I would like to add. We all enjoy our game play , but there are those who wish to sit back and complain for the events and the promotions which come out on R2. If anyone would stop to think that we are getting a translated version from the original version , which mean there will be bugs, there will be glitches due to the translation and there is nothing R2 can do about the events and the promotions we have. R2 can only put out for us what is sent in patches and what is in the original game. They can request patches to be sent , but until R2 receives them and can implement them, we do not see the new events/items. So please everyone calm yourselves and just enjoy your current game play and be surprised /happy when we do get new events/items. Remember also that with these new events/items there could be gliltches/bugs that will need to be worked out. Reporting this glitches/bugs is the best way to get things fixed quicker, not complaining continuously about them.
No announcement yet.
[Patch Notes] 03/19 Server Update
Yes there are still bugs. They are not gonna magically disappear. Wow i would like to see you do the Devs jobs and see how fast you can get things fixed . They have manage to fix more than a handful of bugs just in the last few months. The bugs that get fixed are prioritized by importance. So the bugs that affect the function of a particular class and i dont speak of a skill bug , but how the beast master was bugged are a little more important than say a bug where there is a stuck mob. Are we gonna have a perfect game..probably not but as long as we keep complaining negatively instead of giving positive feedback about the things that are getting fixed , they may slow down their fixing . Why bother to fix things if the only thing players are gonna do is complain.
Originally posted by BlazingAngel View PostI WIN! I get the be lucky Mod! YAY! You guys have NO idea how much I wanted to be the Mod that replied to this thread. Haha!
Alright, enough of that. So first off, just because there are not events for St. Patrick's day does NOT mean that the game is shutting down. I am going to be the most logical voice on the forums at this moment. Lets take a look at some of the things that have been released in the last couple of months shall we? That sounds like fun. Woo Hoo lets take a little trip into the not so distant past.
Originally posted by xPrototypeT View PostIf I was given the chance too, I would fix everything lol players need to be satisfied. They should really test stuff before releasing so there are no bugs just makes em look bad
Originally posted by aseddadaSEC View PostI would like to add. We all enjoy our game play , but there are those who wish to sit back and complain for the events and the promotions which come out on R2. If anyone would stop to think that we are getting a translated version from the original version , which mean there will be bugs, there will be glitches due to the translation and there is nothing R2 can do about the events and the promotions we have. R2 can only put out for us what is sent in patches and what is in the original game. They can request patches to be sent , but until R2 receives them and can implement them, we do not see the new events/items. So please everyone calm yourselves and just enjoy your current game play and be surprised /happy when we do get new events/items. Remember also that with these new events/items there could be gliltches/bugs that will need to be worked out. Reporting this glitches/bugs is the best way to get things fixed quicker, not complaining continuously about them.S42MxMood03
Life too short to live with regrets
Ok so patches dont affect you, that is nice to know that you could play your game without any patches. Patches affect all players, but most of them where the bugs have been fixed only affect certain ones but they are still important. And I am not disagreeing that the players are upset with the lack of events recently, my statements were to get people to stop making far stretches to the fact that CS is gonna close because we have not had any events. And there is certainly no reason to come on the forums and bash R2 staff and be rude to one another. But, some people have no other mode when expressing their concerns or issues than rudeness i suppose. Could we have had the events sure, but they seemed to think that putting their time into trying to get some of the more important bugs fixed a priority. Hopefully R2 will see the dissatisfaction of the players and make a better attempt at getting things back on schedule for them.
Originally posted by BlazingAngel View PostI WIN! I get the be lucky Mod! YAY! You guys have NO idea how much I wanted to be the Mod that replied to this thread. Haha!
Alright, enough of that. So first off, just because there are not events for St. Patrick's day does NOT mean that the game is shutting down. I am going to be the most logical voice on the forums at this moment. Lets take a look at some of the things that have been released in the last couple of months shall we? That sounds like fun. Woo Hoo lets take a little trip into the not so distant past.
I agree with you that just because there wasn't St. Patrick's event it doesn't mean that the game is shutting down, what I think is developers heard that players are unhappy with events that always repeat and wanted to make some new and fun events for St. Patrick but sadly they couldn't think of anythingso there wasn't any St. Patrick events at all. (obvious joke)
On bugmasters there's still a long list of bugs that need to be fixed and that class is been around for months now. Some of their bug fixes created more bugs then when those bug were fixed it caused a lot of bugmaster players losing their gems. Did they do anything about that? Of course not.
They added imbue system? Great... They also added a bug that allowed many players to imbue their gear basically for free, then they fixed the bug, great... But what they didn't do is they didn't do anything about those players that abused the bug, but that's normal for this game. Happened many times before.
They added another bracket for nether? Try dying in lower level Nether, after you revive you will be in upper nether... Makes me wonder if they should try and do some testes before adding anything new to the game?
