Bug fixes.
THAT all happened this year, and it is ONLY March. That is not even counting all of the things that were accomplished shortly before that. Like the Nether, like making it so that the players could claim a pack on each floor of the corruption. Oh yeah, somewhere in one of the patch note threads that I posted above is also the wing exchange, that was so desperately desired by the populace of CS. Alright, now you can all get angry and upset and mad at me all you want, but I am just trying to bring you guys back down from your cloud of frustration at the current weeks events, and bring you back to the real world of how much the whole CS team has been working to fix things, and to bring new PERMANENT events and systems into the game. Because, trust me, if the game was anywhere NEAR shutting down, the team would NOT be putting anywhere near the time or energy into everything like they have been doing.
Also, just for reference, when you target a Mod on the forums, please look at their title. The color of my name is BLUE, and under it, my position at R2 is FORUM MODERATOR. We are not the end all say all to anything. We can contact the GMs to have something looked into for you. We try to know as much about the game as we can so that we can answer your questions in the best way as possible. But we do not get to make any decisions about the game, just like you, we can make suggestions and requests, but ours mean no more than yours. And we have no contacts with the Development team. None. Period. So expecting us to tell the Devs that you are unhappy, yeah, sorry that happens to not be possible. My job, Reverie's job, Shadow's job... is here... on the forums. The forums is our home. I wish that I could say that I could go and complain to the Devs for you... but I cannot even complain at the Devs for myself. LOL Neither can Rev.
I can tell you that the CS team is fully aware of your unhappiness. That does not mean that things are going to be different. In fact, more bug fixes, and more new events and systems have been added to the game in the last six months then ever. The team is working hard on this game. I hope that you can all see that.
If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?
KidSess take me 2 voidI want some DE #16
BTW everyone raging wont helps solve your problems. hehe. Sounds like you all are encouraging r2 to end CS.Your just giving more problems for them and they obviously have a lot atm. So stop complaining. . . actually i like seeing players rage so keep complaininWhy is bacon called bacon and cookies called cookies when you bake cookies and cook bacon
Originally posted by BlazingAngel View PostI WIN! I get the be lucky Mod! YAY! You guys have NO idea how much I wanted to be the Mod that replied to this thread. Haha!
Alright, enough of that. So first off, just because there are not events for St. Patrick's day does NOT mean that the game is shutting down. I am going to be the most logical voice on the forums at this moment. Lets take a look at some of the things that have been released in the last couple of months shall we? That sounds like fun. Woo Hoo lets take a little trip into the not so distant past.
[.....]'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'
Originally posted by xPrototypeT View PostWorking hard? Yeah sure... Copying coding from the original version must be near impossible...
Originally posted by xPrototypeT View PostWorking hard? Yeah sure... Copying coding from the original version must be near impossible...
um lets see.... do you know mandarin chinese? if you do then maybe you can help them TRANSLATE the code. especially since there is almost no direct translation from manarin chinese to english....(S39)Schrodinger, Eidolon, Knight
server: Erie Marsh
"Save a life, grope your wife" Breast Cancer awareness"Stupid people are like slinkies, they are good for nothing but will bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs."