Turkeys S1-S3 (Aurora Point, Himeng Valley, and Kaymo Mountain) will be going down at 3 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) on 11/22/2012. For those of you on the West Coast, this will be at Midnight PST (Pacific Standard Time). The rest of the turkeys are planned to go offline for maintenance at 4 AM EST (1 AM PST). Downtime is expected to last 2 to 3 hours, but could be shorter or perhaps longer if things fowl up. Once turkeys are back online, players will be able to gobble up the new activities. Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates or changes.
We'd like to invite and encourage all players to join us in our IRC channel during weekly turkey maintenances. The channel will offer a great environment for players of all backgrounds to chat, discuss and debate anything and everything under the Vidalian sun. The channel is #crystalsaga and can be found on the Quakenet IRC server. For those of you without an IRC client, you may login through webchat at http://webchat.quakenet.org. Simply choose a nickname, and enter #crystalsaga as a channel. Thanks and hope to see there!
UPDATE: Patch notes are up! You can check them out in this thread.
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[Announcement] CS 11/22/2012 Turkey Maintenance @ 3:00 AM EST
[Announcement] CS 11/22/2012 Turkey Maintenance @ 3:00 AM EST
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Originally posted by fezzaboi View Postand no one learnt last time? STOP BEGGING FOR EVENTS...
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Originally posted by afwazaq View Posti think that they will be like last time , afk and collect turkeys from mobs (or elite mobs , dont remember ) and then roest them in bbq in stargladethat was good but we want something new
and pls DONT return the turkey pet
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i think that they will be like last time , afk and collect turkeys from mobs (or elite mobs , dont remember ) and then roest them in bbq in stargladethat was good but we want something new
and pls DONT return the turkey pet
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idk what you guys are talking about this event is actualy quite good. Gmuts, Ew, soul print, etc...really goodjust the bone dragon eggs have no value in the market no more :/
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Okay, I will be the first to admit that I was not really thrilled when I read what the events were going to be... Free Pet- Probably the suck... More growing and turning things in... UGH.... and more event drops from mobs... LAME.... but....
I'm LOVING THESE EVENTS.... the pet... not so bad. I won't use, but my alt will.... And the turn ins.. I have been getting GREAT stuff on my turn ins, not stuff I need, but stuff I can sell to get what I need... Thanks so much for a great thanksgiving event~
Oh... costumes suck, BUT... I can wait for Christmas... Hoping for a Christmas Costume Event.... Hint HintLast edited by Tiayis; 11-24-2012, 05:36 PM.
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Told you all not to get too excited, junk again not worth bothering with.
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All Turkeys are up..and we left the ovens off so they're running wild! Go get them turkeys!
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Im not golden brown yet >.> server is still unavailable <.< i still love you R2 <3 <3
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