They added wing exchange? 25 EWs for 1 DF? Great logic... 250 EWs for not even 1 click on Divine wing upgrade... Might as well remove that exchange... (But since you mentioned wing exchange, there's still no exchange for Promethean wings)
Should I mention GMs don't even bother replying the tickets most of the time and if some one hope for a reply they need to come to forums and bother one of the moderators to forward their ticket so that some GM might pay little attention? Guess I just did.
And yes they did made it possible for us to collect corruption packs on every floor (which by all logic should have been like that from the day corruption was added in the game), but that only happened because some guy brought torches and pitchforks to the forums and started a riot... That's your "real world" of crystal saga right there. And it's why players complain, the more we complain the more chance developers of this game actually pay attention to their players and make some changes for the better...And if some players target some of you moderators it's probably because most of the time you all act like bunch of (fill the blanks) of the devs, defend them and trying to make it sound like everything is great (like your post above for example) when clearly it isn't.Last edited by Reverie; 03-20-2015, 12:12 PM. Reason: Shortened quote / removed unnecessary comment.
I was that guy that brought pitchforks and such for corrupt packs ^.^ hhehehe💎Crystal Saga💎
☆Game Name: (s61)kanyo™
☆Death Tank
☆PvP King at your service
Upgrading a system and seeing the new *look* it gives is one of the best feelings huh? 😅
“You’re more important than my sword. …But just a little.â€
— Angeal (Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core)
Alright, let ms start by answering some of your questions...
Is that sarcasm you started your post with? Or you are really happy O.o
Yup on both of those counts. It was meant to sound massively sarcastic, but at the same time you have no idea how much I wanted to respond. I volunteered and threw my hand so high up in the air that when I was called on and told to go for it I was practicaly bouncing in my chair in the excitement of the sarcasm that I was given permission to unleash upon the world! LOL
Alright so on ANYTHING having to do with bug fixes. "You say: Makes me wonder if they should try and do some testes before adding anything new to the game?"
If you knew anything at ALL about coding then Im pretty sure that you would not state your complaints in the way that you do. First the Beastmaster, and your complaints with bugs getting fixed and then new ones popping up. I want to know who you think is going to do more extensive testing on anything without it being released into the servers. Because sometimes it takes weeks for a bug to become known, even on the main servers. Are you suggesting that the Mods VOLUNTEER MORE of their time to extensively test every single new feature in the game? Do you know how long we already spend trying to make sure that we know as many of the important answers as possible. Not to mention that the way that it works with coding is this, you discover that there is an issue, you go in, and now that you know there is an issue you can see where it might come from, so then you fix it. And everything looks good. Even reading through the code it looks good. And you do not know that there is an issue with two different things working together until that strange scenario happens. Like for example the new Nether bug. Do you think that when testing to make sure that the coding for the different brackets of the Nether, the Dev's thought "Oh yeah, we should test dying to make sure that we respawn into the correct place"? When there are different level brackets to an event, the event is just cloned with level brackets added in. So in theory that code looks correct, but they now have to go in and comb through it and try to find the place where there is one wrong keystroke that is allowing this to happen. Do you think it is a quick fix. That it is easy. Or do you actually realize that it takes hours combing through the coding to fix these issues.
When it comes to issues like the Imbue bug and the gems in the beastmaster gear. So both of those things were unintentional bugs. Basically you want the gems returned to the players that lost them from their beastmaster gear, even though it was pretty clear by the fact that none of the other classes could socket gems into their necklace or ring, so it was for sure a bug. So you want the players to basically be rewarded, and given their items back, when they lost them because they abused a bug. But on the exact same hand, you want people that abused the Imbue bug (which by the way, from my searching was NOT very many people that experienced the bug, and it seemed pretty random) to get in trouble because their items did not disappear? Im guessing that if you had experienced this bug yourself then you would have... what? Seen that your items did not get used, and be the good and honest player that we know you are, and THROW them away! Yup. I totally believe that. In reality, you want the beastmasters rewarded for abusing a bug with their gems, and in the same breath you want anyone that the Imbue bug affected to get punished for not throwing away an item that was not consumed... hmm... that sounds totally plausible and fair.
Oh wait, I wanted to say something about the wing exchange. Do you never go to IOB? Getting 25 EW for a DF is NOT HARD to do. EW are everywhere honestly. Its not hard.
How bout this tiny little statement: "Should I mention GMs don't even bother replying the tickets most of the time and if some one hope for a reply they need to come to forums and bother one of the moderators to forward their ticket so that some GM might pay little attention? Guess I just did"
Kinda not even worthy of a response as most people that ask me to forward tickets for them tell me that it has been "days since a response" or whatever, when in reality their ticket was filed two hours before they PMed me. So... yeah...
You think that we are targeted because we kiss the butts of the Devs. Hmm... I would love to know how that happens when WE HAVE NO CONTACT WITH THE DEVS?! I dont know how many times THAT has to be stated. A million I guess. LOL No, I am just logical, and I do not sit back on my pedestal (the one that most people think they belong on) and ignore what goes into everything. This has nothing to do with me kissing up to the Devs, the GMs, or anyone at R2. I have no need to kiss anyones butt. Honestly, why would I need to kiss up? To save my voluntary position. The position that I volunteer to do, that is thankless and comes with tons of blame from players that do not understand how things work, both on the forums and in game? Yup. That sounds totally awesome to me. Honestly, I am a mod because of that 1 in 100 people that actually appreciate what I do. But hey. Whatever. Still no need to kiss up to anyone.
Alright... Im done with my overabundance of sarcasm and reality for the day... alright for the moment. Im sure that I could always come up with some more if I was asked to... LOL
If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?
Originally posted by aseddadaSEC View PostOk so patches dont affect you, that is nice to know that you could play your game without any patches. Patches affect all players, but most of them where the bugs have been fixed only affect certain ones but they are still important. And I am not disagreeing that the players are upset with the lack of events recently, my statements were to get people to stop making far stretches to the fact that CS is gonna close because we have not had any events. And there is certainly no reason to come on the forums and bash R2 staff and be rude to one another. But, some people have no other mode when expressing their concerns or issues than rudeness i suppose. Could we have had the events sure, but they seemed to think that putting their time into trying to get some of the more important bugs fixed a priority. Hopefully R2 will see the dissatisfaction of the players and make a better attempt at getting things back on schedule for them.S42MxMood03
Life too short to live with regrets
Originally posted by BlazingAngel View PostAlright, let ms start by answering some of your questions...
Is that sarcasm you started your post with? Or you are really happy O.o
Yup on both of those counts. It was meant to sound massively sarcastic, but at the same time you have no idea how much I wanted to respond. I volunteered and threw my hand so high up in the air that when I was called on and told to go for it I was practicaly bouncing in my chair in the excitement of the sarcasm that I was given permission to unleash upon the world! LOL
Alright so on ANYTHING having to do with bug fixes.
About bugmasters losing gems a simple apology in the patch notes would be enough instead of usual "ignore it like it never happened" attitude. About imbue bug and me throwing away my items, don't be silly, if I was around at the time the bug was still going I would have all my gear imbued now too. Why? Because nothing ever happens to those that abuse bugs. Btw always nice to see a mod giving their support to bug abusing.
About wing exchange and if I do IOB, and how hard it is to collect 25 EWs, I never said it's hard, I said there's no logic to it. But even if it's not hard there's no way you can farm 50 EWs per day to do daily exchange.
As for GMs replying tickets nice try... Every time I send ticket I get usual auto response then when I reply to that I have to wait days after days for another reply.
Again, I never said you have contact with the devs -_-' you don't have to have contact with some one to defend them, (and that's what you were doing in your post just now...again) so stop putting words in my mouth. As for you being logical, your logic is pretty much the same as the devs of this game, try to point out some of the good things and ignore every bad thing. (Reason why I bothered replying to your first post and pretty much reason why I reply your post now, because you keep doing it). And the last thing about ppl appreciating or not appreciating mods work, I appreciate Reveries work as mod. You, I barely ever see except when you come to be sarcastic and def the devs :P
For the person that posted "can people quit whining and enjoy the game if u dont like it quit and stop bothering mods with your complaints!!!" I'll complain all I want to complain and I'm not complaining to the mods, I'm complaining on official "patch notes" thread that BTW don't have any single patch, just letting us know about same old boring repetitive events. So follow your own advice if you don't like it "quit" reading this thread and go read something else.
I think its funny how players are not allowed to get upset with R2 for their lack of effort in trying to make new events!! Also I find funny how Mods who never speak on this forum comes on here to criticize the players!! Yes Mods are here to be the voice of R2 and also to be the voice for the players and yes it is voluntary but I am sure that as Mods ya have certain benefits that others players do not!!! (Maybe the reason for defending R2)!! As for the player who said "can people quit whining and enjoy the game if u don't like it quit and stop bothering mods with your complaints!!!" since this is your first post in forum I have to say this is what the mods are here for!!!! It is our right to come on here and voice our concerns or frustration with the game!!! I cash tons of money on this game and on my char and I don't like that we have the same o boring events then it is my RIGHT to come on forum to say something!!! s for R2349858 I agree with what you said and well said I may add!!! If R2 don't think its important to keep this game alive then I am not sure that my money is good for this game I know for a fact my husband has cashed a lot in this game even he is finding it boring to play!!! Also i think R2 needs to remember the first game they brought out and the game that has allowed them as a company to venture into other games IS CS!!! So you think as a company that they will try to do their best to make CS a priority instead of placing it on the back burner!!! Bring out new event is important for the players in this game and it is the reason that we voice our frustration on this game CERTAIN events have been ongoing since day one like New Years St. Patty, Easter etc.. for them not to place these events which is NOT hard to do since these events have been on going since the game started shows that R2 truly do not care for their players in this game just the money they are making!!!!S42MxMood03
Life too short to live with regrets